Naturals: Length vs. Fullness


New Member
Hello Ladies!
I'm in this funk right now. Any of you ever look at your hair all shrunk up and think "is it really growing?". Then I look and think where was it last year at this time and that helps. It has grown since then. But just looking at it, it doesn't look like much happened. Then I pull a strand from the back and it stretches to what I believe is BSL. Then I stretch a strand in front, almost to my "knobs", wow. But when it springs back I'm thinking maybe I'm misjudging, does it really "stretch" that long? Am I pulling it too hard and in reality it wouldn't be that long even if relaxed? I did a roller set that I didn't dry properly so there was still lots of shrinkage, but it stretched out some. Even then, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, this doesn't even look like it would stretch no more than an inch more and then that would only be slightly past APL. Sometimes I think this shrinkage plays tricks on my eyes. Then I think sometimes that I should just be thankful that I have hair. Years ago I would have thought it to be long hair since I was always having to cut it in hopes of stopping the shedding(that was the number one cure back then, chop it off and it'll stop...uh no it doesn't). I know this sounds vain, but a big part of progress is growing it and attaining great lengths. That's also a sign of healthy hair too. I STRIVE for healthy hair. One thing I have noticed is that my hair is bigger, so I think women with shrinky hair like mine should measure fullness versus length because hair shrunken up is really full. I even had a couple of dreams where I flat ironed my hair and it was still the same length as when it was shrunk. Ok, enough banter, it's just that this has been on my mind...
I know exactly what you mean!!!!

I stretch my hair and I'm thinking wow APL...but then I think naw I can't be, when I look at my shrinkage.

I wonder if it would be longer if I were to flat iron (which I haven't done in over a year). I'm hoping I can stretch my hair naturally so it shows more length withouht having to apply heat or chemicals (which I don't plan on ever going back to) on my hair.

I think I'm psyching myself out. Which I never used to do before I got here (lol) :lachen:. Now I'm really thinking that I need to put it out of sight so I'm not constanty looking and pondering and wondering and eyeing and wishing and get my drift.
Yes I know all too well what you mean.... Sometimes I'm BSL other times I'm barely grazing APL. I just tuck my hair away, out of sight, out of mind until I am sure that it's at the length I want
I was looking at my afro puff today and it looks the same as it did last year. I know it has grown because I had flat ironed.
I hate shrinkage! I feel the same way, why hasn't my hair grown? Then I look at all of the tightly curled new growth and feel a little better. I think when you pull your hair that is your real length, no tricks. Shrinkage use to really get me down before I came here and saw people like Pinkskates and Irresistible. The difference between their shrunken hair and straightened hair is absolutely amazing! It gives me hope:yep:
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Baby Sis! You have one of the most beautiful heads of hair that I have EVER seen. You inspire me with all of your homegrown methods.....

So - I know how you feel, I totally understand...But your hair is making GREAT progress. Don't be discouraged!!!!!!!

Hello Ladies!
I'm in this funk right now. Any of you ever look at your hair all shrunk up and think "is it really growing?". Then I look and think where was it last year at this time and that helps. It has grown since then. But just looking at it, it doesn't look like much happened. Then I pull a strand from the back and it stretches to what I believe is BSL. Then I stretch a strand in front, almost to my "knobs", wow. But when it springs back I'm thinking maybe I'm misjudging, does it really "stretch" that long? Am I pulling it too hard and in reality it wouldn't be that long even if relaxed? I did a roller set that I didn't dry properly so there was still lots of shrinkage, but it stretched out some. Even then, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, this doesn't even look like it would stretch no more than an inch more and then that would only be slightly past APL. Sometimes I think this shrinkage plays tricks on my eyes. Then I think sometimes that I should just be thankful that I have hair. Years ago I would have thought it to be long hair since I was always having to cut it in hopes of stopping the shedding(that was the number one cure back then, chop it off and it'll stop...uh no it doesn't). I know this sounds vain, but a big part of progress is growing it and attaining great lengths. That's also a sign of healthy hair too. I STRIVE for healthy hair. One thing I have noticed is that my hair is bigger, so I think women with shrinky hair like mine should measure fullness versus length because hair shrunken up is really full. I even had a couple of dreams where I flat ironed my hair and it was still the same length as when it was shrunk. Ok, enough banter, it's just that this has been on my mind...

ur hair is just lovely, dont trip off it too hard, its still there and beautiful-even when you cant see it all:yep:
Yes I know all too well what you mean.... Sometimes I'm BSL other times I'm barely grazing APL. I just tuck my hair away, out of sight, out of mind until I am sure that it's at the length I want

I'm the same way. I just tuck it away so I don't have to think about it because otherwise I will go crazy. Once I stopped obsessing over length I felt that APL came out of nowhere.

ETA: OP your hair is GORGEOUS! I think health is more important than anything else and you definitely have healthy hair!
Oh, yeaaaahhhh. It's (besides my concerns about damage) one of the main reasons I've put off flat ironing - no matter how far my hair stretches, I'm worried/scared/freaked out over the thought that it's really not that long. I don't think I'll really feel like it's long for - a while.
And I learned to ignore it, most of the time. I figure if I treat it right, and don't worry about it growing, it'll grow, and then when I actually look at it, it'll have grown alot! It's the 'ignoring the pot makes the water boil faster' method of madness. :lachen:
Had to run into a meeting. Thanks ladies, now I know I'm not alone. I'm thinking seriously about putting it up and out of sight for a while. I do think of people like Iris and Pinkskates with bouncy shoulder length looking hair and then BAM, waistlength when straight. That is so awesome and amazing. Thanks for the compliments too. When the hair is on your head, it's not so beautiful as others see it. Especially when YOU know how unruly it can be and how hard you had to fight to get it to where it is! LOL! Putting it up is a good idea. I might do a personal "hide the hair" challenge for this whole year. Honestly, I don't want to see my hair for a year. Somehow I'll manage this while still taking care of it. *SIGH*
I used to obsess over length when I was at TWA length. My hair seemed to grow so slow. Once I hit shoulder length and seemed to stay there forever, I gave up thinking about length and concentrated on finding a healthy style that would last longer than a couple of days. Out of nowhere my hair started growing like weeds and was tumbling over my shoulder. :rolleyes: Almost two years after my BC I'm thisclose to APL - which is where I should be anyway. that I know it's all in my head I try not to think about it too much - a mind is a terrible thing to waste. BSL is my length goal and I figure I should get there around year 3. I can't be bothered with trying to get there in 2.5 years instead. I just stick with my healthy hair routine and let my hair do its thing. :yep:
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