(naturals) Do you cowash everyday or 5 days a week?


New Member
If so what has it done for your hair?

And what is your hair routine including cowashing, deep conditioning protien treatments etc

Thanks! xx
I cowash or water-only wash daily and my hair loves it. I try to DC once a week -- I usually DC overnight.
What has it done for my hair? For me, it keeps it soft and moisturized.
Wow, if I did that on a daily basis I wouldn't have time for nothing else. I nopoo once a month and my hair loves it and so do I. I am also a no oil\no product person. The only time I put produce in my hair is to nopoo, that is it.
I detangle once or twice per week and I do moisturize and seal. I just learned about sealing and I think it's what has made a difference in keeping my hair feeling soft all day. BTW I cowash and then bun.

For those of you all that cowash that often, do you still moisturize and seal daily too?

How often do you detangle?
I cowash about 5 times a weeks or a little less if I miss a workout. Then I just moisturize and seal at night.
I co-washed for the 2nd time and my hair loved it. I co-washed once with Mane & Tail and again with V05 Strawberries and Cream then rinsed. I tried something extremely different yesterday too with the dc'ing. I'm looking for minimal loss of hair when I detangle. (I only comb once a week) This time, I looked at all of my products and grabbed an empty jar and began mixing: Elasta QP DPR 11, Elasta QP Mango Butter, ION Extreme Moisturizing Condish, Neutrogena Triple Moisturizing Condish, Roux Moisturizer Recovery Pack, Silk Elements, evoo and honey. I left this concoction on my hair for 40 minutes while sitting under the hair dryer. I rinsed my well-moisturized hair (felt really, really good) and sprayed with DOO Grow Detangling spray. Last week when I co-washed, I lost about a thin layer, index finger to thumb circle full of hair. This time when I detangled, I lost a nickel size of hair, not even. I'm not sure if I would make this a routine but it was worth experimenting.
I cowash every day. It keeps my hair super moisturized. Every 2 weeks or so I do my ayurvedic hair care and deep conditon. I finger comb in the shower every day.
i do in the summers, but this summer i probably won't because i am trying a low-mani regimen now. i retained fine (i suppose) and my hair was soft, moisturized and always smelled good, but i seem to retain more just washing 2x a week max. it may be because i was wearing WNGs everyday as opposed to wet bunning or something though, and thus had to detangle more. i DID discover my favorite cowash conditioners though...i used to be a strictly VO5 strawberries and creme girl, then i moved to suave tropical coconut, and this past summer i discovered the joys of herbal essences hello hydration and aussie moist. i keep huge bottles of each on hand just in case i get the urge to cowash.
I co-wash in cornrows , at least once a week, but no more than that......just to keep my hair soft and moisturised til my next wash.... i wash once evry 14 days
i deep condition 1-2 times a month, and i use keratin and green tea reconstructor if my hair needs some protien.. the aphogee 2 step is too strong. i have fine 4a strands and it doesnt take alot of moisture/or protien to get the job done.
I take a shower without a shower cap but with my hair up so my hair gets moisture that way. Cowashing gave me too much manipulation. I DC or cowash once a week and poo every two to 3 weeks followed by a good DC. I really need to do a protein treatment (mayo and eggs did nothing for me) but everything so far has cones and polyquats which do more harm than good for my hair especially since I use non harsh shampoos.
I co-wash once a week. 2 times tops. I'm on a low-mani program (braidouts and twistouts)--which has helped me to retain a lot of growth. Plus, co-washing daily for me was too drying and too much manipulation.
I co wash twice a week and DC once a week. I'm using mayo mixed with Renpure Organics Pomegranate conditioner this time. The Renpure condish is a new product for me so I'll find out how it works out this week. I use ORS Olive Oil hair Lotion as a daily daytime moisturizer.

These days I DC with Queene Helene's cholesterol mixed with raw honey. I comb with a wide toothed comb 5 days a week because my hair loves to knot and loc up if I don't. I only finger comb my hair after a DC and also the day after the DC. I'm finding that this regimen keeps my hair hydrated and moisturized throughout the week and I no longer lose hair in my comb.
I co-wash once a week. 2 times tops. I'm on a low-mani program (braidouts and twistouts)--which has helped me to retain a lot of growth. Plus, co-washing daily for me was too drying and too much manipulation.

Ditto. I love co-washing though, in the summer i co-wash 3 times a week:yep:
In the summertime I do. Sometimes I think it makes my hair too soft. Then I will wash it with shampoo.
Too much manipulation for my hair is not a good thing...Everytime I cowash, that means detangling and the risk of losing more hair than necessary. It doesn't work for me.