Naturals that transitioned without the Big Cut!


New Member
I have questions for you natural ladies that didn't do the big cut.

1. Did you have shedding or breakage while transitioning from relaxed to natural? If so what did you do about it?

2. What products did you use to maintain both textures of hair?

3. Did you flat iron regularly or wore your hair in protective styles?

I am a serious creamy crack addict and the reason I am even considering transitioning is that my mother who is 63 her hair is starting to bald due to I suspect heredity and relaxers. I don't want this to happen to me. So I'm being proactive by doing some research and asking questions. Your input is greatly appreciated.
I have questions for you natural ladies that didn't do the big cut.

1. Did you have shedding or breakage while transitioning from relaxed to natural? If so what did you do about it?

I'm still transitioning (9mo post) and I have had some shedding, but no more than usual. Breakage, yes - at the line of demarcation, but that's slowed alot since I found the right products & techniques.

2. What products did you use to maintain both textures of hair?

I use an aloe and glycerine mix for moisture - 4 oz aloe, 3 oz glycerine and then 1-2 oz of SAA, filtered water, jojoba oil or whatever else I feel like adding. It's all in an 8 oz spray bottle. Then I seal with coconut, castor, or peanut oil. Those are my daily products.

After wash/DC I spray with aloe/glycerine, use a leave in - Lacio Lacio, Herbal Essences Breaks OVer (disc'd) or Garnier Fruitese strength and shine, and seal with a detangling serum - garnier fructese split end mender I think it is, or PM Skinny and finally a little bit of oil. I like to use a serum and slippery products to detangle b/c it makes the job much much easier. And it gives slip to NG and relaxed air. Once detangled I usually airdry in a bun or two low buns. I do them with scrunci b/c I don't like forcing pins through wet hair.

My DC is usually a mixture of stuff - I do advise adding salt per the "Kiya Fizzle" recipe - it helps ALOT with moisture. Soft proteins like Aloe and SAA can help strengthen the demarcation line w/o drying out your hair.

3. Did you flat iron regularly or wore your hair in protective styles?

I mosty do protective styles. I don't co-wash frequently. I wash once a week and only comb on wash day (for the most part). I finger comb as needed during the week when I take down my bun to moisturize. I don't like manipulating my hair too much wet b/c that's when it's the weakest and the relaxed hair tangles.

I detangle with a large shower comb, and a Denman.


My response may not be that encouraging but I just want to make sure you don't make the same mistake I did. I transitioned to natural without big chopping and it was a DISASTER. I tried the Crown & Glory method and my hair broke off horribly at the demarcation line and it was terribly damaged. There are probably a dozen reasons why my hair broke off but the most important one is that I wasn't paying attention, nor was I moisturizing enough while my hair was in braids. I never understood why I had all this newgrowth but was not seeing length until I paid close attention to what was happening.

The positive side to what I'm saying is that if you pay close attention to your hair and it's behavior (breaking off etc) you will know how to manipulate your regimen. This was my number 1 mistake, since my hair was in braids all the time I never realized my hair was breaking. The most important thing I can say is pay close attention to your hair and learn how to tend to the two textures. Several ladies on this board have successfully transitioned without big chopping so it's obvious it can be done. However, I just want to give advice on what NOT to do. :yep:

ETA: Good luck on whatever you decide. HHG!
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I have questions for you natural ladies that didn't do the big cut.

1. Did you have shedding or breakage while transitioning from relaxed to natural? If so what did you do about it?
Im not completly natural yet but I'm 10 months post. I was having extreme amounts of shedding until I started incorporating garlic into my diet. As far as breakage not so much but I co wash daily with tresseme smooth and silky which I just found two months ago and LOVE. it makes my two textures blend perfectly.

2. What products did you use to maintain both textures of hair?
oops see above. Oh and also qhemet amla and olive heavy cream works wonders for smoothing new growth

3. Did you flat iron regularly or wore your hair in protective styles?
I flat iron about once a month but mainly i wear messy buns
I have questions for you natural ladies that didn't do the big cut.

1. Did you have shedding or breakage while transitioning from relaxed to natural? If so what did you do about it?

2. What products did you use to maintain both textures of hair?

3. Did you flat iron regularly or wore your hair in protective styles?

I am a serious creamy crack addict and the reason I am even considering transitioning is that my mother who is 63 her hair is starting to bald due to I suspect heredity and relaxers. I don't want this to happen to me. So I'm being proactive by doing some research and asking questions. Your input is greatly appreciated.

1. I actually didn't have a breakage problem. IDK if it's b/c I never got regular perms anyways (I would only get about 3-4 maximum since I started getting relaxers). I was always used to stretching relaxers (though I didn't know that's what I was doing). I just kept my hair moisturized and I didn't have a problem.

