Naturals , Somebody Please help me!


New Member
I am a little depressed. I washed my hair today and used deep condition. When I tried to comb out my hair, it was very tangled and I ended up losing a lot of hair.
I had my hair in a braidout for a couple of days but I think it may have tangled my hair. before I washed it, I combed it out (at least I thought I did.) I lost almost a handful of hair. Maybe I was using the wrong comb. I have to put it in big plaits now and not touch it just so I wont have any more breakage. Maybe I used the wrong shampoo and conditioner. I used cholestrol conditioner and TCB naturals as a shampoo.

Please tell me what type of comb do you use to comb out your hair. I have a pick but My hair laughed at it. I have the most coarse hair and it is natural. My hair I past my shoulders but when it is wet it shrinks to about 2 inches.

What kind of conditioner do you use to soften it so your hair won't tangle?

I am afraid that I may have ruined my months worth of length. I am scared to see what my ends look like now.

I will go in the corner and cry now.
i use a large wide toothed comb (until i find a k cutter)...ive recently adopted AFashionSlave's method of detangling with shampoo and that works well...normally i use suave milk and honey with some EVOO in it....that works great! and the keracare oil moisturizer with jojoba, makes my hair so soft the comb glides through like butta....

im sorry that happened, i know it sucks, cuz ive been there...i hope its okay in the morning

Oh lakettab don't cry!
It'll be alright!

I use a k-cutter to detangle. Before I got a k-cutter, I detangled with a wide-toothed comb. I used to use my pick, but I lost quite a bit of hair compared to now.

I usually use Surge to detangle or some cholesterol conditioner. Slap some of that on and then first finger detangle. Then, use the wide-toothed comb.

Maybe you should do a protein treatment and then deep condition to strengthen your hair.

It'll get better.
Thanks. I will see if I can find a K-cutter.

I am still looking at this ball of hair, I still can't believe this.
Laketta, hang in there - it will be ok! You mentioned that you combed out your hair before you washed it. For natural hair, I recommend only combing your hair when it's wet, preferably with conditioner. That will help you detangle and it's less friction on the cuticles of your hair strand.

Regarding combs, I'd suggest using only wide tooth combs to help you detangle. And as far as conditioners are concerned, there are many that provide good slip. Right now I'm using Aveda Brilliant Conditioner. I'd also recommend Giovanni 50:50 Balanced Remoisturized Conditioner. Some ladies also rave about Suave Tropical Coconut and Daily Defense Tender Apple Conditioner.

Don't worry, you'll get through this!
Remember to only detangle when your hair is wet and saturated with a product (shampoo, conditioner, or other treatment). What are some combs you ladies recommend for detangling?
laketta- ive been looking to get rid of my bottle of aussie slip detangliong conditioner- the good, old forumla. i see you are in NYC. PM me and ill send it to you.its great! and remember- comb in sections only when wet and slathered with conditioner.
I don't dare comb my hair dry. I use a wide tooth seamless comb on wet and conditioned hair when detangling. Biolage Detangling Solution has been the slippiest conditioner I've used so far. Herbal Essence is okay too.
Shatani said:
this is the one i use...

[/ QUOTE ]

The teeth seem so close together

As far as detangling, I've never really tried. After putting the comb to my coils, it seems so ruff to detangle I'm afraid I'm gonna rip it out. Once you detangle is it REALLY detangled? I mean, once you finish can you just run a wide tooth comb through your hair with little or no hair in the comb?
Innocent_Kiss said:
Shatani said:
this is the one i use...

[/ QUOTE ]

The teeth seem so close together

As far as detangling, I've never really tried. After putting the comb to my coils, it seems so ruff to detangle I'm afraid I'm gonna rip it out. Once you detangle is it REALLY detangled? I mean, once you finish can you just run a wide tooth comb through your hair with little or no hair in the comb?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think my hair is completely detangled. I had to put my hair in big plaits and I'm hoping that my hair does not shrink when it dries so it can at least have some hope.
(((Lakettab))) I'm still in "training" but we seem to have the same hair. I haven't yet grown the balls to wear my hair out but one thing I've found is I CANNOT comb my hair when dry. That is unless I use one hand to stretch the strands, slide the comb through till I hit a tangle. Put the comb down and use my fingers to separate the hair, then stretch it out and try running the comb through again.

Being still rather chicken, I have been keeping my hair braided at all times. When I wash, I take it out of cornrows using my fingers, put it in single plaits after carefully detangling with my fingers or with a comb as I described above (and I have a pick too
) and then I go into the shower. I find I cannot leave my hair out of braids for long because the longer it's exposed to air, the more it curls up and I'm afraid I'd not have a clue what to do. So I only undo the single plaits to comb it when it's drenched in water and shampoo, and then I braid it plait at a time. I first rinse with all the plaits in then I start undoing each plait to remove all traces of shampoo then braiding it back. The only time I undo all the plaits and comb all my hair is after applying conditioner, while I still have it on. Then I get to live my fantasy of wearing afro.
I shake my ringlets and just have a ball.

