Naturals, Dominican blowouts and damage?


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, just wondering if there are any naturals who consistently get dominican blowouts and have not experienced hair is mostly natural and I got one over the weekend..I made sure I washed my hair at home b4 I went, and did an emergencee treatment followed by a deep condition w/ evoo in preparation for all that heat.....I can really see how I can get addicted to going every two weeks especially now that spring has sprung:lol: just wondering how much I can actually do this without causing damage...please let me know your experience!!!
Well I did a blowout 3 mths ago and I had to cut 3 inches off because my ends were damaged my hair is very fragile I have to baby my hair like u can't believe, the funny thing is it looks great and bouncy and I'm in shock at how long my hair is blah blah blah (I'm mad I didn't take pic) but in the weeks ahead I started to notice pieces breaking that I never had before I new it was the blow out maybe when my hair gets stronger I'll try it again right now I don't want to cut no hair so my ends are really in a protective state, someone who does it more often sucessfully might have a better experience, happy growing chica:)