2. During my transition I used a LOT of products from the Profectiv line (ex. Healthy Ends, something for the scalp, Break-Free, their Anti-itch Serum, etc).

3. I flat ironed rarely (I was never that good anyway). I wore a lot of buns, ponytails, straw curls, and braidouts or twistouts.

I think it's good you're trying to get a plan. My 1st transitioning attempt failed b/c I didn't have a plan. But I'm glad I gave it another shot.

Good luck on your transition.
My 2nd time transitioning was alot more easier than my 1st time transitioning i dont know why or what happened between the 2 times because both times i transitioned with short hair. So i mean im not too good of a person if u are looking for someone that has natural hair with length. And both my transitions started the same way I think i usually was the last person to apply a relaxer to my head and just get frustrated and was ready for a change. I transitioned with using medium micros and sewins and it was much easier, i guess because i just didnt worry about it. And i also cowashed for a little while(just for some weeks while i wore wigs between the time of trying to decide on what i was going to do with my hair and trying to search for a good weave stylist.).

I didnt notice much breakage or shedding. I do have a short area up in the front that i hate that is uneven from the other parts of my hair but with time it will grow out.

I didnt flat iron and i didnt have any particular products that i used that i could suggest to you. I know i went and got the suave conditioners to do the cowashing with but bascially i would try to use everything that i had up which i do have alot of products and i also looked for products when i did wear my hair out to keep it moisturized and curly looking. I got my hair trimed once professionally and i tried to trim maybe once or twice but not much to it.
I haven't fully transitioned, but Jan 12 will make 13 months into my transition. I haven't had much breakage during this transition, but I condition and moisterize frequently. Right now I wear my hair a bun most of the time, but it's more for perservation on my curls because of a mishap with heat at the front of my head.

Early on, I did flat iron and got blowouts occasionally with no problems of breakage.

Good luck to you!
Oh this is a good thread! So, it seems that moisture is the key. :yep:

:yep: Yep! I didn't do that when I tried to transition the first time (was at 7months and caved). But this time I've learned that CW, coconut oil to seal wet hair, and DC are my friends. And this has lead me to have a fairly easy transition thus far. Everything is great except heat damage at the very front of my head (which cause some hair to be permanently straight :(.
I haven't fully transitioned, but Jan 12 will make 13 months into my transition. I haven't had much breakage during this transition, but I condition and moisterize frequently. Right now I wear my hair a bun most of the time, but it's more for perservation on my curls because of a mishap with heat at the front of my head.

Early on, I did flat iron and got blowouts occasionally with no problems of breakage.

Good luck to you!
I didn't realize we were that close as far as transitioning, I'll be 14 months on the 13th :grin:.

Bermuda, did you ever decide to transition?
^^^for me MOISTURE has definitely been the key^^^

I'm so happy to find this thread. I'm 11 months post and was considering cutting off my relaxed ends next month on my 1 year transitioning anniversary. When I tell people that they gasp in horror because my hair is doing so well now. It wasn't always that easy but I'll try and answer OP's questions as best I can.

1. Did you have shedding or breakage while transitioning from relaxed to natural? If so what did you do about it?

I had a lot of breakage and shedding esp. after I put my hair in twists using JAM. That stuff is the very devil and I lost FISTFULS of hair during an extremely gentle take down. I know now that I should have used a more natural and healthier product to twist with but I was so traumatized from that episode I never want twists again.

On a regular basis, I had the most breakage when I neglected to keep my hair properly moisturized. I know some people are going to cringe but keeping my scalp greased and a moisturizer in my hair stopped my breakeage. Adding garlic oil to my deep conditioner really got my shedding under control and I tried to up my washes to every 1 - 1 1/2 weeks as opposed to 2-3 weeks. (I would go that long because I had so much new growth that I dreaded wash day and detangling.)

2. What products did you use to maintain both textures of hair?

I tried to use up all of the products I had but only half of my hair would look decent and be manageable at any given time. Before I developed my ayurvedic regimen, I would use use mostly ORS products (the olive oil shampoo and the replenishing pack to deep condition with), then I would put coconut oil and aloe vera juice in my hair after my final cool water rinse. And a leave-in (most likely Carol's Daughter Tui Leave-In). Then I would blow dry with a cream straightener (it's been so long since I used it I'd have to pull it out to give you the name) and then flat iron (I added Silk Elements heat protectant a couple of months ago - yes, I was flat ironing without a heat protectant :blush:). It was very time consuming and I was concerning about all the heat but I didn't know how to make my hair manageable without it.

