Naturals:Quest.Re: Henna's after effects???


New Member
Ok so I just purchased a sample of Henna powder and Amla powder from which I will be getting soon I hope. :D I'm exited to try it but I have a few questions. The reason for my askin is cuz I had a hoorrible experience last night with conditioning with the coconut and lime mixture for softer curls was the worstEVER!!! maybe because someone recommended the use of Crisco with it...:confused: I know shame shame on me for doing that. I learned my lesson though! I am transitioning as ya'll know and am 7 mos. post relaxer...:mad: I hate my hair right now!!!! It's so frustrating to find the right style. I have kinky 4a waves in the front of my head and then LOVELY PERFECT 3c in the back but its only a small section. I don't ever want to go back to relaxing or texturizing because It damaged my hair to an unbelievable degree. SO therefor I think henna might help soften the texture and such. I have some questions for ya'll who are 3c/4a and are henna-ing....

These questions are more so for those who are transitioning/natural

1) Has henna changed the TEXTURE of your hair or just the look and FEEL of it? (ie you were a 4a and now you would consider yourself a 3c)

2) IF you have more than one texture of hair on your head what type of texture results did you see overal?

3)How many times do you henna every month? What do you see is beneficial in that?

Any suggestions or comments welcome!
sunshyne_krissy said:
Ok so I just purchased a sample of Henna powder and Amla powder from which I will be getting soon I hope. :D I'm exited to try it but I have a few questions. The reason for my askin is cuz I had a hoorrible experience last night with conditioning with the coconut and lime mixture for softer curls was the worstEVER!!! maybe because someone recommended the use of Crisco with it...:confused: I know shame shame on me for doing that. I learned my lesson though! I am transitioning as ya'll know and am 7 mos. post relaxer...:mad: I hate my hair right now!!!! It's so frustrating to find the right style. I have kinky 4a waves in the front of my head and then LOVELY PERFECT 3c in the back but its only a small section. I don't ever want to go back to relaxing or texturizing because It damaged my hair to an unbelievable degree. SO therefor I think henna might help soften the texture and such. I have some questions for ya'll who are 3c/4a and are henna-ing....

These questions are more so for those who are transitioning/natural

1) Has henna changed the TEXTURE of your hair or just the look and FEEL of it? (ie you were a 4a and now you would consider yourself a 3c)

2) IF you have more than one texture of hair on your head what type of texture results did you see overal?

3)How many times do you henna every month? What do you see is beneficial in that?

Any suggestions or comments welcome!

CRISCO???!!!???? :eek: Girl, what WERE you doing??? *grins* I did the coconut milk & lime juice thangy, and it was nice on my hair....hmmm... I might need to see if I have any more coconut milk in my cupboard....

Aiight - back on track....

1) Has henna changed the TEXTURE of your hair or just the look and FEEL of it? (ie you were a 4a and now you would consider yourself a 3c) Henna definitely loosened my curls - I wouldn't say that it shifted me from one hairtype to another, but it did make them looser just because it made my hair 'heavier' so the curl was stretched out by the weight.

2) IF you have more than one texture of hair on your head what type of texture results did you see overal? I have 3c in my kitchen, 4a on most of my head, and a stripe of 4b over my left ear. Overall - *LOL* they all got looser - but it's still 3c/4a/4b.

3)How many times do you henna every month? What do you see is beneficial in that? I was doing henna every week - but that put too much stress/strength in my hair, and made my virgin hair (I'm growing out dye) WAYYYYY too brittle, and I was getting splits close to my roots. In ALL things, moderation. As far as I understand, hennaing once a month/every 6 weeks is fine for both conditioning and coloring benefits - I wouldn't suggest doing it any more than every 3 weeks....

Overall, henna made my hair stronger, smoother, and easier to comb through without worrying about it breaking off - but it's still curly and kinky and nappy - the coconut milk/lime bit actually did more loosening than the henna did.....

And of course, as your hair gets longer, the curls will start to loosen - just because your hair is heavier.

Basically what she^ said. I have only henna'd once. I mixed with olive oil, honey, and a couple of spices and used hot coffee instead of water. I didnt experience any of the hardness I've read about. I followed with hello hydration and sunsilk antipoof conditioners. My hair is definitely darker, which is what I wanted. I didnt see any kind of texture or type change. My curls are looser, but I like my curls so I'm not sure if thats a good thing or not. My two strand twists I did this past week looked much better, but I'm not sure if thats due to my color or the cut I recently got. I was going to post pics but I'm really not impressed enough. Maybe after a second treatment I will see more shine.