NATURAL'S, Ever get rude comments!!!!


I love being natural and I am proud to be natural. But do you naturals ever get rude comments about your hair.

For example my mother hates the fact that I am natural. Everytime she sees me she asks me if I am going through some type of phase because my hair is at it's natural state. Or she'll say "You better comb that sh*t before it dreads.

Or I will go out shopping and I run into a friend and I will have my hair in a fro and they will ask me did I miss my hair appointment or something or someone I know will come up to me and touch my hair and will say something like "Wow, that sh*t is thick, or damn or you trying to go for the Lenny Kravitz look or something." I know I am not suppose to care what other people think but it can get so frustrating sometimes. I am just sick of sometimes feeling neglected for being natural. It shouldn't have to be like that.

Any other naturals experienced or have gone through what I am feeling if so how did/do you deal with it.:confused:
People are brainwashed to believe straighter hair is better. Feel proud that you have the confidence to buck society's standard and get to know your natural hair. I feel sorry for any Black woman who has never at least give her natural hair as an adult a chance. Something growing out of you and you've never seen what it really looks to be them.
I'm not natural anymore..but when I was transitioning and when I was fully natural..I got a lot of "Girl, you need a perm!" comments and a lot of just ignorant comments..but I would shake my fro or my poof, or my braids, or my twists, or flick my hair and smile.
I do all the time..mostly from family members. My dad hates my hair curly, he is always making comments. I wore it curly for like 3 months straight recently and when I finally straightened it he was like, "you look soo much nicer and sophisticated with your hair done". I guess he doesn't consider my hair done when it isn't bone straight, lol. I am just used to the negative comments so they don't bother me anymore.
Everything from touching my puff and going "wow it's soft" to you need to comb your hair.

But honestly, I got more compliments than negative stuff. The negative stuff usually came from old people but who really cares what their press and curl arses think anyway! LOL
I didn't realise that people still have this negative view of natural hair. In the C'bbean (where I'm from originally), the only folks who might still have this attitude are the older generation (grandparents)... most people are trying to get back to basics... away from the chemicals.
I'm currently living in London and I find the response to natural hair to be very positive... in fact a lot of my male friends/acquaintances have said they prefer women with natural hair... both black and white men. So I dunno... I guess it's about where you live and what mindset the people have regarding black hair.
Nevaeh1282 said:
I didn't realise that people still have this negative view of natural hair. In the C'bbean (where I'm from originally), the only folks who might still have this attitude are the older generation (grandparents)... most people are trying to get back to basics... away from the chemicals.
I'm currently living in London and I find the response to natural hair to be very positive... in fact a lot of my male friends/acquaintances have said they prefer women with natural hair... both black and white men. So I dunno... I guess it's about where you live and what mindset the people have regarding black hair.

I agree with Nevaeh - in London on the whole - no one makes a comment. I've been natural for 7 years now and have only received positive comments and questions as to what to use in my hair and how to do certain styles.
The only negative comments I've received have been from a couple of family members in the America:);
I really don't get any negative comments. I really can't remember the last one I got. But, the people I know would not dare say somthing to me about my hair. They know I'm fly :-)
Yeah... usually from my mother. When my hair is out. If it's covered up she doesn't really have much to say. I guess out of sight out of mind. :ohwell:
I can't say I've ever gotten rude comments. But younger sisters "hint" that I'd be much prettier if I wore my hair straight all the time.:look:
when i told my mom that i was going natural(im not fully natural just in the process of transitioning)...but because i have like one cousin that has went all the way dread when she used to wear her hair straight and have even dreaded her 4 kids and her husband is that way...she just said i hope you arent going to go dread...but i know how much she hates seeing people with dreads(i guess its just her personally)...but i love to see people with neat dreads....when i do tell someone like i told a guy from Africa yesterday at my job he was like thats the way to go(Natural)....dont sweat what these people say to know whats healthy for your hair...i think some people just are so brainwashed nowadays to not believe that having natural hair(afros, dreads, braids etc) are not fitting standards of beauty which is ridiculous....
My mother didn't like the idea at first, but she didn't like the idea of many of my hair ideas.At first she was like you look too old, and it won't fit your face, but now that she sees all I ando with it and that it is still nice to touch she will ask me to try to do it to her hair, and what products I'm using etc. When I first started my friends were like volunteering to do my perm for me, but the more they saw my natural texture the more they were like just don't perm it anymore. You just gotta keep keeping on, and there is alot of inspiration you can use.
I am transitioning however, since I was natural at one point, I know what my hair texture is. When I went through this the first time, my mother would constantly comment on getting my hair done and I hate those ponytails. Me personally, I loved it all! However, this time she doesn't say much about my styles because I actually do something different to my hair all the time. I am more concerned about my appearance than I was before so although I try new things with my hair I make sure that my hair is done. Now she comments on how much I was my hair LOL its always something.

