Naturals that color


Active Member
I was having a conversation with a cousin-in-law who is also natural. She proceeded to tell me that I wasn't natural because I still had some colored ends. She fills that if your hair is chemically colored then you are not natural. Do you guys agree? I understand where she is coming from but I love color in my hair.

ETA: Also, how often are you using protein and what products, if you don't mind.
Get ready for the debate. It's been going on forever.

Be who you want to be and don't listen to the naysayers.

I'm natural and use henna.

Oh, and I use protein at least twice a month. Aphogee 2-step and Dudley DRC-28
Mannnn I dare somebody to tell me my nappy hair isn't natural because of some color :lol:

I can't with some of these brand new naturals, they're far too exxtraaaa. Doing too much with they hair too :duck:

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This argument is like the light skin dark skin debate but for hair. :lol:

IMO, if you don't have a perm then you're fully natural. If ppl who BKT claim natural, so can people who color their hair. Then again who cares? They aren't handing out awards to fully naturals.

What color do you use? How do you like it? Is it damaging? I want some color but I'm cheap and lazy.
Yes, I've heard this argument. The first time I heard it I was like huh? what? Whatever! What difference does it make?

Anyway. I color my hair usually a #2 darkbrown or #3 chestnut brown. I currently switch between Naturtint and Shea Moisture. I use 4 Naturals Reconstructor, 3 to 5 days after coloring my hair. And I will use 4 Naturals or Giovanni Nutrafix in between color treatments depending on how my hair feels. I use protein at least once a month though. I just purchased L'Oreals 5 Rescue Repair or whatever it is called and I use that weekly as a prepoo.
^^does Naturtint have a blue black faithVA? I've been missing my glossy black fro and rinses just don't cut it for me.

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I'm natural and I color my hair :yep: and did I mention I AM NATURAL. :) I look at it this way.. When I wash my hair my curls are not altered... They spring back just like they did before I colored my hair. I use Curl Junkie Rehab every 2 weeks, my hair loves protein. I did have to change my reggie in order to keep my hair moisturized. I do the GHE at least 3x a week and deep condition weekly with a moisturizing DT.

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By that logic girls with BKT or heat damage aren't natural. Some people put way too many labels on what qualifies on being a natural as if going through the process of cutting out your relaxer isn't enough. My hair color is a multitude of layers and layers of henna and and hydrogen peroxide treatment because i was that scared of bleach. It turned my edges orange but combined with henna, it has now settled into a nice brownish-red highligts. I'm starting to miss my black hair though...
Forget her. You do not have to live by the opinions of other when it comes to your hair. Keep your ends and wear them well. Who cares? Who? Maybe somebody who wants to see you go backwards. Just sayin'.
I don't mean to sound rude, but I never understood what difference it makes? White people tan, but they are still white people :ohwell:
SlimPickinz I go to the salon for coloring. I'm currently growing out a color so only my ends have color. I haven't found coloring to be damaging to my hair and I've been coloring since high school and I'm 33. I'm thinking about getting some color for Christmas or after the new year.
After a certain age some of us grey terribly. I'm only 34 but I have so many grey hair and it's all conveniently in the front of my hair! The back of my hair is perfectly black. I say all this to say that yeah I'm natural but that isn't gonna stop me from doing what I'm gonna do. It's mentally like that why so many shy away from going natural.
Yes I color my hair. Yes I still consider my hair natural. My definition of natural means I am not using a chemical to alter the texture of my hair. It's that cut and dry for me. I don't care what anybody else's definition is. I think people nit pick just to start meaningless debates.

I use L'Oreal Mega Browns when I want to do permanent color, but I most recently used Revlon Colorsilk to dye my hair blue black. In between permanent color I tend to use Beyond The Zone Color Jamz to give myself a vibrant red color with worrying about any damage.

I use Cure Care conditioner and Hollywood Beauty Olive Cholesterol for protein and deep conditioning. I use the Cure Care every wash & I cowash with it. The cholesterol is used twice a month.
I've always understood "natural" hair to refer to texture for POC. Non-curlies who wear their normal texture of hair are "natural."
I agree that any chemical that permanently and purposefully alters texture is "unnatural." But I hate how some people take that to be such a bad thing.

It doesn't seem like people get torn up over who's a "natural" blonde and who isn't. If the color looks good on the person, no one seems to care.

I use henna at least 1x a month. I haven't experienced any texture changes and henna is a natural dye, not unlike indigo, sage, walnut hull, or chamomile. I'm still natural.

Ultimately, I think people should define what's natural for themselves though.

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I've been natural 7yrs and yes I color my hair and use henna. My hair is all natural because the dye or henna does not alter the texture of my hair! And anyone that says different can bite me....:grin::lachen:
I am natural and i want to color my hair so bad but i'm scurred of damage. I hav trbl being consistent w my regimen and i know it will cause damage if i dont keep up w my moisture and protein. Would u say one is more impt than the other regardg colored hair? I would guess protein but those who hav masterd this, pls shed some light for me.

Its definitely an incentv to keep me on my hair game (fear of color damage) so i am leang toward doing it for the new year. Another reason i want to color is to see how fast my hair really grows :look: length checks dont work so well when ur not retaing
I identify as a color treated natural when I use color. Bought some dye today as a matter of fact. Some people just have to take things to the nth degree. You'd think it was a contest the way some people act.