Naturals/Transitioners...I'm BACK


New Member
And I'm actually very excited about it.

I tried it earlier in the year then thought well let me give Phyto a try and if I still can't manage my hair then I'm going back to natural. And ladies...I threw in the towel (so to speak)...relaxers are NOT for me.
At first (August 2004) the hair looked healthy and all was going well...well of course...because my hair was previously natural and very healthy. Of course it looked good relaxed (at first). Then the lye underprocessed parts went to work.
Fast forward to 2 years later (August 2006) and my hair is just not handling relaxers at all. I have breakage from the lye parts and I'm just tired of using things to try and maintain my relaxed hair when all my natural hair needed was a good conditioner, hair oil, good leave in and the occasional shampoo. So I decided I'm going to go back to natural hair and just learn natural hairstyles.

My ONLY issue with my natural hair before was I couldn't figure out how to do "grown up" styles and I was getting frustrated using products which weren't working with my natural hair. Well, I found products and for complicated styles I plan on going to my friend who is a great braider/weaver/cornrower. And once in a while I'll get the occasional blowdry/flatiron.

I went to a festival this past weekend and saw many naturals. Some with styles that didn't look as good as what I used to do and I thought "good grief...why was I so hard on myself?" ...hindsight. There is nothing wrong with my hair type or the styles I had (I shouldn't have cared what mom or the ass at work had to say about it) and it took seeing other people's hair to realize mine was just as good (if not better :look:).

I'm also picking this time to go natural because my mom is away :look: She won't have any say in it and by the time she is back in December I'll be 6 months into it and it'll be In order for this to work, I think I'm just going to have to tell her "it's my hair, I'm a grown woman and please leave me be about my hair." :ohwell:

My plan is to cut as it grows. Already my waist length hair is now at my bra strap. I really want to chop another 6" off (which would make it just past my shoulders) but will wait a little while longer.
By next August I think I'll be past my shoulders again so it's all good. It'll take me about 2-2.5 years to get to bra strap again and that's ok. To get back to lower back/waist I'll need 4 years (hopefully MTG can speed that up).
Thanks to working out 4-6x a week I'm getting 1/2"/month and when I add MTG I hope it bumps it up to 3/4-1"/month. I normally only get about .33"/ about 1" every 3 months.

Whoohoo...I'm coming back natural; sorry I left ya. LOL!

Don't be suprised to find PMs from me ladies...asking questions and needing support ;)
yay! Me too! I tried Phyto for a texturizer and I am finally ready to get back natural. When I went natural before, there were very few natural women to use as inspirations. I got a lot of flack from parents, and even random folks on the street.

Now, there are so many naturals, I feel a bit jealous. I'm happy for them, but I feel like my hair would definitely be the bomb now if I had just maintained the natural status. It's a process though and I can't wait to get back fully. I plan to use braids and cut gradually. My hair is shoulder length, so I think I'll get more length and then start double strand twisting my own hair from that point.
Thanks MeccaMedinah, UmSumayyah and beyondcute :)

So1913: Looking at your various siggies also helped me make my decision. We definitely do not have the same texture but it's nice seeing how carefree you are with your natural hair. No worries ;) :lol: I know it takes work but you makeit seem effortless.

tiffcurl: When did you decide to go natural? We can support eachother if you like. Actually if there are any members who stopped relaxing recently and are interesting in joining me (we can support each other) that would be nice.

Brownshugaz: I have done this before. Back in 1999 I BCed from shoulder blades to 1/2". Grew it to about 24-25" (from hairline back) then relaxed it.
This time I'm taking it slower cause it took me months to recover emotionally from that What hair type are you and what products are you using? I'll probably need hair styles from you (all of you) I'm not good at anything besides braids and pulling it up into some puffy style with some mini hair clips.
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Welcome to the club. :clap: You can do it!
Welcome back! Count me in for the support group. I've been transitioning since February and I'm currently in braids (for the next couple of days anyway - braids tend to get on my last nerve too quickly). Good luck with your transition.
Hey hun, I'm 4a. I think. LOL I may have some 3c sections but majority rules. Look in my album I have lots of styles and feel free to leave me any questions. I live by shea butter for moisturizing my hair.
Whad up , Faith?! Everytime I see your screenname, I can hear George Michael in my head singing,' I gotta have faith-a-faith-a-faith. Oooo I gotta have fai-iath!'
Welcome Home Faith!!!!~
I was really shocked when you said you were transitioning because you had achieved what so many of us are yearning for, already. WAISTLENGTH!!!!
When Den 1 relaxed, and then you relaxed, I thought....."I wonder what my hair would do if I tried Phyto...and I toyed with it...but then I look at the board and see all these ladies talking about "transitioning to natural" and I"m like...Huh?????...thse ladies are coming back my I guess what it boils down to "the grass is always (or seems to be)....greener on the other side....and then I thought of the worse case scenario....being relaxed and my hair starts cutting up and breaking and shedding...(shudders!) and I said to my natural hair..."It's you "maybe"... than relaxed and saying..."what was I thinking???" And my decision to stay natural was made. You will probably not be tempted I will be a very encouraging support for you....just ask away whenever. bonjour
insert: I said to my natural hair "It's you and me all the way and it's better to think "maybe" than to be relaxed and wishing I was natural...bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
Welcome Home Faith!!!!~
I was really shocked when you said you were transitioning because you had achieved what so many of us are yearning for, already. WAISTLENGTH!!!!
When Den 1 relaxed, and then you relaxed, I thought....."I wonder what my hair would do if I tried Phyto...and I toyed with it...but then I look at the board and see all these ladies talking about "transitioning to natural" and I"m like...Huh?????...thse ladies are coming back my I guess what it boils down to "the grass is always (or seems to be)....greener on the other side....and then I thought of the worse case scenario....being relaxed and my hair starts cutting up and breaking and shedding...(shudders!) and I said to my natural hair..."It's you "maybe"... than relaxed and saying..."what was I thinking???" And my decision to stay natural was made. You will probably not be tempted I will be a very encouraging support for you....just ask away whenever. bonjour
You're awesome girl :) I will definitely PM you for tips/help. You have a wealth of information :)