Naturals...Are You Using Natural Products or do you stick to "chemicals"?


New Member
Hey all,

Many of you know that I do youtube videos. I get MUCH more input from naturals, most of whom don't come to forums. The latest video that I did was on Favorite Products for Naturals. So far, I have a little over 70 comments. I noticed that many people kept saying that they use all natural products, and the switch to those products helped their hair flourish. Many said that most products that we use from the BSS and brands we used as relaxed heads contain crap that we don't need, which makes TONS of sense. I raved about Redken Real Control, and many women sent me messages and comments telling me how bad the ingredients are for naturals! Not necessarily bad, but that silicones and protein and all that is packed into the product, and it's just toooo much. To sum it all up, I went to Trader Joe's and My Organic Market to look at natural hair products, apparently this is all we need! I have a list of brands that you may want to look into, just let me know.

So, do you use brands like Oyin, Inky Loves Nature, Alba, Nature's Gate, Morrocco Method, Giovanni etc that are all natural?? I'm not talking about Carol's Daughter, Miss Jessies, DevaCurl and products that are natural hair friendly, but still have a bunch of chems and other useless crap in them. I believe that my conversion to these more natural products without all the crazy stuff will help my hair. I won't give up EVERYTHING that I used before, but why pollute my hair with extra crap that it really doesn't need??

Thanks for the input!
I am using homemade and natural products 99% of the time.

My hair has flourished.

On top of saving loads of money, I have helped my family and freinds with suggestions...
One point I would like to make is that even natural and organic companies put chemicals in their products.

As a natural and texlaxed as I am today I used Aubrey Organics and Giovanni ONLY. I also used aura cacia organic oils.

Now I use a wider variety of products. There is no difference in my hair. Not all products that aren't natural have bad ingredients, just as every natural product is not full of good ingredients.

Don't be fooled by the organic companies... they have their little underhanded, sneaky ways to sneak chemicals into the products. There was a thread about Aubrey Organics doing this recently!

I feel that natural and organic products have LESS chemicals than regular products, but most of them do have chemicals.

If you really want to go completely natural, you would do better with making your own products.
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Hrm. I use mostly natural and homemade products. I still have a couple of 'chemical-rich' products that I will keep using, without the least little bit of shame - until I can find something I can make at home that live up to what those products provide.

I can't say whether my hair actually improved from the use of natural products, or if it improved because at the same time that I learned about the benefits of natural products, I was also learning more about how to properly take care of my hair (which is a skillset that many sistas are sorely lacking).

I don't really push natural products, either - I push what works. And if chemical-rich products work for someone else, I'm not going to tell them/try to talk them into going natural...........but if they are having problems with the chems, I'm going to for SURE encourage them to look outside the box.
Honestly, I still use "chemical products" and they work fine for my hair. I've used products like Qhemet Biologics before and they worked great. But honestly, I buy products that aren't expensive and that I have easy access to. If I have to order it off the internet, it's a no go. :nono:
I'm only using natural products and I have a whole lot of samples to purchase and experimenting to do!
I can't wait!
So far I've tried a shescentit product and still have to get some samples. I've tried Giovanni and still want to try some of their other products and I've tried AO. I'm starting to use glycerine and aloe vera in mixtures too. So far everything is okay, but I'm still looking for my staples. I'm also experimenting with an ayurvedic regimen.

ETA: I want to try Oyin, Hairveda, some shea based treasured locks products, anita grant....the list goes on and on.
Yes, I'm a PJ.
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The only unnatural products that I use are conditioner and shampoo. All of my styling product are homemade. I refuse to give up my Herbal essence totally twisted and CON shampoo :nono:
I am all over the place with my products. I use whatever makes my hair feel good: Oyin, Terressentials, Qhemet B, Wen, Lush, Herbal Essences. I could go on and on. My hair is doing okay. The only thing my hair doesn't like is mineral oil and heat. I change my products up so much, my hair doesn't have a chance to tell me anything aside from "Thank you for washing and conditioning me. Goodnight!"

