Naturals ....please help just when


Well-Known Member
i thought i was making progress i have these little balls knots on the end of my hair :( i took down my kinky twist about a month ago and only used heat one weekend in september and i wash once a week and big balls of hair come out i put it in twist wear a twist out then thurs and friday put it in a puff i put wgo on the ends and sleep in a plastic cap and after i took the braids down i did a aphogee does any one have any tips ?
I always get those little knots on the ends of my hair. I try to trim at least once every 6 months (I use no heat PERIOD) and I still get the knots. I think its just a characteristic of curly hair......
Hmm I cowash about 3 or 4 days during the week and it leaves my hair really moisturize and an untangled since i detangle with the conditioner in my hair. I dont go more than 1 day without washing my hair. Ill usually shampoo/condition on sundays and i will use mnt. It has completley stopped by breakage and everyother wash i rotate diluted infusium as my leave in. I also moisturize my ends and seal with oil without fail. The next day if need ill moisturize and seal or just seal with EVOO or Africas best oil. I havent trimmed since july. I also wrap my head with a satin scar or satin type thing that guys wear everynight no matter how tired i am. HTH
Do you mean the individual hair has little knots towards the ends? I have some of those too, it seems to happen more often when I wear my hair loose in a twistout.

Hazzard of being natural I guess.:ohwell:

I just leave them alone.
When I first went natural I couldn't believe those little balls at the end of my hair either. I am a natural that straightens with heat twice a month. Anyways, I found for my 4a/b hair that I needed a TRIM. Also because I was natural and didn't use heat often I really didn't need much protein. So I just do a light protein conditioner instead of the heavy stuff.

Too much protein makes my hair hard, dry and likely to tangle (with little knots at the end).

By the way maybe this is TMI but I acidentally broke a knot off while detangling and took it apart, guess what it is made of? - Several broken hairs about an eyelash length long. I never get knots after a proper trim.
Thanks ladies keep the tips coming ...i find my self at work cutting them off and i trim at least once a month i twist it up and trim the ends do you think wearing the puffs and twistouts are making them more prone to the knots after i wash my hair in the shower i have palm size full of hair and i have big hands :(
I have those too! It just comes with the territory of being natural. You can trim it away if it really bothers you, but I don't think they go away completely. I braid or twist my hair at night now which has reduced the knots, but they are still there.
I get the little balls too. I just took my braids out after two months I think it is dead hairs that have a harder time falling out.
Think about it: If your hair was straight the dead hairs could just fall out but now they get caught in you hair. It might be time for a trim. I personally am holding out for a trim until I can find out how to dust myself.
bottom line.. don't worry too much about it. Seeing these balls once in a while is probably natural