Naturals: graduation styles?


Hair product junkie reloaded!
I really wana wear my natural hair for graduation but I am not sure how I should wear it...I will have to where them little hat thingys so I want it to not get messed up easily. I was debating whether or not to wear braids but I think i wanna show off my naturalness since there will be a lot of family there. Any suggestions? What did yall do or what do you plan to do? SImple twists?
Firstly, congrats on your upcoming graduation!:)

I think some twists would be nice. Be careful though that the cap can fit your head so that it's not too tight over the braids.

On the DL, I plan on wearing a blow-out to my graduation (in Spring 2008!):cool:
Congrats on the graduation!!!

Flat twists in the front and single twists in the back could be nice. Or even a twist out (as they tend to lay a little flatter if done correctly.
Congrats! I agree. A twist out would be nice. I wore a curly weave (similar look) for my graduation in May and got a lot of compliments. I can't wait til my natural hair is long enough to wear it like that.
I think I will get twists then....I just seen some pics of some twists and I can't wait till I get them again!!!!!!!!!!!!