

New Member
I'm getting my head full of naptural hair braided. I'm really delicate with my hair when it's dry and never comb it, unless it's wet, but I'm afraid that the hair braider wont be so gentle.

So, I am wondering if I should blow dry my hair (even though my hair has been THRIVING without heat for 7 months) so that when she combs it, there will be less breakage than if she tried to comb my hair in its kinky natural state. I really dont want to blow dry, but I could imagine myself cringing each time she attempts to comb my hair and I hear little snap, crackles, and pops. The horror......

Suggestions? TIA
I've never had my hair braided but why don't you juice it up with moisturizer or oil. That way, it's not completely "dry" if you know what I mean.
For braiding, I personally would do a blow out. This is common to prep hair for braiding. Since you don't use heat regularly, you should be ok doing it for this purpose. Your goal is not to get it super straight and smooth, so you don't have to be aggressive with it.
So1913 - you're right. I'll just give it a lite blowdry to make it easier to comb. I'll also put give it some extra "juice" like Pretty recommended.

Thanks ladies;)
yeah, I always blowdry my hair out before braiding so the parting will be easy. you could try air drying in braids but I don't think the heat will be that bad.
I would suggest combing out with Patene light conditioning detangler, light moisturizer, plait the hair and allow to air dry.
Be careful with applying too much "juice". Many braiders don't like the hair to be too moisturized, because it makes it harder to grip the hair, because it's too slippery. They usually like it blown out to make it more manageable with little product.
kitchen_tician said:
Be careful with applying too much "juice". Many braiders don't like the hair to be too moisturized, because it makes it harder to grip the hair, because it's too slippery. They usually like it blown out to make it more manageable with little product.
Great advice! When my sister use to braid my hair, she would get mad when I put oils in my hair, because she couldn't grip it.
Thanks for all the feedback ladies. I think I will give a really good deep cond, then airdry in braids, then lightly blow it out once it's almost dry. I will add a touch of oil to the ends of my hair and wait until its fully braided to moisturize the scalp.

That'll work:D Thanks
Wait why is she combing your hair? When I get my hair professionally braided they just part my hair little by little (for each braid) and then comb that section and then braid it. They shoudlnt have to comb your entire head unless youre cetting cornrows or somethign liek that and even when I cornrow peoples hair I dont comb thier entire head all at once. What for? Im not doing thier entire head all at once. Excessive combing for no reason at all. I woudlt put alot of "stuff" in your hair if yorue trying to get it braided. It really hard to braid hair that has alot of product in it. Harder to latch the braids on and when hair is slippery the braids can slip off (if yorue adding hair). If youre REALLY concerend then try air dryiong in a ponytail and then putting your hair in about 8 braids to stretch the hair. That way it will already be sectioned off and combed tthru by your own hands (no one is as gentle as you are with yoru own hair).

Thats what I get for taking forever to type :lol: Everyone already said everything :lol: