Naturals: breakage after twist takedown?


New Member
I had my twist in for almost 2 weeks and had to take them down. The ends started to lock up that quick. While trying to do a twist out I notice so small coil up hair on my shirt, lap, and floor. After running my hand through my hair, it looked like Teen Wolf. :pullhair:I heard when doing twist all the hair that you would of combed out on a daily bases is waiting to come out all at once just to give you a panic attack. My hair is super soft like cotton for the first time since my natural journey (:worship2:Qhemet Biologics) but thinking I need a protein treatment. Jason's Biotin conditioner has crossed my mind but wanted to get your thoughts first. Right now I'm doing a hot oil treatment overnight with Hot Six Oil (I think that's the name) and coconut oil.
It may just be me, but a small amount of breakage isn't anything to call Hair Rescue 911 over :). Breakage happens, but there are things you can do to minimize it, such as being as gentle as possible with you hair, it being properly moisturized and if your twists brushes on your clothes, pin them up. Something that I like to do is, may sure my hands are oiled when I take down my hair. That way the oil gives a little more slip versus dry hands. If protein is the problem, do a light treatment. What about trying a deep conditioner with protein?
I took out my twists for a twist out today after 9 days and I agree that being gentle and using oil during that take-down goes a long way.
I have to agree with the ladies. I can't go more than a week or two with the same twists particularly if I have done regular cowashings. I start hearing pad LOCKS on my tresses starting day 7 of 14 days.
I have to agree with the ladies. I can't go more than a week or two with the same twists particularly if I have done regular cowashings. I start hearing pad LOCKS on my tresses starting day 7 of 14 days.

I can not even go a day in twists. Whenever I leave my hair in twists, I get breakage, tangling, and knots up the wazoo.
I use to notice much breakage when taking down my daughter's twists. Now I saturate the hair (especially the ends) with conditioner and the twists slide ride out of her hair. The last time I used the HellO Hydration conditioner (which I HATE for my hair), it worked perfectly in taking down her twists.
This is why I stopped wearing minitwists. I wore them for two weeks at a time, washing them a week after I put them in and the day I was taking them down. There would always be little c hairs EVERYWHERE.

They never got anywhere near locing but they tangled something fierce. I can't even wash my hair in big twists with them getting tangled.
In my experience it seems I used to shed/suffer breakage more after a period of twists over single plaits.

I hope you have been moisturising consistently, (checking that the basics are covered). When my hair needs protein as well as moisture while in twists I use equal parts EVCO and Giovanni Direct Leave-In.

I also never perform a takedown of individuals without generously moisturising my hair beforehand (usually glycerine and spring water), this has made an incredible difference for me.
It may just be me, but a small amount of breakage isn't anything to call Hair Rescue 911 over :). Breakage happens, but there are things you can do to minimize it, such as being as gentle as possible with you hair, it being properly moisturized and if your twists brushes on your clothes, pin them up. Something that I like to do is, may sure my hands are oiled when I take down my hair. That way the oil gives a little more slip versus dry hands. If protein is the problem, do a light treatment. What about trying a deep conditioner with protein?

yea, it's isn't a true 911 call but it freaked me out to see all that hair tumbling on to my shirt with ease. :perplexed My hair is very moisturized which is something new for my dried -out- on- a- regular- basis hair. So that got me thinking maybe it's TOO moisturized and need protien. I will definitely do my take downs with oil next time. Thanks!!:grin: