Naturals--texture variations


New Member
Have you encountered this issue? My curls towards of the back of my head are more coily/springy and the crown is more wavy. I do press my hair weekly
because I like to wear it straight to work.

How are you managing the texture variation and is there a way to get the whole head to be one texture?
Morningstar55 said:
Have you encountered this issue? My curls towards of the back of my head are more coily/springy and the crown is more wavy. I do press my hair weekly
because I like to wear it straight to work.

How are you managing the texture variation and is there a way to get the whole head to be one texture?

My hair acts the same way, the variations are like night and day. At first I thought it was heat damage from my transition, but that was 2 years ago and it's still like that, lol, so I'm concluding that's just the way it grows out of my head. A good cut from someone who knows how to work with textured hair will help the hair fall into place. When I got my hair cut at Curve, they aknowledged the different textures and explained how they were going to cut it based off of what was going on with my hair.
When I did press my hair during my transition I experienced a tremendous amount of heat damage which caused a lot of the naps along my hairline, and at the crown of my head look wavy-nappy. <--- :look: (I'm trying to describe it as good as I can). Although, since I've chopped, I'm beginning to see what my hairline is supposed to look like and it's nothing like the damage vision I was seeing after every wash. Even though it still is a more loose texture, it's not near straight as it was when I was pressing.

In regards to your texture question, IMO, I don't honestly think it's possible to have just one texture. One side of my hair is coarser, the other is more fine textured. One side of my hair is prone to more breakage, and the other can handle any tooth comb you put to it. I've summed it up to something you have to live with...

HTH and happy hair growing! :antlers:
My kitchen is curly-ish but it straightens easy because the texture is fine, my crown is coarser/wiry/cury/wavy 4a-ish and the rest of my hair is in between. All of it will get the cute lil 3c-ish looking corkscrew pattern on its own, except my crown, I have to use a denman for that. When I do my two strand twists they fall out the back of my with in a day, if not with in hours. The rest of it will hold nicely.
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My hair has different textures too. The nape is very smooth and wavy, I can just brush it straight, above the ears my hair is full of very small coils, the front is wispy and thin :ohwell: and the rest of my hair is just thick and curly.
i have to say as well that i think most have diffrent tetures, some more than others..i have a ton..sides of my head by mt ears is very loose /strait , some of it wont even curl...front bang area is cottony, no curl at all..i like to do a twist out on this area only so it can match the rest of my hair,
top/crown..coily,.very coily..
back..also coils but looser than the the crown/top
I have three textures on my head too. It's normal for curly hair and you can't get your head "to be one texture". Probably only Chinese and Japanese only have one type of hair all over their head.

Do the different textures really bother you and if so, how much?
Thanks for all the responses ladies....

IT doesnt bother me THAT much but my edges and a small portion of my crown are more wavy/straight than the rest of my head which is more springy. I think once I start wearing my hair curly again I'll see of the curly patter returns becayse my new growth is a different texture than my middle towards the ends..
I have different textures in my hair too. In the crown area, my hair is kinkier and drier than the rest. The hair right is front of my ears is straighter and not as dense as the rest of my hair. Most of my hair is extremely tightly coiled. It's hard to make it more uniform, especially since I am someone who doesn't use heat. Btw, there's no way to make multi-textured hair to look one texture unless you relax it or straighten it. Different hair styles like braids, twists, puffs, etc can help disguise the various textures. If anything, just enjoy the various textures in your hair. ;)
I'm transitioning and I've noticed I have different textures, the hair in the back is much softer than the hair all over, but in the top middle it is much coarser, but some of the hair comes in like a corkscrew and I have to try and undo them because the majority of my hair does not grow out like that. The top middle is where I have most of my problems detangling, I had to cut a whole lot of straight ends out because they wld tangle with the corkscrews. So I pressed my hair out the other day with an Andis cermaic, and again I cld untanlge some the corkscrew hair, and so I just flat ironed it--lol and the picked it apart, it flatnened out to a krinkle. Anyhow when I get a digi cam(more like when I can afford to) I will take pics of what I talking about. Anyhow moreover I think I mostly 4b, the back of my hair 4a, and in the top middle 3c/4a/4b.
My hair in the back is very soft and probably 3c. The crown is more bushy 4a. The hair right in front of my ears on both sides looks like it doesn't even belong on my head. I'd say its 4b.
Morningstar55 said:
Have you encountered this issue? My curls towards of the back of my head are more coily/springy and the crown is more wavy. I do press my hair weekly
because I like to wear it straight to work.

How are you managing the texture variation and is there a way to get the whole head to be one texture?