Then I started stalking the ayurvedic threads. I slowly started merging the ayurvedic products with what I was already using. I started pre-pooing with amla gold oil and coconut oil (my hair has responded extremely well to pre-poos and I don't wash without it now) and then washing with a Shikakai shampoo bar. Then I would continue on with the ORS replenishing with garlic oil added to deep condition. I cut out blow drying and opted instead for twisting my hair up with coconut oil, aloe vera juice and my leave-in under a hooded dryer and then spritzing with Silk Elements Heat Protectant and flat ironing. Later I used henna infused shampoos when I was in a hurry or just suffering from shampoo withdrawals (still feels weird to not use shampoo).

Last weekend my hair came out the best ever. I took the plunge and started using the powders I bought months ago. I prepoo'd with a mix of amla, coconut and peanut oils overnight. The next morning mixed 1 tbsp of shikakai powder with 2 tbsp of amla powder to 8 oz. of hot water (yes it was a little messy so next time I'll cut back a little on the water). I mixed in a bowl and then poured into a bottle with a spout. Without rinsing I parted my hair and poured this onto my scalp (whatever ran, I just caught it and smoothed it back into my hair). I put on a plastic cap and read for 3 hours. I rinsed in the shower for about 10 minutes with VO5 Moisture Milks Conditioner. I was in a hurry so I put coconut oil and ORS replenishing on my hair to detangle and pulled in back into a wet ponytail with clip. I let it air dry for about a day and a half and then spritzed with Silk Elements and flat ironed in small sections. I've had very little shedding and received a ton of compliments Monday on my hair. I'm an ayurveda baby for life! Since the powders work so well on both of my hair types I may not have to cut down from shoulder length to about 4 inches next month as was my original plan. But I will gradually begin cutting until I get rid of all the relaxed ends.

3. Did you flat iron regularly or wore your hair in protective styles?

I only flat iron after I wash, so at most once a week. I only flat iron for manageability (my husband prefers the European look so I don't do afro-centric styles very often). I protect my hair under a wig for the most part or if I wear my hair out, I have a low ponytail with a curly hair scrunchie or I twist it up into a clip (trying to get away from the ponytails as I normally wear them too tight and end up with stress breakage).

Sorry this was so long but I was trying to cover all the ups and downs of my transition. I've had lots of people look at me crazy and say "Girl, just give up and get a perm!" But I'm glad I hung in there. It wasn't always easy but I kept stalking the LHCF until I found a regiment that works for me. It's simple and my hair is gorgeous. What more can I ask? (Besides a cure for hand in hair disease?)

Oh, I almost forgot, I also upped my water consumption and began taking vitamin supplements. I've only been on these about 2 months but I take Fish/Flaxseed/Borage oil, Biotin, MSM, Super B Complex, a time released Vitamin C and iron (but I'm checking into Mega Foods Blood Builder to replace the iron - I wanna get the most bang for my buck).

Hope this lengthy post was helpful and happy hair growing!

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1. Did you have shedding or breakage while transitioning from relaxed to natural? If so what did you do about it? I didn't have any abnormal shedding. I didn't have that much breakage (at line of demarcation) until the last few months of my 21 month transition. It was mostly at the back. The reason is because i got lazy. Plain and simple.

2. What products did you use to maintain both textures of hair?

I didn't have to maintain both textures because i treated them like one. I rarely straightened my hair. I would wash it, air dry and put it in a bun thingy. I know that during the last 7 months i discovered IC fantasia gel. That was a huge help to me because of my fly-aways in the front.
3. Did you flat iron regularly or wore your hair in protective styles?
I only flatironed it like 6 times in the 21 months i transitioned. The main style was my bun thingy. I would sometimes do the flat twist and rock them for like a week or so b4 i took it out. Also i would sometimes get the front braided then put the back into my bun thingy.
I am a serious creamy crack addict and the reason I am even considering transitioning is that my mother who is 63 her hair is starting to bald due to I suspect heredity and relaxers. I don't want this to happen to me. So I'm being proactive by doing some research and asking questions. Your input is greatly appreciated.
1. Did you have shedding or breakage while transitioning from relaxed to natural? If so what did you do about it?
I did not have much shedding or breakage but I think it is because I combed my hair like it was the most valuable thing to me. And I also deep conditioned weekly which may have helped.
2. What products did you use to maintain both textures of hair?
I mostly cowashed and wore my hair in a bun using EcoStyler gel to slick back my edges.

3. Did you flat iron regularly or wore your hair in protective styles?
For the first year, I wore my hair in protective styles like kinky twists and buns. It wasn't until I gave myself a mini chop to SL that I started to straighten it weekly/biweekly. Then I got tired of doing it because it was taking too much time and I wanted to play Rugby for the school ( don't know how that's going to work out...I'm 5'2" 115 and those girls are huge!) so I big chopped.