Naturals: How many times a week do you wash/cowash?


Well-Known Member
I just became fully natural 3 days ago, and now I am starting to freak out a little:lol:

School starts in about a week or so, and I am trying to figure out a regimen quick!

I just read that thread about worst mistakes as a natural, and I still have questions.

Should you cowash daily as a natural? If you do, what do you put in your hair after? How do you maintain this regimen while avoiding build-up?

If you DON'T wash daily, how do you make sure that your hair isn't dry in between washings, and what kinds of products do you use to maintain moisture?

TIA for the responses!
I usually cowash once a week.. I was doing t every couple of ddays but it was unnecessary to me. after i do it and let it dry, I then put some mango butter and spray with a little conditioner and water mix on i at night to keep it moisturized.
Don't freak out! The time after the BC is where you really learn how to care for your natural hair.

I BC'd 2 months ago and the first month was just full of experiments. I still don't have my regimen 100% down, but I'm getting there.

I shampoo once a week.
Co Wash once a week.
If I feel like it in between I will do a co wash.

Depending on your texture (curl pattern, strand thickness, density) daily washing may or may not work for you.

I use leave in and coconut oil to maintain my hair between washings.
There was a time when I wet my hair daily. But once I realized I didn't have the patience to detangle daily, I had to stop. Rinsing and then letting my hair shrink up over and over again without detangling in between was a big problem.

Now I generally do my hair once or twice a week, depending on what is going on. For me, moisture starts with a really good conditioner. Right now I use 2 conditioners on a full wash day, AO GPB follwed by AO White Camellia. If I'm just doing a quick cowash then I use the white camellia by itself. I also like to oil my hair with coconut oil first anytime I'm going to wet it.

After washing, while my hair is wet I usually braid it up with something, usually conditioner. But in the past week I've been using JC Nourish & Shine. As long as the product isn't too light and has some oil it usually works for me. The next day I'll undo the braids and wear a range of styles until my next wash (braidout, bun, pinned style, etc. etc.). Between washes I add some more product at night if my hair feels dry.

That's what I've been doing lately. I'm thinking of trying out mini-braids though, so I don't have to do my hair too often.
I did the BC on June 30th
If I a exercise I wash my hair daily. If not I cowash or DC every 3 days. I am 4a/b so after I allow my hair to dry. I add Vakita, shea butter, and coconut oil to my hair. Since it is summer if it dries out I add the Wave Nouveau moisturizing finishing lotion... I will warn you your hair will go from dry to silky soft in one squeeze of the bottle!

At night I usually baggie my hair as to keep in the moisture. When I wake up in the morning my hair is usually soft or wet. I seal it with the Vakita mixed with an oil mix (I forgot the oils I put in there) and shea butter. My hair is usually soft from the on.

Your conditioner does matter when you wash your hair so it's best to figure out what your hair likes. I found if I wash my hair with a good moisturizing conditioner my hair will stay soft.

Also a plug. keep a jounal of the things you put in your hair. When you add a product wait about 5 -10 minutes before adding another product to see how your hair feels after adding it. This helped when my hair kept getting hard after I washed it, I realized that I couldn't add a liquid to my hair stand alone, it had to be added with a creme product.
Congratulations on your big chop, Carlita! :yep:

I co-wash every day. My natural journey is kind of weird because even though I've been natural for several years, it's only this year that I FINALLY nailed down the right products and regimen for my hair. I am 4A/4B with kinky, coily, fine hair (and that's another thing - I always thought I had coarse hair, but my strands are actually medium density to fine. I never knew that until a month ago).

As I said, I co-wash every day. I use a mix of Elucence Balancing Conditioner and Oyin's Honey Hemp conditioner. I let it sit for a couple of minutes. Then, I detangle with a comb similar to a k-cutter.

I use a microfiber towel to get the droplets of water out. My hair is still moist. I then spray it with a leave-in conditioner spray and/or rosewater. I use Qhemet Biologics products exclusively as I've found them to the best moisturizing products for my hair. I seal with their honey and olive oil product. Oyin's Burnt Sugar Pomade has also been a great moisture sealant for me.

