Naturals - how do you style inbetween wash days?


Well-Known Member
This is a question for those who wear a dry puff or afro ( not Wash n Go's).

I'm trying to cut down on the amount of Wash n Go's i do as its getting cold and doing them every morning is time consuming.

As we all know when you wake up in the morning an afro looks a mess. So i'm asking what you do before you go to bed to ensure your hair is tangle free and fresh the next morning.

At the moment in the evenings i am doing the following.......

- Applying Kids Organic Leave-in to my hair and use Vatika Oil on my scalp and hair to seal.
- WITHOUT using a comb i will take sections and twist it up.
- In the morning i undo them and my hair is soft and smooth like i had combed it. I then brush the front add some Aloe Vera Gel and pull it up into a puff. It actually looks like i've roller set it.
aww its kool u can rodo ur hair so often. my hair doesnt liked to me messed with too much inbetween washes which is why i usually wear braid/twistouts. they can be set when my hair is wet and FULL of con'. then until wash day i just restyle by adding clips or a band or just fluffing it out.

sorry if that doesnt help!!!:ohwell:
When my hair was a bit shorter, I would rock pigtails to bed, sometimes I would spritz with water and add some KCC, nowadays I just take two silk scarves and cover the entire length of my head or once covered take a silk scrunchie, scoop it up and hold it back (no additional products at night). When I wake up in the morning, I run my hands through my hair and go. If the hair needs a bit of TLC in the morning then I add a small amount of Jane Carter Nourishing Hair Cream.
Put it up in 4 - 6 big twists or plaits and cover with a scarf. In the morning I take them down and finger comb.

When my hair was at that in-between stage (too long to be a TWA, too short to braid or twist easily) I would wear a scarf to bed, then in the morning spritz with my spray bottle (usually a coconut or olive oil and water mix) and kind of fluff up/shape the back with my fingers. Add a scarf around the front, some big earrings and I was good to go.