Naturals & Parts.....

Whats a proper part?

  • Parts should be razor straight, no matter what hair type.

    Votes: 26 41.3%
  • The kinkier the hair, the straighter the part.

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • The kinkier the hair, the more relaxed the part can be.

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Who cares how you part, long as it's not a combover!?

    Votes: 30 47.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So, it's been a lazy Sunday, and I've been messing around with hairstyles, since my hair is hitting one of those 'longer than it used to be, but still not long enough!' stages.

I put together a couple of pretty slick ones, but the main thing that is bothering me is the parting.

I feel like in order for parts to look 'right' on natural hair, they have to be precisely done. No halfway neat parts, no casual parts of the hair, but perfectly neat, razor straight, not a hair out of place parts.

Now, the thing that I'm struggling with is that I don't think I hold those with straighter hair (3a to 1a) to the same standards, nor relaxed sistas - or maybe, they really are doing the neat perfect parts, and I can't tell the difference (or, I'm not studying their heads that close)

Here, let me show you what I mean.

This to me, is an 'appropriate' part:

This, is an 'inappropriate' part:


(:lol: Please, please, ignore the 'style', we just talking bout the parts!) :lachen:

Now, the reason I'm asking ya'll what ya'll general opinion is, is because I know that I can be - unreasonably particular sometimes, and I'm wondering if I left the house like that, would people be looking at the back of my head like 'Ooooohwee. No she didn't!!!' or if I would be the only one who even notices.

I can't ask DH, as he would just give me a weird look, and I'm debating this for a potential style tomorrow.....
hmmmmmm parts hehe.

ok, i used to be (in the beginning of my natural journey) pretty anal about perfect parts - upside, if the wind blows my hair up, folks are treated to picture perfect parts. on the downside, they take ALOT of time to do so i compromised.

if i'm doing box braids or twists, only the top layer (that which shows to the general public) will be reasonably neat and tidy. If someone were to lift up the top 1 or 2 layers, they'll find all sorts of madness under there.

sidenote: i noticed when i was twisting/braiding w/perfect parts, the hair would eventually hide all my hard work within a couple days or at least 1 rinse in the shower.

even when i wear a braid out or twist out, my parts are not perfect and it all works out really well that way.

Braid-out w/imperfect part:


Twists w/imperfect parts all over:


Back of another twist style w/imperfect parts:


They don't look that bad do they? :lachen:
The 'inappropriate' part is inappropriate to me as well. I like straight, precise parts for all hair types (not that I can part that straight, but it's my preference, lol).

ETA: If the style is twists all over with the scalp being shielded by the hair then I don't think the parts need to be all that straight.
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The 'inappropriate' part is inappropriate to me as well. I like straight, precise parts for all hair types (not that I can part that straight, but it's my preference, lol).

ETA: If the style are twists all over with the scalp being shielded by the hair then I don't think the parts need to be all that straight.

True, true - I'm only talking about ones where the scalp is definitively exposed.

LynnieB, get on with all that hair!!! Can't nobody see your parts anyhow, but I do feel what you are saying!!!! :lachen: Once I have that much hair, I won't be studying my parts, either. :drool: :lol:
True, true - I'm only talking about ones where the scalp is definitively exposed.

LynnieB, get on with all that hair!!! Can't nobody see your parts anyhow, but I do feel what you are saying!!!! :lachen: Once I have that much hair, I won't be studying my parts, either. :drool: :lol:

JustKiya - i just don't want you to get really worked up about 100% perfection - sorta takes the fun out of things, makes doing your hair a major drag and it does take time, ya know?

Some styles that depend on perfect parts you have no room to maneuver at all (like flat twists or intricate designs), other than that, take care of what others see, they'll never have to know what lies beneath and you'll be so much more at ease.