By the way, I big-chopped too, in April. I had been itching to cut my hair off and I finally did it. Hope this helps. I know I gave you my whole regimen but I figured I might as well, since you're a natural newbie! :D
Hi I have been natural for a while now. When I first BC'd the 3rd time back in 05' I would wash my hair every other day. I used a lot of products and had a lot of buildup. Now when I BC'd back in 01' I had a fade and I would wash my hair like every other week because I did not have enough hair to put in products in it. My first BC back in 97' I used Sebastian products exclusively and I have to say it really worked for my hair. They don't carry the line that I used anymore. I would wet my hair every day and put their hair gel in my hair shake and go. I would wash back then every other day.

Now I cowash about twice a week. I shampoo maybe every other week. I was wearing a lot of twist and twist outs so I would even go about 3 weeks without washing. Now I am just wearing a wash and go and I still cowash twice a week. It just depends on what is good for your hair.

Oh the products I currently use are Karen's Body Beautiful, Oyin Poo Bar and Giovanni. I have been eyeing Joico though. I use Karen's for moisture. I love the hair milk and conditioner and oil in coco lime. The Poo Bar oh and I also use Ida's Soaps too work great as a shampoo for me. I would say experiment to see what is best.
I just simplified my routine some more. I have my water/glycerin spray and/or my conditioner that I use as a leave in. Add shea butter once a week. I 'wash' my hair once a week with castor oil.

Old routine: leave in stayed the same, but with shea butter added everyday but I would co-wash with conditioner and baking soda twice a week.
1-2 times a week.

I keep water in a spray bottle and sometimes rewet my hair if I'm wearing a puff or any kind of WnG style.

I use coconut oil to seal water and/or leave in conditioner when I'm wearing these type styles. If it's in a twist out or braids I CW only once a week or until the style looks old and dusty. :look:
Thanks for the detailed responses! :kiss:

To be honest, I don't even know what my texture(s) need(s)! I have smooth curls in the back, rougher curls a little above that, and frizzy curls above that too. That sounds like I need moisture, moisture, and moisture like everyone, right? or some frizz-fighting serum?

I am sitting here with EVOO, Organic coconut oil, and organic honey in my hair. I also just read that warm honey is NOT a good idea for a conditioner in that "worst mistakes thread" so i'm extremely nervous about washing it out:ohwell: I had planned to just do a co-wash, but I might have to use shampoo if that isn't enough to get the honey out.

how are you liking Qhemet products? I used a sample of the Olive and Honey Hydrating balm back in 2006 and loved it. I see that they have DEFINITELY changed the formula. It seems to have more olive oil in it now, whereas before it smelled a lot more like honey. The new version is more greenish in color, whereas the old one had an amber color. Is it still good or do you have the old version?

I am seeing that Oyin products are quite popular... I really shoud look into those:yep:There are so many natural haircare lines (and I ignored them most up until about recently) that I don't know where to start. I also don't have the money to try too many things:lol: so I'm looking out for stuff with the most positive reviews:)
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I am sitting here with EVOO, Organic coconut oil, and organic honey in my hair. I also just read that warm honey is NOT a good idea for a conditioner in that "worst mistakes thread" so i'm extremely nervous about washing it out:ohwell: I had planned to just do a co-wash, but I might have to use shampoo if that isn't enough to get the honey out.

I am seeing that Oyin products are quite popular... I really shoud look into those:yep:There are so many natural haircare lines (and I ignored them most up until about recently) that I don't know where to start. I also don't have the money to try too many things:lol: so I'm looking out for stuff with the most positive reviews:)

I think the honey/oil mix you have on right now won't be difficult to wash out. A cowash should be fine afterward.