I try to use what's best for my hair, and like Samanthajones, I would like to make and use my own homemade concoctions. I look at her hair and see how using simple things in the kitchen can make a world of difference in the health of your hair and the money left in your wallet.
One point I would like to make is that even natural and organic companies put chemicals in their products.

As a natural and texlaxed as I am today I used Aubrey Organics and Giovanni ONLY. I also used aura cacia organic oils.

Now I use a wider variety of products. There is no difference in my hair. Not all products that aren't natural have bad ingredients, just as every natural product is not full of good ingredients.

Don't be fooled by the organic companies... they have their little underhanded, sneaky ways to sneak chemicals into the products. There was a thread about Aubrey Organics doing this recently!

I feel that natural and organic products have LESS chemicals than regular products, but most of them do have chemicals.

If you really want to go completely natural, you would do better with making your own products.

Yep. Most products need some sort of preservative at least.

I use both still....whatever works.

Me too. I co-wash with cheapie conditioners and will continue to do so. I completely avoid cones and sulfates, though. I am starting to prefer natural stuff for dc's and my leave-in is all-natural. But, like stated above, if it works, I will continue to use it.
I use both. They both seem to do the job they are meant to do for my hair. My shampoo and Deep conditioners are predominantly "chemical based" which does not bother me. My Leave-ins and moisturizers are more "natural" which also works for me.
I think my hair is still fine with the chemical stuff, but I just have to be smart and informed about what chemicals are in the product and what to avoid, just like I have to be smart about some of the ingredients that maybe in a natural product.
One point I would like to make is that even natural and organic companies put chemicals in their products.

As a natural and texlaxed as I am today I used Aubrey Organics and Giovanni ONLY. I also used aura cacia organic oils.

Now I use a wider variety of products. There is no difference in my hair. Not all products that aren't natural have bad ingredients, just as every natural product is not full of good ingredients.

Don't be fooled by the organic companies... they have their little underhanded, sneaky ways to sneak chemicals into the products. There was a thread about Aubrey Organics doing this recently!

I feel that natural and organic products have LESS chemicals than regular products, but most of them do have chemicals.

If you really want to go completely natural, you would do better with making your own products.

I agree. I use mostly AO and Giovanni products...and Aura Cacia oils as well...probably like 80%...and my hair has thrived....

However I think my hair has thrived due to avoiding crap ingredients like petroleum....I think its just easier to avoid bad stuff by using natural products.

But I dont think that all non-natural products are just have to know what ingredients work and dont work for your hair and proceed accordingly.
I did go the all natural route before. I used Trader Joe Nourish Spa, Shikakai and Hempseed butter.

Now, I don't care. I basically only use conditioner. And whatever conditioner works best or is available is what I use.
I use both, at first I just used all natural products, Giovanni shampoo and condish and other natural homemade products for leave-ins and such, my hair did flourish. But, now I use watever works, I don't use any ol' thing I still read labels and pretty much stick to, Garnier Fructis and White Rain TC condish. I don't go out of my "zone" too much.

Since becoming pregs, my hormones have made my hair hate Giovanni and my texture is rough and stringy, so I had to find something else for right now that can get my hair to act right.:sad:
Recently, I started using the following:

Shampoo: baking soda + water mixture follow with acv rinse
Conditioner(dc and cw): Pantene relaxed and natural breakage defense mask
Moisturizer: Sofn'free/6 n 1 hair lotion with olive oil
Oil sealant: Nutiva coconut oil
Growth aid: Bee mine growth serum-strawberry kiwi

I tried Giovanni 50:50 this morning and did not care for it. It is not that it was not good but not great for my hair either. My shescentit sampler pack was mailed out today and I am really excited about that. I am going to give the 50:50 one more try before I make my final decision. My goal is to be using all natural/homemade haircare products by Jan. 2009.
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Recently, I started using the following:

Shampoo: baking soda + water mixture follow with acv rinse
Conditioner(dc and cw): Pantene relaxed and natural breakage defense mask
Moisturizer: Sofn'free/6 n 1 hair lotion with olive oil
Oil sealant: Nutiva coconut oil
Growth aid: Bee mine growth serum-strawberry kiwi

I tried Giovanni 50:50 this morning and did not care for it. It is not that it was not good but not great for my hair either. My shescentit sampler pack was mailed out today and I am really excited about that. I am going to give the 50:50 one more try before I make my final decision. My goal is to be using all natural/homemade haircare products by Jan. 2009.