If you keep pressing your hair every week it will really change your natural texture.
Country gal said:
If you keep pressing your hair every week it will really change your natural texture.
I concur..When I was transitioning and pressing my hair weekly, my hair was hard and nappy when I use to wash it. Since I've BC and no heat, my hair is softer and more managable.

my texture variations are the same as caligirl described hers.
This should be a sticky for new naturals: Your Hair Will Likely Have Various Textures!!!! LOL I'm serious cuz when I bc'd last year I was pissed because I felt like everybody had uniform texture but me. I was like WHY, LOL WHY ME?:lol: So almost 6 months after bc'ng I relaxed again.:wallbash: So I bc'd about six weeks ago and this time I was prepared for the various textures. My crown is coily and kind of silky, the hair by my ears is 4b, very strong zig zag pattern and shrinks like nobody's business, the nape area is fragile 4a, extremely tiny tight coils, and the rest is a mixture of the above-mentioned textures.

This time I'm just working with what I got. What frustrated me the most the first time was that everybody kept mentioning these wash and go's, well with the various textures, heck I can wash, but I can't just go anywhere because my hair does not play that!:look: :lol: Now instead of focussing on what my hair can't do I focus on what it can do, which is a lot. Natural hair is the bomb!:) Ya'll I love my hair, I really do.;)
Enchantmt said:
My kitchen is curly-ish but it straightens easy because the texture is fine, my crown is coarser/wiry/cury/wavy 4a-ish and the rest of my hair is in between. All of it will get the cute lil 3c-ish looking corkscrew pattern on its own, except my crown, I have to use a denman for that. When I do my two strand twists they fall out the back of my with in a day, if not with in hours. The rest of it will hold nicely.
Your hair sounds almost like mine, except the front won't hold a corkscrew, it stays in a weird worn out looking curl; like when you curl it and then get hit with a high wind or something.
My crown is my touble area because it's so wirey and dry it will break easier if I'm not careful.
Add me to the different texture group! :)
That's why hair typing is so hard for me.

My hair in front is very frizzy and dry. The curl pattern loosens towards the back and my nape is very very fine and slippery with a very loose wave. The back of my head doesn't frizz much but in high humidity the whole front is standing a good three inches off of my head! :lol:
Texture variations are part and parcel of natural hair. Like you, I wanted a uniform texture at first, but now I love my hair exactly the way it is. I just know that the different textures require different treatment, depending on how I style my hair.
I have a lot of textures too. My crown is 4a and needs extra attention. The rest of my hair is thick 3c and is curly/springy. I can twist a piece around my finger and make a sprial curl. My nape and hairline is 3b-3c very fine.

I found that a couple of cowashes a week softens my crown. Doesn't make everything uniform but it helps.
Another multi-textured gal here.

I have looser waves and undefined in front. The sides are the tightest and are fairly undefined, although I can finger curl those parts into coils. The back and crown is comprised of coils and corkscrews. I guess I have mostly 4a coils with some 3cish corkscrews. All on a bed of 4b kinky hair texture. You can tell from my photos that my hair is obviously comprised of at least three different textures.

It is what it is, and I just let them all live harmoniously together in one big nappy family.
I definitely have multi-textures on my head. The area in the front is really coarse and dry. I smooth that area down with shea butter morning and night to keep it soft. The rest of my hair is a combination of 3c and 4a.
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Well based on this thread texture variation is very common. I'm also multitextured. I've got bigger crimpy spirals in the front and tight coils everywhere else I think. I cosign with CG though, the waves you see might be heat damage- especially if they are only down part of the hair shaft. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience.
balisi said:
Texture variations are part and parcel of natural hair. Like you, I wanted a uniform texture at first, but now I love my hair exactly the way it is. I just know that the different textures require different treatment, depending on how I style my hair.

^5 & +1 :up:
It's interesting that so many people expect uniform texture. Even relaxed, the results of the process are not uniform because of the variations, no? Or maybe I'm the odd one out. :ohwell:
Miss*Tress said:
It's interesting that so many people expect uniform texture. Even relaxed, the results of the process are not uniform because of the variations, no? Or maybe I'm the odd one out. :ohwell:

I agree with this cause my relaxed hair isn't uniform at all.
Enchantmt said:
My kitchen is curly-ish but it straightens easy because the texture is fine, my crown is coarser/wiry/cury/wavy 4a-ish and the rest of my hair is in between. All of it will get the cute lil 3c-ish looking corkscrew pattern on its own, except my crown, I have to use a denman for that. When I do my two strand twists they fall out the back of my with in a day, if not with in hours. The rest of it will hold nicely.
OMG..this is exactly how my hair is! I mean, you described my hair to the T!