Just continue to do you and be proud...I know that I surely am!!!
Yes. I am transitioning and my black co-workers will ask me when am I getting a perm. It's been 2 years...stop asking! :confused: :perplexed

I just brush it off. I like to keep changing my look though. Sometimes I will rock a puff or a phonypony. Sometimes a wash and go or bun, or a fall. I am not my hair. :cool:
I have been natural, and I must say that I get more positive comments than negative ones.

The only negative comments I get are from older people who say things like “ooo weee how u get a comb thro all of that??” or “you better press that out b4 it dreads” then again when I talk to some people about how natural hair is more healthy some of them say “you can only get away with it because u have good hair” which to me is just as bad like them feeling like they cant have nice hair in a natural state (self hate) which I feel no mater what hair type you are it can look good if its healthy.

I will note I get more of the positive so I really cant complain, I think people are much more accepting of textural hair because when my hair is natural and esp when I get lazy on it its HUGE, (big hair) and actually some dudes will still compliment me. but when I straighten my hair I get compliments also so I think its just as long as it looks good people will notice.
I get more compliments than negative comments. I always hear..."wow, you have some waves in your hair girl." Or, "I think I'm going to be sea sick, them waves are too much for me." I just's comical.

My husband loves to touch it and he says..."ohhhhhhhhh, its so soft and smells so good." He loves it natural. To me, his opinion an how I feel about my hair is all that matters.

I'm transitioning again, but when I was fully natural i kept getting the question "When are you getting your hair done?".:perplexed I always replied with "IT IS DONE!":lol: I guess I'd better get used to THAT again.:grin:
I get both positive and negative comments
The negative ones are usually from my family (not my husband he has always been supportive and loves natural hair he wants me to wear dreds)

My 9yr old daughter is my biggest fan. She says that if I like my hair like this(natural afro) then she wants to keep her hair like this(natural)
I know that when she gets older she'll go her own way but I'm hoping that by embracing my natural hair I am having a positive influence on her self image
especially since she has had a rough time with people trying to lower her self esteem by making negative comments about her skin color
i was natural up to 7 months ago and i heard it all. most of the time i got compliments but one time my ex told me i looked like a slave. u just gotta ignore people.
locabouthair said:
i was natural up to 7 months ago and i heard it all. most of the time i got compliments but one time my ex told me i looked like a slave. u just gotta ignore people.

My little brother said that ignorance to me just yesterday :mad: I wanted to punch him in the face.
Starting out can be very hard because folks aren't use to the new change. Honestly the positive comments have so outweighed the negative comments. Just be positive and focus on your hair health. After a while people will be coming up to you commenting on your hair and getting advice.
Incredible1ne said:
My little brother said that ignorance to me just yesterday :mad: I wanted to punch him in the face.

Ok see I just about fell on the floor while laughing real hard on the "you look like a slave" comment.:lachen: You shoulda said kunta kente to you too foolbooty:lachen:

I used to get all kinds of comments. The negative was only from my mother and some elderly folk. My cousins like to call me different names depending on my curls or style. Here are a few of the names ADD=Angela Davis Disorder, curly top, nappy natalie, Will I am when I rock my hats, Afro kizzy etc.

I find it all funny.
I've gotten a lot of positive comments, but some dumb ones have been:

1). Are you trying that African look?

2). You can wear your hair like that because you have good hair.

And some people don't even know my hair is natural. I recently had someone say they thought my hair was texturized because my hair looks wavy when pulled back.

Overall, my family members (husband exception) want me to straighten my hair out 24/7 because they like to see the length and do not consider natural hair "done." To them, having natural hair is letting yourself go.
You know when I BC, I got a lot of negative feedback, but it wasn't from my family or friends, but just random people or coworkers. Yeah, it did hurt, but the people that love and cared about me took me just as I am. The funny thing is those same people are asking me how I got my hair to grow. What is also crazy that I sometimes get negative comments from some naturals. If I try to wear a different style from a wash-n-go or twist, I get hated on. But, I think that has do with some jealousy.