Naturals at the Salon


Well-Known Member
My only salon experience as a natural was when I went to get my hair "shaped up" post big chop. I had a pretty pleasant experience. The stylist was very friendly and did a good job of cutting and styling my hair. The only thing is she blew my hair out before she started cutting. She explained that it was just easier for her that way, esp. since she was going to be buzzing the sides and back.

I remember going to another salon in the area while I was transitioning. I had made an appointment to get the front of my hair flat twisted. When I came in, the owner told me that flat twists wouldn't look good because I had too much new growth. That puzzled me a bit because I know that people who are fully natural flat twistd their hair and it looks fine. I think I was even aware of transitioners doing the same. She recommended cornrowing the front instead. I said fine. The stylist blew out the front of my hair and put in small cornrows for the same price. That was my second and probably last experience at that salon though since the people there are far less friendly.

My questions for the naturals are:

Is it normal for you or others to blow your hair out before braiding it, etc?

Do you find that when you go to a regular salon that does mostly relaxers and weaves, they generally know what they're doing when it comes to natural hair (without you having to search out/interview a "specialist")?

There's a natural salon in my area but it's a little pricey. The lady that used to do my hair now works from home and seems to have little experience with natural hair (may even be anti-natural).

I would love to start going to the salon every now and then but want to know whether I should prepare to be more assertive/vigilant when it comes to dealing with some of these stylists.

Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated.

I can tell you that as a predominantly natural hair stylist it really depends on what the client is getting. Before a trim I blow their hair out because it decreases my chances of cutting off too much hair. It's easier to see when the hair is blown out.

As far as styling it really depends. Twists can be done wet or dry. Usually when it's done dry it's just to show length. Blown out hair also encourages less tangles and knots when it comes to styling. However flat twists and all that can still be done on wet hair.

Me personally I would never let anyone cut my hair wet. I wouldn't let them cut it in it's curly state either. If you don't want your hair blown out you can ask them to detangle and separate your hair into large twists and sit you under a dryer to extract the water out. I do it often for clients that don't want a blowdry before styling.

There are ways around lots of things. Stand your ground unless what you're asking for makes no sense. Lol.
I already come in w/ my hair blowout and benefits me greatly b/c no one is going to treat my hair the way I treat it. Some stylist don't care if your hair natural, they will rip through it quickly w/ no remorse (i learned that the hard way).
I can tell you that as a predominantly natural hair stylist it really depends on what the client is getting. Before a trim I blow their hair out because it decreases my chances of cutting off too much hair. It's easier to see when the hair is blown out.

As far as styling it really depends. Twists can be done wet or dry. Usually when it's done dry it's just to show length. Blown out hair also encourages less tangles and knots when it comes to styling. However flat twists and all that can still be done on wet hair.

Me personally I would never let anyone cut my hair wet. I wouldn't let them cut it in it's curly state either. If you don't want your hair blown out you can ask them to detangle and separate your hair into large twists and sit you under a dryer to extract the water out. I do it often for clients that don't want a blowdry before styling.

There are ways around lots of things. Stand your ground unless what you're asking for makes no sense. Lol.

This is REALLLY good information.

On topic--- I had one experience where my stylist blew my hair out to braid the base for my weave install. He said it would lie flatter and blah blimblam. Two months later when I took the install out, my curls reverted and were not harmed. But going forward, I might just do that part (blow out) myself. To his credit, he is AWESOME...but I have this thing where I am okay as long as I do it: I am just not cozy as of yet having my stylist perform that function. But the above quote sheds a gang of light of the topic.

I think most cosmetologists don't know sh*t about hair let alone natural hair. Granted there are some exceptions. But I haven't been to a salon in years and I prolly won't unless I go to a natural hair stylist. And I just cut my own hair. I twist it and I clip the ends.
I would say it is pretty normal to get your hair blew out or stretched in some form before braiding...Not because it cannot be braided other wise, but because it is more time efficient to braid hair that is completely detangled, mat free, easy to manipulate thus ready for parting and braiding.

The salon itself doesn't matter as long as the person doing your hair knows what's up.

I agree the natural salons are a little steep for some of the basic services they offer. For that reason I don't patron them. I would like to but I have to find a service that justifies the charge. 100 bucks for own hair twists when my hair was cut to my shoulders straightened was not happening.

I'm not an advocate of being rude or extra when it comes to receiving any kind of customer service(no matter how one justifies it). I recommend going in knowing what you want, being able to relate what you want to the stylist(pictures are great), and if the stylist can't deliver then no big deal there is one who can. You just might not be able to say yes to the first stylist who offers it, you may have to drive out of the way to find it or you may have to pay a bit more to get it done correctly.

Good luck
My boyfriend's Mom says that she prefers to cornrow on dry hair but flat two strand twist on wet. She doesn't like the wet cornrows come out on wet hair. And I'm natural, but that's her preference for natural or relaxed hair.
It is standard at most salons I have been to to blow out your hair first. If your hair is tangled, it would hurt and take more time to cornrow without it blown out. Also helps make parting easier as well. I wouldnt even let someone near my hair if they tried to cornrow it wet or even my natural hair airdried..that would be even more of a mess.

I agree about blowing hair out to trim first so they can really see how much they are cutting easier and its harder to make a mistake with it blown out.
I don't go to salons, however, my sister cornrowed my transitioning hair without any heat or pain; all the while wearing 3 inch acrylic nails.

So yeah.
I don't blow out my hair prior to braiding or twisting my hair. I just make sure my hair is stretched by putting in large braids or twists. As long as my hair is stretched and detangled, blow drying is not necessary imo.
I don't think blowdrying is necessary. I always braid and twist my children's hair wet... it wouldn't even occur to me to blow them out before styling their hair. The same is true for my hair. Now, I would never let anyone trim my hair if it wasn't straightened first.
I don't blow out my hair prior to braiding or twisting my hair. I just make sure my hair is stretched by putting in large braids or twists. As long as my hair is stretched and detangled, blow drying is not necessary imo.
thanks for posting everyone... i'm learning before i begin this process

Nixx, how do you band? with what products in your hair, , or what do you use for banding???
Is it normal for you or others to blow your hair out before braiding it, etc?
I don't braid my hair, but my guess is its probably easier to grab the hair if its straight.

Do you find that when you go to a regular salon that does mostly relaxers and weaves, they generally know what they're doing when it comes to natural hair (without you having to search out/interview a "specialist")?
Usually they look at my thick, curly hair and they're puzzled. Some people think that because I'm 3b/3c I shouldn't have this issue, but trust me I do. The stylist at the salon I went to last week (first time this year) ONLY blowdried my already rollerset hair and she was visually disturbed at the length and thickness of my hair. Needless to say she won't be doing my hair ever again.
Is it normal for you or others to blow your hair out before braiding it, etc? Yes. I don't know how to cornrow my own hair so I got someone else to do it last year and they blew my hair out, also when I got my tree braids a few weeks ago, they requested it of me before I arrived.

Do you find that when you go to a regular salon that does mostly relaxers and weaves, they generally know what they're doing when it comes to natural hair (without you having to search out/interview a "specialist")? I can't say much on this because I've avoided salons like the plague since I BC'd. I walked in one to get my ends trimmed and the look on the girl's face compelled me to walk back out. She looked dazed and confused at my hair. I learned to cut my own ends that day.:lachen: