Naturals I need your help!


Well-Known Member
How are u styling your hair? I'm going to be taking my braids out soon and I have no idea how I'm going to style my hair, esp. in this heat. I also have thin/bald edges and perhaps some styles with wearing my hair down would be more appropiate. Any suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated.
well, when im working low maintenance, i take a day to put some medium to small twists in my hair....i usually keep them in for two weeks, styling them various ways and doing conditioner washes and whatnot....if i keep them longer the back starts to merge and try to lock up...then i can wear the twistout for at least a week....for maintenance i either put in big braids or just throw on my snood and rinse in teh mornings...

when i want to go for the sleek look, pull it back and use my "bun stuffer" and wear a i say pull it back like its simple, but this style is an ordeal for me! because my hair is so dense i have to do my ponytail in three tiers :ohwell: but its smooth and cute and good for work...when i want to give my hairline a break, i just do a couple cornrows or flat twists in the front...

um...wash and go's are okay...i usually tie a headband on and just let the naps fall where they may....ive tried the whole shingling thing too...and it looked cute, but im not a "sit under the dryer" type so it took my hair literally two days to actually dry!!!

okay, this post was STOOPID long! sorry! :D
Thanx a bunch. That was very helpful. I'm going to have a lot of trial and error because I have rarely styled my natural hair. The most of done was scrunch it, but I need something else.
well, before i discovered hair boards all i did was wash, condition and tie it back with a scarf...thats it! i thought i would look rediculous with twists....and now theyre the style i wear the most!
i dont use gels generally....BUT, i dont mind frizzies....people who do, would probably need gel....

that said, yeah, moisturize and braid and you should be fine....and make use of your stasofro...its good stuff!
Shatani said:
well, when im working low maintenance, i take a day to put some medium to small twists in my hair....i usually keep them in for two weeks, styling them various ways and doing conditioner washes and whatnot....if i keep them longer the back starts to merge and try to lock up...then i can wear the twistout for at least a week....for maintenance i either put in big braids or just throw on my snood and rinse in teh mornings...

um...wash and go's are okay...i usually tie a headband on and just let the naps fall where they may....

same here! It's been too hot for me to wear my hair out. I will twist it up really small,use magnetic rollers to curl it, I am always using acessories too!I switch it up, flat twist in the front, 2-strands in the back. I just look through albums on NP when I am out of ideas. I don't mind my shrinkage, so I conditioner rinse every morning, then go, when 2-3 weeks is up, I take them out, deep condition, wash, and twist right back up. When I don't feel like rinsing, I will just spray them w/ homemade leave-in to "perk them up" a bit. I am all about scarves, phhb,any accessory so I don't get to bored, and I can leave my hair alone to grow.
For the past two months after washing I've been rollersetting, then for maintenance I wrap my hair at night and tie with a silk scarf. On really humid days I bun it to keep reversion at a minimum.
cornrows in the front, plaits in the back...

rinse scalp every other day
Shampoo scalp with diluted shampoo once a week
carrot oil the ends of plaits
pin the plaits into a bun

re-do every two weeks after deep conditioning

this is my style until I put braided extensions in again...
I'm a wash and go girl. I don't braid, I don't twist, I don't rollerset, I don't blow out, nothing. I'm too lazy for all that. All I need is a scarf and clean, damp hair. Although, lately I've been just sitting at home so I don't bother with the scarf. But if I'm going somewhere I either tie the scarf on like a headband, or push it back further and tie it tighter and have a little puff-type thing going on (like in my avatar). Most of the time I don't do gel--makes my hair feel icky. But I've tried that Honeybush gel or whatever from Qhemet and it wasn't too bad.