Naturals detangling


Active Member
I wear my hair in cornrows under a wig. I wash once a week. I pre-poo and detangle with the pre-poo. I use cholestrol or mayo and Revlon Porisity control on dry hair and comb it out to remove tangles. Is that when and how im post to detangle?
I wouldn't advise combing dry hair.. I only detangle mine when it is dripping wet and covered with conditioner...
I wouldn't advise combing dry hair.. I only detangle mine when it is dripping wet and covered with conditioner...

I agree. That is my first step to detangling using my fingers on wet hair with conditioner. Then after I rinse, I apply a leave in/detangling spray and castor oil or butter on my hair and detangle with the comb and/or my denman. Even if my hair dries a little, I spray it again. HTH Q
you use porosity control every week?

slather it with oil and conditioner and get a wide tooth comb and work in sections, also the Denman brush works like a Charm

all I need is some oil, conditioner and my K cutter and I'm good to go

but I THINK using PC that much might add to tangling issues IDK , I dont use it so I cant say for sure

but I dont think its intended for weekly use

eta: oh yeah I am speaking about on WET hair like the others
you use porosity control every week?

slather it with oil and conditioner and get a wide tooth comb and work in sections, also the Denman brush works like a Charm

all I need is some oil, conditioner and my K cutter and I'm good to go

but I THINK using PC that much might add to tangling issues IDK , I dont use it so I cant say for sure

but I dont think its intended for weekly use

eta: oh yeah I am speaking about on WET hair like the others

I have to agree with the bolded when i did it my tangling got worser. It was like over kill i had the same result with the french stablizer plus also acv.
I wouldn't advise combing dry hair.. I only detangle mine when it is dripping wet and covered with conditioner...
I also agree with this. I know dry hair has a little more "slip" with conditioner in it, but I wouldn't do any major detangling with my hair like this (only maybe a little finger detangling of the worse knots before I wet my hair to fully detangle).

Also, I use Roux Porosity Control weekly and I love it (I've been using it like this for about 8-9 years). So I don't think that a problem. It gives me good slip and helps detangling when my hair is wet in the shower.
I had my first major detangling session yesterday. As you all know, I rarely leave my hair out so detangling hardly features in my regimen. But after wearing a twist-out as bangs, I was too lazy/tired to do my usual retwisting each twist section after finger-combing for the night, or at least first thing after baggying overnight. So I sectioned the bang into 3 big sections and plaited the hair before finger combing. :blush: I figured after baggying, I will be able to finger-comb in the AM and then decide whether I want to do bigger twists or return to same skinny ones I do. What a daunting task faced me!:nono: Don't forget I don't use any products on my hair. So this is what I was looking at:

I just didn't have the steam to detangle or finger-comb my usual way (as in this vid) so I got some Organix and slathered it generously on my hair. I didn't wet my hair; I instead let any moisture be from the conditioner. I was channeling Dsylla :p and remembering hat she finger-combs with conditioner so I stayed calm and trusted it would work. It actually turned into a rather fun experience, except it was frustrating because I couldn't seem to capture the different cute things my hair was doing on cam. :wallbash: The image just wasn't showing the details I was seeing, like how in spite of the pen springs that love to cuddle, the strands were really separating with ease. I gave up trying to make a movie of that and just took pics instead.

This was during the detangling with conditioner. As soon as I applied conditioner, my hair went into its definition mode forming separate clumped pen springs:

As I would finger-comb while stretching the hair (like in my vid) and end up with separate strands, the hair would spring into compressed springs and by appearance, the task would seem like it was fruitless, but I knew better. When I stretched the hair, there were no more strands struck together. Vanilla Silk made the strands slip form each others embrace with ease. So even though the pic below of the rinsed hair doesn't look detangled, my hair really was:

I plaited my bangs into 3 plaits of untangled hair till I figure out what I am going to do with it.
I agree with the ladies who detangle on wet hair, when I was fully natural that was the ONLY way.

OT: Nonie you're hair is gorgeous! :love:
This is how I detangle my hair after taking out my braids. I take one braid out, lightly spritz with some water and gently comb my ends with a fine toothed comb or my denman (just the ends)...Then I prepoo, shampoo, condition, detangle my entire head with my denman, then rinse.

This is only when I've had a style in for longer than a week.

Most of the time I detangle on wet hair that is loaded with conditioner.

ETA: After I finished detangling a section, I twist/braid it up to keep it tangel free. Then I rinse the conditioner out with the twist/braids still in.

Hope that helps!
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you use porosity control every week?

slather it with oil and conditioner and get a wide tooth comb and work in sections, also the Denman brush works like a Charm

all I need is some oil, conditioner and my K cutter and I'm good to go

but I THINK using PC that much might add to tangling issues IDK , I dont use it so I cant say for sure

but I dont think its intended for weekly use

eta: oh yeah I am speaking about on WET hair like the others

Whats so good about this denman brush and I typed in oamazon and I dont know which one to get.
When I removed my tree braids, I applied Eqyss Survivor Super Detangler Shine to my dry hair and finger combed the worst of the knots/tangles, then I slathered my hair with olive butter and put a baggie on it and tied it with a satin scarf. In the morning, i poo'ed, conditioned and dc'ed. Everything went very smoothly and I did not suffer the horrid experience that I had last time when I did not detangle prior to pooing.

I detangle in the shower ever two days with my Denman 3 or Jilbere Shower Comb with wet hair slathered in conditioner. Today, I only lost a few hairs way less that two days ago.
I bought Cowboy Magic Detangler, which someone else recommended in another thread. That has helped me detalnger easier a lot! I'm a natural 4b.
I used pantene relaxed and natural hair mask and some coconut oil to detangle when I took my sew in out.
I didn't wet my hair; I instead let any moisture be from the conditioner. I was channeling Dsylla :p and remembering hat she finger-combs with conditioner so I stayed calm and trusted it would work.

This is also the best for me, though sometimes I do it on wet hair, too. In fact, not conditioner, but something closer to a thicker cream. You have to see what works best for your hair, but wetting my hair causes it to coil up on itself, and conditioners with cones causes it all to stick to each other. Both of these things make my detangling harder. Dry hair with a non-cone conditioner or with a thick cream is the best way to go for me.