Naturals & Natural Products


Well-Known Member
i plan on trying henna for protein treatments,bentonight(thats how i pronounce it, dont laugh!) clay for shampoo and aloe juice/glycerine for moisturizing..i doubt i would ever give up my tressemme conditioner or eco styling gel but other than more store bought products for me.i already use coconut oil and shea butter to seal and leave in but i want to try castor oil it comes out cheaper for me being that i know where to buy them in bulk at a very nice price ..anyway, has anyone used mainly all natural products on their hair and has seen a difference in their natural hair's health or appearance?​
My mom always swore by her Haitian natural treatment recipes and when I was little I thought it was sooo weird but hey she always did my hair so I was like hey *shrugs* I rebelled from her insisting I stay natural and all her unusual natural recepes when I decided to relax I bought all the synthetic "ethnic" hair products other girls were getting and my hair quickly declined....I finally had enough 4 yrs in and decided to go natural once and for all...... now as an adult I absolutely swear by natural products and I'm always asking her what combo is good for this issue..... it just works.

Natural oils cremes butters and juices are the keys to supple manageable hair for me, I'm always discovering new ways nature can make my hair thrive:love2:
Last edited: hair is soft and supple. AO poo and condish is my boo and pre-pooing with stuff around the house (evoo, evco, sesame, shea, palm oil, mayo, eggs, molasses) is my BFF. I Also love the komaza care protein treatment and think that doing it monthly will be the key to my retaining length to the max. As a result of this I'm not a PJ and most of my products are multi-functional. Leave-ins act as moisturizers, pre-poo stuff can be eaten or cooked with and used to seal,lol.
I'm sloooowly moving away from commecial products. I was inspired by Seraca who has a product-free regimen. I now pre-poo/detangle with amla/shikakai oil, wash with distilled water/baking soda/honey, rinse with distilled water/ACV, moisturize with Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Conditioner whipped into she butter, seal with vatika oil.
I do egg/mayo/EVOO if i need protein. This has made such a big difference. For me it was easier to alter ingedients in the products I make than to be constantly searching for the perfect products.
I just started experimenting with my own hair so I cant give you a thorough testimony....but today I mixed half a cup of glycerine and half a cup of water in a spray bottle and sprayed it on my hair (not the whole mixture!) and it helped to define my wave hair is 4b I think and it just looks soft rather than having a definite wave pattern....its actually very soft to the touch...I just like the way the glycerine mix made my bun look sleeker after my failed braid out method! My hair feels a bit residuey as in I need to wash my hands after I run my hands across the top but that could be from the creme of nature leave in which I think my hair hates so I wont be using that again! I also used hair mayonnaise and aloe vera gel to secure it so that could be the thing too...Im not gonna count the glycerine as the culprit just yet! Aloe vera gel is all natural so you can try it comes in a lifetime supply squeeze bottle so its certainly budget friendly! I think all natural products are great, as long as your hair is clean and gets the protein, deep conditioning, and moisture that it needs you should see great results!
Yup. I'm using up bottles everyday of commercial products I've bought and feel so good whenever I throw an empty bottle in the garbage. I can't wait to be done with all my stuff, so I can restock with completely natural products. hair is soft and supple. AO poo and condish is my boo and pre-pooing with stuff around the house (evoo, evco, sesame, shea, palm oil, mayo, eggs, molasses) is my BFF. I Also love the komaza care protein treatment and think that doing it monthly will be the key to my retaining length to the max. As a result of this I'm not a PJ and most of my products are multi-functional. Leave-ins act as moisturizers, pre-poo stuff can be eaten or cooked with and used to seal,lol.

the only things i use that are not all natural or mostly natural are ORS hair mayo and a couple cheapie co wash conditioners like organix, suave coconut and aussie moist.

everything else is shea butter, oils, kbb, qhemet and oyin.
i plan on trying henna for protein treatments,bentonight(thats how i pronounce it, dont laugh!) clay for shampoo and aloe juice/glycerine for moisturizing..i doubt i would ever give up my tressemme conditioner or eco styling gel but other than more store bought products for me.i already use coconut oil and shea butter to seal and leave in but i want to try castor oil it comes out cheaper for me being that i know where to buy them in bulk at a very nice price ..anyway, has anyone used mainly all natural products on their hair and has seen a difference in their natural hair's health or appearance?​

:lachen: You sound like me, but i just THINK about using all natural products until i realize some products i love are not all natural..especially my Herbal Essence conditioners..full of silicone's:grin:
I second Aloe Vera Gelly as a natural gel. I use this on my hair wet or dry for braidouts,twistouts, and flexirod sets.
I'm not strictly a "natural" product user as far as conditioners/shampoos--but most of what I use for styling and moisturizing are. That's the stuff that sits on the hair the longest. I use shea butter, olive oil, avocado oil, castor oil and coconut oil (not all at once. haha). The only non-natural product I use for styling is Fantasia IC gel. I definitely think this has been a positive change for my hair.
I have been using solely natural products since 2005. My hair is softer and feels more conditioned. The only commercial products I will definitely continue to buy are Aubrey Organics Conditioners. I love GBP, HSR, WC and Blue Green Algae Hair Rescue Mask. I use WC after shampooing and the others as pre-poo protein treatments depending on what my hair needs.

  • Light protein treatment: HSR, Raw honey, molasses and JBCO
  • Medium protein treatment: GBP, Raw honey and JBCO
  • Stronger protein treatment: Blue Green Algae Hair Rescue Mask and organic Virgin coconut oil.
Currently I am using Aubrey's White Camellia shampoo but once I use up what I have I will just use black soap as that works just as well and works out cheaper.

Bentonite Clay is amazing and I use that every 2 to 3 months to clarify, it leaves my hair so light and fluffy and removes all the build up from my scalp. I find it much less drying than bicarbonate of soda.

I use Rosewater to moisturise and my hair loves oils and butters. I mainly use a concoction containing oils such as jojoba, organic EVOO, JBCO etc to seal. I use Organic Virgin coconut oil as an overnight oil treatment the day before wash day. If my hair is feeling very dry I may add a homemade shea butter concoction to the ends.

After conditioning I use organic ACV with added essential oils of Lavender and Tea Tree. I love essential oils and normally add Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Peppermint, Tea Tree etc to my hair oil concoctions

In the past I used Anita Grant and I treated myself to some hair and skin samples last year. Cassia was one of the samples that I purchased and I plan on trying that out in a few months.
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