Naturals that use WEN


Well-Known Member
I have read a bunch of wen threads and it seems that most that use it are relaxed.

I have 613 and pumpkin that I would like to use but I am happy with my regimen. I don't use cones anymore but I think the cones in wen wash out easily.

I Am also afraid after reading posts about wen making their hair fall out. My thoughts on that are they probably left too much in or they had dyed and permed hair.

Are there any naturals out there that use wen on a consistent basis?
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I've been using Wen faithfully since March of this year. I use the same formulas as you with addition to the Gardenia Green Tea, Winter Vanilla, and Tea Tree cleansing conditioners as well as the Tea Tree and Lavendar Oils and 613 and Tea Tree Replenishing treatment mists.

It's only been 4-5 months of use for me, but so far I have yet to notice any hair loss outside of normal shedding.
Used Wen all through my natural phase, and now during my texurized phase. Wen is just about the BEST thing that's ever happened to my hair besides MT. It doesn't make your hair fall out, at least it hasn't done so for me. It makes my hair soooo easy to detangle, and that Mango Coco is the Shizz Nite!! I even stan for St. Chaz IRL with all of my friends and family...cause it's really just that good!

I don't use anything but cleansing conditioners, and once I'm back out at work, I'm just gonna stick to Wen, and Deva-Curl No Poo. Best cleansing conditioners Ever.