Does your hair like protein or do you already use soemthing with protein? The 50:50 is a balance of protein and moisture so if your hair already has enough protein then that could have been the prob., have you tried the Tea Tree Triple Threat, yet? They have samples now, for like 1.99 at Target, I love this stuff so much!:lick:
As it has already been said: even "natural" products tend to have chemicals somewhere in them.

I tried the all natural route over the course of my many reviews and my hair flourished both ways.

A good quality "non-natural" product will have a proper balance of things like silicones, protein, etc. and won't hurt your hair. Same for a good quality "natural" product.

Of course some cheapie product made of mineral oil pales in comparison to a handful of yogurt!

It really depends on technique, the type of product, and it's quality. It's always good to try -I only use natural or SLS-free poos. Conditioner and leave-ins how ever are whatever works best natural or otherwise. :grin:
I use a mix of both. Most of my styling products have chemicals. I try to keep my cleansers and conditioners as natural as possible.
Does your hair like protein or do you already use soemthing with protein? The 50:50 is a balance of protein and moisture so if your hair already has enough protein then that could have been the prob., have you tried the Tea Tree Triple Threat, yet? They have samples now, for like 1.99 at Target, I love this stuff so much!:lick:

hi there,

I never thought of this. This is probably it. I also purchased the tea tree triple threat and will try it out after my workout tomorrow. I hate that I did not check Target first before purchasing from vitacost.
When it comes to conditioners I don't really care if its organic or not. I love to use stuff that's already in my kitchen like: honey, EVOO, coconut oil, aloe vera gel, etc. I stopped dying my hair and ONLY Henna. I read the ingredients and try to stay away from products that contain alcohol, which my hair hates. I also stopped using face scrubs. Sugar and EVOO leaves my face glowing.

In the beginning, excited to be natural I tried every product under the sun and now I tend to not believe the hype. I just don't want any harsh chemicals on my skin that could harm me or my family. Oh I did buy MT tho hopefully I won't eat hay or grow a tail LOL
I make some stuff and I also use store bought stuff.

I guess it really just depends on your hair.

I've *finally* got my routine down to where I only use a few products.

To all the PJs reading this: If you find something that works well...stop there! lol

:look: (From a recovering PJ)
hi there,

I never thought of this. This is probably it. I also purchased the tea tree triple threat and will try it out after my workout tomorrow. I hate that I did not check Target first before purchasing from vitacost.

You an me both, I bought 2 bottle befor ei checked Target and could have kicked myself. I payed 7.99 for mine and then went to Target and they had samples and it was like 7.59 or something for the big bottle.

But you should try the Triple Threat, I really like it.:lick:
How did you like the Nourish Spa?? I just bought it and can't wait to try it!

I did go the all natural route before. I used Trader Joe Nourish Spa, Shikakai and Hempseed butter.

Now, I don't care. I basically only use conditioner. And whatever conditioner works best or is available is what I use.
I'm still transitioning, but I have definitely noticed a difference in my hair since I started using all natural products about 5 months ago. I use Aubrey Organics, Kinky Curly, and various oils and my hair could not be happier. It is shiny, easily finger detangled and growing growing growing.

I had been using Kerastase and other salon products at the start of my transition with good results, but the health of my hair did not take off until I switched to completely natural products.
I am 100% natural.

I use some things from Lush, Eqyss(Avocado Mist Detangling Spray and Premier Rehydrant Spray), lots of natural oils, No products with mineral oil or grease, Castile Soap, On occasssion I do use diluted shampoo and I *heart* Aussie Conditioners and Nature's Gate Daily Herbal Conditioner.

I also use henna and other ayurvedic powder and oils.

Today, My shampoo was ACV and water. My deep conditioner consisted of mayonnaise, honey and a few squirts of Aussie hair conditioner. My scalp feels good and my hair is so shiny.
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I use commercial products but I stay away from most of the crap in the BSS. I didn't even use that stuff on my relaxed hair.