
Well-Known Member
Okay y'all, I'm a relaxed head who loves pooing and conditioning and I need to help my girlfriend and her 'do. She has been totally natural for 3 years and only shampoos herself once a month, if that. She'd rather let here stylist shampoo, but she only goes to the stylist ONCE a month too!! :spank: She asked me about doing my hair and how much she HATES doing hers because its so dry and hard afterwards. I told her, you have to use the right products. She's like no, I'd rather pay my stylist $60 once a month and just use some Suave when I need too. I was like :burning: THE HORROR!!! She said you can do it for me if you need to shampoo someones hair, I just hate doing it myself.

So, I am into the all ayurvedic stuff and I have poos and oils galore, but I don't know what to suggest to use on natural hair. Her hair is actually soft to the touch, not coarse, but really thick!! What can I do and then once it washed, how can I do some cute braid/twist out for her? I've seen braidouts and have done my own, but it will probably be curled on its own. I just want to help her make it manageable to comb thru and soft to touch.

Please feel free to use anything in my fotki.

I would suggest she stop using shampoos and start with cowashing.

She or you could create a daily spritz that she could use to keep her hair soft and supple.

I have a few different recipes in my fotki.

She needs a base for her spritz like Activator, conditioner and a leave in then add some aloe vera jel and/or juice then a light carrier oil. Just use a few drops of the oil.

You can mix all of this in a braid spray take out have the braid spray and then add the other items.

There are so many different variations she or you could try to give her the feel she wants.

I even show before and afters of the ayurvedic products that I use. If she wants to keep it simple introduce her to making teas that she could use when she washes her hair.

HTH :yep:
Great advice mscocoface. If your friend is only going to shampoo once a month she should definitely conditioner wash her hair. Some naturals on here probably only use shampoo once and month, but they cleanse their hair in between by using conditioner to loosen and rinse away dirt and oil.

But if she hates washing her hair for the sake of doing it, cowashing my seem like too much to her. Maybe you could teach her how to maintain braidouts and just rebraid at night. She can rinse them in the morning (before unbraiding them) and re-apply some moisturizer.

If she does decide to cowash Suave or V05 conditioners work great for that (she should avoid their shampoos though).
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Great advice was already given and I completely agree with co-washing in between the washing periods. Maybe she should give up shampoos or use one without sulfates if it is so dry after washing. Baking soda and ACV rinses clarifies the hair without stripping the hair. I also agree with using a daily moisturizing spritz like vegetable gylcerine and water.