Naturals: Is this less likely to result in heat damage


Well-Known Member
I don't get my hair straightened very often maybe once every 2 months. Well the last time I got may hair done it was the day before Thanksgiving. I am planning on getting my hair done for Christmas. My question is.......

If I am just blowdrying my hair with a brush to straighten my hair and then usind a curling iron to quickly curl the ends (all of this done by a professional)


blowdrying and then flat ironing (done at home)

Also is it bad to straighten hair a month after preious straightening. I know I sound paranoid I just don't want to loose my natural texture.
I agree.. use a heat protectant and make sure the heat setting on the curling or flat iron isn't too high.
I would rather blow dry and flat iron at home (if you're good at doing your own hair). My avatar is with my hair blowdried on medium with a comb attachment then flat ironed with a ceramic FHI iron. I feel pretty good about this amount of heat, although I don't plan to straighten my hair but maybe every 3 months.

On the other hand, during my transition I went to the dominicans for a blowdry. They used "hellfire" on my hair and part of my strands were broken off in the crown. I will never go for another dominican blowout.