I like Oyin products as well...but I hate ordering online and waiting for things to ship (it can take a few weeks with them). Since you're on a budget you may want to try things you can get without ordering. A lot of people rave about Aussie Moist and the Aussie Deeep conditioners (find those at cvs type stores or grocery stores). I'm really loving AO white camellia (like really really loving it), which you can get at whole foods.
I do not cowash everyday. I tried it during the sumemr and it actually dried my hair out instead of making it more moisturized. You have to experiment to find out whats best for you. I co wash 1-2 a week. I make sure a apply a heavy duty moisturizer like KBB hair butter to make sure my hair stays moisturized for days. If it gets dry in between wash times you could always apply more moisturizer. I use giovanni smooth as silk conditioner as my in between leave in. Or you could apply a spray leave in.
The past month or so I have been doing it every other day or every two-three days.

I use to cowash everyday but now that I am doing twists and braids and I have 4z hair that is just itching to dred I have to spread out my cowashing days.

Trying to keep my twists and braids looking neat and not dred on me.

I am also noticing that since it is getting longer and thicker it becomes a more challenging to do this especially when I am not in twists or braids and can just get out of the shower and go.

Having to make quite a few adjustments the past 5 months. Not complaining just recognizing it is another phase in trying to obtain long natural 4z hair.
My hair is very short cause my BC 19 days ago. What i do,is to co-wash 6 x/w and fully wash 1x/w. I moisturize everyday tho. My hair, as you can se in my avatar, is pretty short, so is easy for me to treat it every day, i think it will be less than that when i get a job and my hair starts to grow.

Congratutalions now that you are fully natural!
Keep in mind that your routine will vary because you are going to be in school. So co-washing once a day or once a week will depend on how much time you will have to devote to your hair.
My hair could probably handle it about 6-7 days a week because it gets so matted and dull looking overnight. However, I don't have time like that so I do it about 4-5 times a week (that includes my wash day). In between I just baggy to keep it moisturised looking and manageable in the morning. This is a new addition to my regimen and I'm finding it's working well for me now.

eta: I full-head baggy with a little olive oil. I also tend to leave a bit of the conditioner in my hair when I seal with castor oil. I deep condition 1-2x a week so my hair is moisturised.
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Co-wash every single day.
Still do it. That is the only method that works for keeping my hair moisturized.
I never rinse the conditioner out of my hair, and that is basically the only product I use.
When I BC'd my hair was long enough to pull into a puff so i never had to wear it out (it makes my hair really dry when it is left out).
Good luck and congrats!!
I do daily only when I'm bunning--and I only wear buns no more than 3 days in a row. Other than that, I wear twistouts and braidouts that last 5-7 days and only CW in-between.
I generally co-wash every other day. On the days that I don't co-wash, I at least spritz my hair with my homemade mixture of equal parts aloe vera juice, rosewater glycerin and a splash of castor oil. The point is, my hair must be wet daily in order to be pliable enough to style.

Oh .... and congrats on becoming newly natural. I hope you enjoy your journey. :grin:
It depends on how my hair is styled and how much manipulation a particular style can handle. With braids or bunning in the summertime I cowash daily, just cause I can. I'm twisted right now & my twists don't stand up to too much manipulation so I co-wash 2X per week at the most.
I keep my hair moisturized with my homemade spritz & cocoshealoe. If i'm in the house & feeling really ambitious :) I baggy to keep my hair moist & lush.
I co-washed daily as a new natural. It was just easier for me, till my hair got too long to wear a wash and go--my hair tangled too much, and just wasn't cute right after detangling.

Now I wash once or twice a week. Sometimes I just use conditioner, sometimes I use shampoo and conditioner. And I deep condition every time I wash.
I co wash once a week. I tried 2 times a week but my 4b hair takes FOREVER to dry. Once it is dry I moisture lightly with coconut oil and cornrow it (I'm hiding it under a wig). If it's frizzy or dry I may take it down and recornrow it. Basically low manipulation works for me.
I only wash once a week. I deep condition once a week as well and that helps to keep my hair soft and moist.

I always dry my hair in twists, rock twists for a week and a half and then a twist out for a few days. Drying my hair in twists really helps retain moisture. I use a leave-in conditioner on my wet hair before I twist. I also moisturize once a day with Abba Pure Gentle Conditioner or Giovanni direct Leave-in.
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