Naturals...does constantly pulling hair back....


Well-Known Member
Alter the texture of your hair? I've heard this once, but didn't think to much of it. I wear my hair pulled back whether in a low ponytail puff or in a traditional puff EVERYDAY. I do this because the front is straighter than the rest, which I originally attributed to heat damage during my transition, and does crazy things when its let out. It does not look uniform or blends in together at all. I'm wondering if styling it this way could possibly be the culprit to the lack of curl to my natural hair towards the front and top. The hairstylist the other day mentioned that you have to "train" your hair to do what you want it to do when we talked about some of the looser textured hair on my head and I asked if it could possibly change to be closer to the rest of my hair texture.

Now I am considering cutting it all off and starting from scratch for the new year to see if styling my hair overtime without pulling it back will show any difference in how my hair grows in. I never did the big chop, and after this last unsuccessful cut, thinking it would solve my problems, it just seems like a my last and final option. Unfortunately, with my hair in its current state, styling it without pulling it back is an absolute mess.

Are there any other naturals out there that have straight hair blues? Any suggestions?

Naw, I cant really say I have str8 hair problems, but my hair around the front and sides are a different curl pattern than the back. I wear my hair in a low puff most of the time, and I never wondered about why the curls are different. I just firgured that was just the way it grew in. In the back the curls are more springy, and the sides/front look more like fuzz w/ some "s" shapes thrown in :lol:
I have the same issue, I do wear puffs most of the time and I thought that it had affected my hair. But I asked my mom and she says that as a kid, the top of my hair was always thinner and easier to manage as opposed to the middle of my head. I was reading your post on Curve salon and you said that one side seemed to curl up more than the other (if I read correctly) I definitely have the same problem. If you are willing to cut your hair than I guess that would be the best way to see if the straighter hair is is due to you pulling it back.

Your curve pic looks very nice btw :D
I believe the hair is trained. I wear my hair in a bun about 90 % of the time. The hair in the front that is pulled back (not too tightly) to fit in the ponytail has a more wavy texture as opposed to coily. It stays like this whether it's wet or dry. I credit this to the daily stretching.

I prefer my hair this way, but I can see how it would be a hinderance to wearing a fro.
hmmm Can't really say. I think my hair in the front/side/side/back is a little looser epecially when I wear a puff---but once a wash my hair it all naps up equally.
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I have heard this. Unfortunately I don't have any excuse since I've had 2 different hair textures all my life, the top half won't curl for nothing just a bunch of dead waves.
That hasn't happened to me, but unfortunately it has created breakage around the sides and in the back. I had to lay off of the afro puffs even though they were cute.
Constant stretching makes the hair stay enlongated.

The entire front and back of my hair sits out 2 inches above the rest of my hair. It is totally impossible for me to wear an afro without looking crazy. I am forever stuck in the puff.

The only way to get out of this is to start stretching the middle parts of my hair.
mmm, maybe thats why I can't do a fro either. It always looks funny.
I try not to wear them too much because when I did, the front of my hair was breaking
I know this sounds crazy and before I became natural and started wearing my hair in puffs 98% of the time, I would have said that the answer is likely "no". Now, I have to say that for my hair at least this may be a possibility. Either my hair in the front has become straighter/looser curl or that's the real texture of my hair and I just never noticed it when my hair was shorter.
The top of my hair is loosely wavy due to constant bunning throughout my 18mth transition & even now that I'm natural. If i use conditioner, my front/top will get tighter waves... I just used BBD Glass which made the front/top curl TIGHT! (I didn't think that would happen...)... may be the Glass would be an option for u.
I had this same problem in the front of my head, but now that I've started to use more conditioner after my water rinses, and let it sit longer the texture has returned.
I haven't notice a texture change due to pulling my hair back. But my edges will break off if I pull or pin my hair back too tightly. So I make sure to do so with respect to my edges.
I really don't think our natural hair is all that sensitive to daily regimens. I mean, hell, a flat iron can hardly get the kink out - a ponytail shouldn't be able to either.

Me? I'm 2 years natural so I dont know much.

I blow dry religiously
I wear my hair back at least 4 days a week (and have been doing so since I went natural)
I wore cornrows every 2 weeks for 4 months straight - back to back - I'd take them suckas out on Friday and get new ones Saturday morning.

My hair grew. It didn't fall out. And I have as MUCH curl pattern now as I did when I Decided I wasn't going to perm anymore.

A little "tough love" goes a long way. :)
I remember this!!! I finally got rid of all the heat damaged hair which made a HUGE difference. My natural hair definitely has a looser texture at the front regardless how much I wear it back, it just is. I finally got a good cut that works with my various hair textures so styling is now, for the most part, a cinch (minus those bad hair days here and their).

Eliminate damage + a good cut= better hair days!

Happy hair growing!!!

ETA: BEWARE OF USING HEAT WHILE TRANSITIONING BECAUSE IT CAN CAUSE HEAT DAMAGE WHICH COULD POSSIBLY COMPLETELY STRAIGHTEN YOUR NATURAL HAIR PERMANENTLY, ESPECIALLY WHERE YOU HAVE A NATURALLY LOSER TEXTURE ALREADY. It can make styling difficult, but it is possible to get through. I gradually grew out the damaged hair and cut (instead of the other option, starting from scratch;) )
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JCoily said:
^bumping cuz I can.

Girl you are crazy! I was sitting here going nooooo your hair is pretty don't cut it!!! LOL then I realized so1913 posted this months and months ago.:lol: Why you be trippin'?:lachen:
hopeful said:
Girl you are crazy! I was sitting here going nooooo your hair is pretty don't cut it!!! LOL then I realized so1913 posted this months and months ago.:lol: Why you be trippin'?:lachen:

Girl, that damaged hair was killing me!!!! That's why I'm FOREVER warning people about being careful with using heat and sharing my experience. It can drive you nuts!!!!
so1913 said:
Girl, that damaged hair was killing me!!!! That's why I'm FOREVER warning people about being careful with using heat and sharing my experience. It can drive you nuts!!!!

Glad you figured it out! Thanks for the reminder to stay away from the heat, I'm going to try to focus on braids and twists for now and try to focus on growing me some hair (and staying natural), I do not have time for ANY setbacks. In two days I'll be 4 months natural and for some reason that's the point when I want to start fooling with my hair. Last year at 4 months I started blowdrying and pressing and flat-ironing, girl and by 5 1/2 months I had relaxed again, lol it is a slippery slope.:look: So yeah, no heat for me.;) :p
hopeful said:
Glad you figured it out! Thanks for the reminder to stay away from the heat, I'm going to try to focus on braids and twists for now and try to focus on growing me some hair (and staying natural), I do not have time for ANY setbacks. In two days I'll be 4 months natural and for some reason that's the point when I want to start fooling with my hair. Last year at 4 months I started blowdrying and pressing and flat-ironing, girl and by 5 1/2 months I had relaxed again, lol it is a slippery slope.:look: So yeah, no heat for me.;) :p

Good for you! Congrats on your upcoming anniversary! Yep, learn from OTHER peoples mistakes, lol! I was really about to do the TWA and cut it al off (which I kinda regret never doing, I'm seeing some sharp short cuts in all these Fotki albums) I haven't put heat on my head to straighten in over 1 YEAR, although I really haven't had the desire to. But yes, just be EXTREMELY careful. You can look at some of my old pics and really see the damage that was done.