Before rinsing out the conditioner...I put my hair back into plaits. Rinse first with plaits. Then undo each at a time to make sure I rinse well...handling my hair like the baby it is. Then I put it back in plaits almost immediately. Finally I dunk my head (all plaited) in an ACV solution and massage my scalp, dab off excess water then apply shea butter to the hair, undoing each plait if necessary to comb gently and cover each strand in the butter while damp, and then plaiting it right back. I then leave my hair to air-dry in plaits. Maybe I'll get better at this and learn to do it in a less clumsy/involved manner with practice, but for now, this seems to be working.

If I'd worn my hair in a braid out like you did, I think I'd drench it in sth with slip before trying to it an oil or conditioner. And I would still comb it in my weird (stretch out strands first) manner...using all the patience I can muster. I think there'd be less trauma to your hair if there's a lubricant, but I also know this works coz some pple on the forum saved their hair by pouring conditioner over a knot that they'd have otherwise cut off.

Psst...Hey, if you don't mind a hair buddy who's a li'l wet behind the ears... (hint hint)
Nonie I am taking all of you advice. I can use all the hair buddies I can get now. I feel like I have lost control of my hair. When I usually wash and condition my hair, I would lose very little hair but lately it seems to be coming out more. I am taking a lot of vitamins which is heloing with growth but my shedding is a big issue now.
Innocent_Kiss said:
Shatani said:
this is the one i use...

[/ QUOTE ]

The teeth seem so close together

As far as detangling, I've never really tried. After putting the comb to my coils, it seems so ruff to detangle I'm afraid I'm gonna rip it out. Once you detangle is it REALLY detangled? I mean, once you finish can you just run a wide tooth comb through your hair with little or no hair in the comb?

[/ QUOTE ]yeah, i think its the size of the photo...they are pretty far apart and beczuae i comb when my hair is drenched in poo or conditioner, and in small sections, the comb just glides through...
Innocent_Kiss said:
What are some combs you ladies recommend for detangling?

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Here's a pic of mine and the thread discussing bone combs:

bone combs

SVT said:
Innocent_Kiss said:
What are some combs you ladies recommend for detangling?

[/ QUOTE ]oooh, girl!!! i want it!! where i can i get one??

Here's a pic of mine and the thread discussing bone combs:

bone combs


[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I'm real familar with bone combs. I purchased two off ebay. I have a lot of other things on my shopping list so I'm gonna go with the Solano Wooden Detangler until I get some extra cash.
You should DEFINITELY get yourself a WIDE-TOOTH COMB!! Can't stress that enough.

Here is the comb that I like.

I've also heard good things about the Jilbere shower comb, but I've never tried it.

As far as a good detangling conditioner, I highly recommend Cream of Nature Nourishing conditioner (white bottle, purple cap) or Elucence Moisture balance conditioner. And use a LOT of it. Let it sit in your hair for a while. And then try to detangle while your hair is wet and still full of conditioner, taking a section at a time.

Braidouts or twistouts can make your hair tangly sometimes, especially if you are out and it's a windy day or if you have "hand-in-fro disease." I hope that you find a really great comb and conditioner combo so that you have a better detangling experience next time
Whenever I wash after wearing twists, braids (or the "outs" of these styles) I always lose alot of hair. I just always presumed it was the hair I would've shedded if I was combing/manipulating my hair everyday.

Pantene Hydrating Curls is a good detangling conditioner - also detangling in sections can be helpful.
((((((((( I love you guys))))))))))) I am writing all of this down and I will headed to the hair store.

this is the expensive comb i got at sally's...its hard to tell in this pic but it has 2 rows of teeth that bow out in the middle...i use it with surge and moisturizing product...i couldnt imagine tryna use the k-cutter...i am sure it will break...maybe cuz im heavy handed...hmmm
Carefree said:
Whenever I wash after wearing twists, braids (or the "outs" of these styles) I always lose alot of hair. I just always presumed it was the hair I would've shedded if I was combing/manipulating my hair everyday.

[/ QUOTE ]

Come to think of it, I lose more hair after the "outs" than I do when I wash my hair after a press. It's about twice the amount.
deedabug said:

this is the expensive comb i got at sally's...its hard to tell in this pic but it has 2 rows of teeth that bow out in the middle...i use it with surge and moisturizing product...i couldnt imagine tryna use the k-cutter...i am sure it will break...maybe cuz im heavy handed...hmmm

[/ QUOTE ]

I have this same comb I love it I use daily defense tender apple condish. The comb just slides right though.
Ok, this might seem like alot of work. I am currently wearing my hair in twists for an extended period ( 3 weeks). I will wash my hair with the twists in about every 5 days. When I am going to take them down and wash, I take down my twists and slowly detangle with my fingers. I learned this on the hair lady's site on how to take braids down section. I put my hair in 8 loose plaits and then wash and condition and then I'll use a large tooth comb and comb thru.
Hey all,

What I've learned bout my natural hair is that it does not like shampoo. I use any conditoner ( either suave or Queen Helene) and soak it in my twist out. This penetrates for about 30 minutes. I then wash it out and I lose about 8 strands washing, 10 strands combing ( must ne damp or wet- never dry). Also comb from root first- this saves your hair. I find shampoo causes my hair to harden and tangle and massive amounts of shedding! Never again. When I used to have a perm, shampooing was great but as a natural- hair suicide!