Naturals in areas with hard water


New Member
What products do you use on your hair to combat hard water on your hair or just methods that help with the effects of having hard water in your area? Do you notice a difference using water in other areas?
I boil water and put it in old seltzer water bottles, and I wash my hair with it. My hair feels differently when I use the boiled water versus tap water (I'm in NYC, btw.). I also use porosity control at every wash.

I definitely notice a difference when using hard water in other areas (eg. Trinidad). When I wash my hair over there, porosity control and chelating shampoo is not optional. I also use Aphogee 2-minute over there because the product claims to displace mineral deposits from hard water. If I don't use hard water products for my hair when I'm over there, my hair feels like sandpaper.
I either rinse after shampoo or, final rinse using White Vinegar or, ACV. My hair comes out a lot softer.

I haven't washed my hair in other area so I have nothing to compare to.
I use a shower filter. I got it from HomeDepot for about $20. I change the filter twice a year (Jan/Jul) at a cost of about $10 per filter.
I had to go back to using Shampoo, and deep conditioning with baking soda added to it. Sometimes I added a little baking soda to the Shampoo as well.

Usually DC with baking soda made my hair soft and moisturized enough, but I would still always follow with a rinsing conditioner.
I use the ORS aloe shampoo regularly to displace mineral deposites, I also use the aphogee 2min miracle. The porosity control is a bit hit and miss as it makes my hair tangle terribly my hair is fine and porous :afro:
Aphogee 2-minute and ACV final rinse at each wash. I live in an apartment and have one of those shower heads you can't replace, but I haven't had many problems since I've incorporated those two regularly.
Oh this is a great thread because Germany has terribly hard water. I have to make my own distilled water (because bottled distilled is practically non-existent here) or just use a water filter. ACV rinses when I'm not too lazy. I also have to use a clarifying shampoo a little more than I'd like. Deep condition and hot oil treatments more...don't know if that is working...I'm not too sure how to combat hard water but that is all I have been doing...

I wish I knew about this Aphogee 2 min before I placed my order at sallybeauty =[
I just recently got a sprite shower filter, but prior to that I was using Cowboy Magic conditioner. It acts as a demineralizer. I actually still use it because it works so well.