you still have to oil your scalp?


Well-Known Member
Okay, this may be a stupid question.... :look: I've been thinking about transitioning to natural for a while now, but lately I've gotten really serious about it and doing research etc. so that I can transition the RIGHT way. :yep:

I've had relaxed hair for so long, that I don't really know the "differences" between how to care for relaxed hair vs. natural hair.

This may be a silly question, but....when you're natural, do you still have to oil your scalp even if your scalp naturally will make those oils? Or do you only oil the hair shaft to ensure that oils and nutrients reach down the hair shaft with coiled hair.

I'm just curious what the oil/moisturizing routine is. It's so weird that knowing how to properly care for the hair that NATURALLY grows out of my scalp is so foreign to me! :shocked: :nono: I've been so used to caring for relaxed hair that I have no idea how to care for natural hair. :perplexed
I oil my scalp b/c it itches (due to the sulfate shampoo, I think). I used the Revitalizing Hair Balm & the itching stopped.

Other than oiling my scalp to calm the itchies, I don't have to oil my scalp. The moisture from deep conditioning, as well as from my leave-in & moisturizer, is good enough for me.

Drinking water helps a lot, too.
It depends on your body. My scalp is very oily and it I don't wash it twice a week, I start to have that "dog smell" when it gets damp. So obviously oiling it makes no sense for me.
I too don't put anything on my scalp at all. I stopped oiling my scalp in 1980. The only time I ever applied oils to my scalp was when I was trying to treat a bald spot...otherwise I make every effort to keep my scalp squeaky clean.
I've been natural for over a year and I don't oil my scalp at all because I don't find it to be necessary. Plus, my skin/scalp is sensitive to way too many things, so I don't like to put any kind of oil directly on it. I used to have a dry itchy scalp all the time but not since I've been natural. I've had a really dry scalp around my edges before (seborrheic dermatitis) but the only thing that really worked for that was tea tree oil.

On the other hand, I know people who oil their scalp faithfully so you have to do what works for you. When you are going from relaxed to natural there is a lot of trial and error. Experimenting is really the only way you can find out what your hair/scalp needs or doesn't need.
usually in the winter time my scalp is alot drier so I usually oil it overnight as a pre poo before I wash it the next day.

Other than that, nope I dont really make an effort to oil my scalp
I think it's an individual choice. I hadn't oiled my scalp for 2yrs and this year I started oiling 2x a week.
Well, when I was relaxed, I didn't add oil b/c it would weigh my hair down. As a natural I do use coconut oil in my hair when it's wet and a little will get on my scalp but I don't ever oil my scalp. My pre-poos with oils are added mostly to my hair and are typically only kept on for about an hour.

If you're worried about dryness then you could avoid things like poos with sulfates that could dry out your hair & scalp. Doing deep conditions with moisture will also help.
I also agree that it depends on the person, I use to never put anything on my scalp even when I was relaxed, but since my scalp has been tight & itchy I just started using Qhemet Biologics Amla Pomade lightly on my scalp once a week.
Thanks ladies! :up:

Hmm....I guess it basically just depends on your OWN individual scalp needs and maybe even the season. I see that it varies from person to person.

That's good to know. :yep:

I guess I'm so used to oiling my scalp since relaxer chemicals are so harsh and drying that they take away some of my scalp's *natural* ability to make sebum/oil that it never really occured to me that some naturals don't even have to oil their scalps! Wow.... :scratchch

Very interesting. This whole process is very interesting and exciting indeed! I can't wait to get started! :grin:
I didn't oil my scalp when I was relaxed and I don't oil my scalp as a Natural. My sister on the other hand has natural hair and religiously oils her scalp after every wash (every 2 weeks approx) and sometimes between washes. She has a dry scalp so she believes that she needs to oil her scalp.
I am thinking of starting to oil my scalp again because it is so itchy and the dandruff is driving me crazy. Seriously my hair is healthy and everything but the scalp needs major work. I dont know all of a sudden my scalp has become crazy.
I oil my scalp twice a week. My scalp is very dry and begins to flake if I don't oil it. But it does depend on the individual. See first if your scalp is oily or even normal. If it is either, you may not need to put anything on it. All the best on your hair journey :)!
I don't oil my scalp. I know some oils must get on it when I spray my hair everyday but I don't deliberately oil or grease it. I also quickly rinse my scalp before I spray my hair.
I oil my scalp as needed basis which maybe once or twice a week. I have tried oiling my scalp with evco but that left my roots dry. I prefer jojoba oil on my scalp b/c it's lite & it absorbs into my scalp w/o leaving it greasy.
I apply growth aids to my scalp, but otherwise no. I use leave in conditioner almost daily and massage it through my hair when applying so I'm sure my scalp gets some.
i don't oil my scalp either. I just spray my hair with my mixture (oil, water,glycerin,aloe vera gel) in the evening. do braids/conrows for sleeping and i massage my hair before goiing to bed or anytime of the day. My scalp is not dry at all . I don't like the feeling of heay hair ,like my scalp to me feels cleaner without oiling it
I don’t usually oil my scalp because products always migrate to my scalp anyway. Now, when my hair is straight, my scalp itches like mad and I have to oil my scalp, almost every day. Which is why I hardly ever wear my hair straight.