Make sure you experiment with size of twist or braids too, sometimes that alone will cover up a million zigzags :grin:

........just trying to help sis. you'll be ok, trust!!
No matter the length or texture of my hair I'm pretty precise with the parts. Unless you count my transition cornrows where dealing with the 2 textures was frustrating enough that I just gave up trying to be precise.
The only time I part my hair is if I wear a bun and I decide to do a part on the side or the middle. Other than that, I do not have any defined parts. I like a somewhat controlled, but "messy" style for my hair.
If the part's going to show, I'm pretty fussy and like it to be straight. Unless it is meant to be zigzag, and even then, I like the zigzag to be a perfect one, where each half triangle matches the next one. Never mind what the hair type is. I've never been a fan of crooked parts that are meant to be seen.
parts are the devil....they take me forever to do and i feel like they are never perfect in my eyes
For cornrows or flat twists, I feel the part should be as straight as possible. However for box braids, twists or coils, I let the parts fall where they may. As you an tell from my signature, there's not a straight part sight :lachen:.
This, is an 'inappropriate' part:


(:lol: Please, please, ignore the 'style', we just talking bout the parts!) :lachen:

Since we're not talking about the style and just the parts, I think those parts are perfect. Look at them, they are clear to the scalp. Most of them are straight or perfectly diagonal lines. I am completely incapable of making parts that neat and I have some of the kinkiest hair. Let me show you what some real "inappropriate parts" look like:

These are the best parts I have ever done, and I am not exaggerating. I spent hours parting for these.

I understand what you are saying about holding looser textures (including straightened hair) to a less high standard for the parting. I think I did, too. I hope I don't get cussed out for saying this, but the kinkier the hair the more it falls into what I imagine to fit traditional AA hairstyles because really kinky hair still is my stereotype for AA hair. *stoned to death* and you know black American hair culture is pretty obsessed with making perfect parts and slicking hair back and generally doing pretty well at disguising that hair is made up of thousands of little pieces.

I still wish I could reasonably do appropriate parts, but I am learning to let that go. They are more stress than they are worth and shoot, to be real, those standards are unfair. I remember my straightened hair; it was a hundred times easier to part. Why it gotta be that my hair, which is the hardest kind to part (imagine explorers hacking through a jungle with a machete) is the kind that's held to having the strictest parts? Whatever.
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I'm only particular about the parts that will show, if I'm doing mini twists, I know that the parts in the back won't show, so I don't stress them, but th main part in the front of my head, must be straight, does that make sense :Ohwell:

The front parts have to be straight

But I could care less about the rest b/c they don't show
I too am only particular about the parts that will show. After over! I can't part worth a nickel, and after I've struggled for a month of Sundays to get the front parts straight, frankly I'm just too tired to worry about the ones that the viewing audience isn't really going to see (or at least I hope they don't).
RAZOR Straight!

I'm anal/obsessed/OCD & I use a toothpic for precision.


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I understand what you are saying about holding looser textures (including straightened hair) to a less high standard for the parting. I think I did, too. I hope I don't get cussed out for saying this, but the kinkier the hair the more it falls into what I imagine to fit traditional AA hairstyles because really kinky hair still is my stereotype for AA hair. *stoned to death* and you know black American hair culture is pretty obsessed with making perfect parts and slicking hair back and generally doing pretty well at disguising that hair is made up of thousands of little pieces.

I still wish I could reasonably do appropriate parts, but I am learning to let that go. They are more stress than they are worth and shoot, to be real, those standards are unfair. I remember my straightened hair; it was a hundred times easier to part. Why it gotta be that my hair, which is the hardest kind to part (imagine explorers hacking through a jungle with a machete) is the kind that's held to having the strictest parts? Whatever.

Yes! To the bolded! I've started accepting the idea that my hair does not, and will not be perfectly slicked back - that one, I've gotten over. I've got kinky fuzzy hair, and dammit, it's going to be kinkyfuzzy, and it makes no sense for me to fight that.

Parts, though - esp. visible ones (I'll have to take a picture of the style, so ya'll can see my 'concern') are - *sigh* Yeah. Most of my styles 'ease of application' is PURELY based on how many parts it has, and nothing else. :lol: I'm hoping that as my hair gets longer, I can start to fake the funk better, and won't have many parts at all that are straight scalp ones.

And considering how hard my hair is to part, and it's less intertangled than yours, I can only imagine, girl!! :lachen: The machete similie was just perfect!!
hmmmmmm parts hehe.

ok, i used to be (in the beginning of my natural journey) pretty anal about perfect parts - upside, if the wind blows my hair up, folks are treated to picture perfect parts. on the downside, they take ALOT of time to do so i compromised.

if i'm doing box braids or twists, only the top layer (that which shows to the general public) will be reasonably neat and tidy. If someone were to lift up the top 1 or 2 layers, they'll find all sorts of madness under there.

sidenote: i noticed when i was twisting/braiding w/perfect parts, the hair would eventually hide all my hard work within a couple days or at least 1 rinse in the shower.

even when i wear a braid out or twist out, my parts are not perfect and it all works out really well that way.

Braid-out w/imperfect part:


Twists w/imperfect parts all over:


Back of another twist style w/imperfect parts:


They don't look that bad do they? :lachen:

Yours look good. But I have to agree with the OP those crazy extra big parts were not good, not good at all.
I don't think the hair type matters. I agree with the ladies who have said that it is important for the parts that will show to be straight & on point.

You know I do cornrows a lot and I like the parts to look clean & correct.
Because with cornrows the parts are essential to the design & look.

But for box braids and for braids or twists that are merely for a braidout or twistout, I actually think the sloppier the parts, the better the braidout will look the next day
I don't think the hair type matters. I agree with the ladies who have said that it is important for the parts that will show to be straight & on point.

You know I do cornrows a lot and I like the parts to look clean & correct.
Because with cornrows the parts are essential to the design & look.

But for box braids and for braids or twists that are merely for a braidout or twistout, I actually think the sloppier the parts, the better the braidout will look the next day

ITA with everything you just said, Mook. When I used to do twist outs, they came out better when my parts were organic. The neatly parted ones left big gaping holes in my hairstyle.

Now for cornrows, I think straight parts are essential to the design ... unless you're purposely going for a zig-zag look.
I'm cool with imperfect parts...I just don't want the added stress of trying to get it str8. In my case the parts fill in after a few rinses so they don't matter to me.

IA with Mook. Cornrows need precise parts for the hair to fall in to the rows correctly.
I HATE straight parts, but that is only my opinion. When I was relaxed the straight parts worked for me, but now that I am natural, I prefer crooked parts.:yep:

Works for me.
I'm not natural, but I have a lot of texture.

I wear straight and messy parts, I don't mind either one.

Funny that people do care about it, lol
Miss Kiya,

I have been wearing twists lately and feel that razor sharp parts are essential to maintain the style with least manipulation and hair loss during the week.

In the past, with my 4ab (mostly b) hair, I would just do whatever with parts. The problem I ran into is that when redoing twists in prep for bedtime, my twist didn't look as crisp the next day. Also, the ends tangled more/ snapped off as I was mixing hairs from different twists together.

Now that I do the razor sharp parts, I can easily reset my ORIGINAL twists and they are fiercly hot the next day.
I really don't care about parts when I do twists all over my head. They aren't going to show anyway so they don't matter to me. For example, for these twists I am parting horizontally, but I just pick up the hair for each twist.

For flat twisted styles the parts do matter because they are going to show, so I part more carefully.
I really don't care about parts when I do twists all over my head. They aren't going to show anyway so they don't matter to me. For example, for these twists I am parting horizontally, but I just pick up the hair for each twist.

For flat twisted styles the parts do matter because they are going to show, so I part more carefully.

Those are some gorgeous twists!! :meme:
I really don't care about parts when I do twists all over my head. They aren't going to show anyway so they don't matter to me. For example, for these twists I am parting horizontally, but I just pick up the hair for each twist.

For flat twisted styles the parts do matter because they are going to show, so I part more carefully.
Could I just borrow 1/4 of your hair??? :lachen::lachen:
Simply gorgeous!

Onto the parting saga...I don't know if I don't have the right comb, or what - but I just can't make straight parts. I put some flat twists in the back of my head the other day...the parts are a mess. But dang it, it took me a while to get those twists in, therefore I wore those jammies out anyway. So far I haven't been told it's a complete hot mess, but they are definitely not as straight as I would want them to be.
I'm reeling over how gorgeous the styles are. I have so much to learn about styling my hair, that I get OCD about parting.:lachen:I can't cornrow or braid yet, so the process is a bit slow for me.:ohwell: