Naturals and Swimming


Well-Known Member
It's HOT out here and I have been regularly hitting up the pool. So far I've just been using a cheapie conditioner in my hair before swimming and that seems to be doing fine. I forgot to yesterday and my hair is DRY!

What do you do to prep your hair before swimming? or
Do you have certain products that you suggest?

Thanks :)
I usually use a cheapie condish. Then I do a very high bun or two french braids. I don't let my hair hang loose when I swim.

Cheap conditioner or alot of evoo.
Most times I swim in the ocean so no pre swim prep I just rinse CW after.
I've heard both...using a cheapie conditioner or oil. I was told oil would be better since conditioner is water soluble and would just wash out as opposed to oil which will stay on the hair better. Just don't forget to give a good rinse off when you get out of the pool also.
I haven't swam in a long time. But the last time I went swimming, I took all the precautions I have read about here. Applied conditioner to coat my hair well, then wrapped my head with Saran wrap firmly to create my first seal. Then when I couldn't find my swimcap for the second seal, I just put on those satin doorag cap thingies :ohwell:. I went to the pool feeling pretty comfortable that my hair was well protected...

...then I swam with my head out of the water the whole time. :lachen:
I haven't swam in a long time. But the last time I went swimming, I took all the precautions I have read about here. Applied conditioner to coat my hair well, then wrapped my head with Saran wrap firmly to create my first seal. Then when I couldn't find my swimcap for the second seal, I just put on those satin doorag cap thingies :ohwell:. I went to the pool feeling pretty comfortable that my hair was well protected...

...then I swam with my head out of the water the whole time. :lachen:

:lachen::lachen: I used to do the same thing! I've always been told chlorine was bad for your hair. I'd be like a cat @ the pool. I'd get in but no further than my neck. While everybody else be diving, jumping in, racing, ect. If somebody splashed me or my nape got wet I'd call it a day. I just went bare hair back then.

Now, I enjoy the water by protecting my hair.
When people said olive oil....I thought of getting in the pool with olive oil in my hair and then when I got out there was little puddles of oil floating on top of the pool water and everybody was side-eyeing me. :lol: :ohwell:

Those that use olive oil. How much do you use? Does it leave residue in the water? Just asking........:look:
I no longer let my hair hold me back from anything i want to do including swimming. If I remember and it's my own pool I smooth on a cheapie conditioner and put hair up in a bun. But I dive, float etc. Total immersion in the water without a care.

No matter what, I CW after getting out of the pool. MY DD who has waist length hair usually doesn't even rinse her hair off after to swimming.

I haven't swam in a long time. But the last time I went swimming, I took all the precautions I have read about here. Applied conditioner to coat my hair well, then wrapped my head with Saran wrap firmly to create my first seal. Then when I couldn't find my swimcap for the second seal, I just put on those satin doorag cap thingies :ohwell:. I went to the pool feeling pretty comfortable that my hair was well protected...

...then I swam with my head out of the water the whole time. :lachen:

lol lol that was me before I was natural lol

When people said olive oil....I thought of getting in the pool with olive oil in my hair and then when I got out there was little puddles of oil floating on top of the pool water and everybody was side-eyeing me. :lol: :ohwell:

Those that use olive oil. How much do you use? Does it leave residue in the water? Just asking........:look:

bumping I'm wondering as well.
I went swimming last weekend while i had in 2 strand twists. Afterwards I cowashed with the resort brand conditioner. Everything seemed ok and low maintenance until I got home and did a real shampoo and all the steps that come with it. I had major shedding. I'm not sure if it was the fact that my hair was twisted or what but no ma'am. :(
I go swimming during my family's vacation and we all get our hair braided which makes it easier to deal with. I don't use anything before but after I clarify and condition but this year I'm going to use ACV and Castor oil also.
I don't swim much, but these days my DDs swim weekly at camp. I just put some cheapie conditioner in their hair in the am (they're usually in some sort of conrows or small braids anyway), and tell them to water-rinse their hair really well after they leave the pool.

When they get home, they do a clarifying shampoo and an overnight DC.

At the beginning of the summer, I was a little concerned that the weekly clarifying poo would be a bit much for their hair, but the coditioner applied beforehand really helps their hair not to feel too stripped.
I'm thinking the amount of oil you use shouldn't be any more than you would use to seal. A light coating should work to help repel water. It's recommended you rinse your hair with water first before adding the oil. Yeah, an oil slick would not be cute so I wouldn't want to get too heavy handed.
I'm sorry I'm not fully natural yet, but I have a lot of natural hair now, and am on my way to being fully natural (yay)!

I have been swimming a lot with DD lately, and I use the same routine for both of our hair. First, I rinse or CW my hair, then ( while the hair is still wet), apply M&T Con generously on the length as a leave-in. Lastly, I apply a light coating of Amla oil ( Amla Gold, not the stinky one).

I always braid DD's hair in two low braids. Sometimes, I braid mine, or leave it loose, with no ill effects. After swimming, I do a very diluted ACV rinse.
Are you all shampooing after each swim? I was in the pool everyday last week, and I can't see myself shampooing that often.
I have my hair braided when I swim, but I wet it before I get in the pool. I do wash with shampoo after swimming because I don't think co-washing will get the chlorine out of the hair.
I am going on vacation this Sunday and you have all given some great tips. i was watching youtube. And one younglady wet her hair and then put in her sheabutter/coconut oil mix in. I was thinking about doing this because this would definetly seal in moisture and keep anything else out as opposed to conditioner. do you ladies think this is a good idea? I also wanted to wear my hair freely some days while swimming. Did anyone have any detangling issues doing this?
Are you all shampooing after each swim? I was in the pool everyday last week, and I can't see myself shampooing that often.

chellero So you didn't and your hair was fine?

The one time I didn't shampoo after swimming, I had to shave off my hair. It was impossible to deal with! And I had braided it before I went swimming.

I don't mind shampoo at all, so I'd have no problem shampooing daily. Either that or I'd do what I did every now and then: swim with head out of water on some days so there'd be no need to shampoo.

snugglez41685 I'd not encourage swimming with loose hair. I never have and I never will. I don't even wash my hair loose, which is why you never hear me complaining about wash day. It's actually my favorite part of the HHJ.
@chellero So you didn't and your hair was fine?

The one time I didn't shampoo after swimming, I had to shave off my hair. It was impossible to deal with! And I had braided it before I went swimming.

I don't mind shampoo at all, so I'd have no problem shampooing daily. Either that or I'd do what I did every now and then: swim with head out of water on some days so there'd be no need to shampoo.

@snugglez41685 I'd not encourage swimming with loose hair. I never have and I never will. I don't even wash my hair loose, which is why you never hear me complaining about wash day. It's actually my favorite part of the HHJ.
I didn't have any problems. I wet my hair first, applied coconut oil and conditioner and used a swim cap. The swim cap doesn't keep all of the water out. When I got out of the pool I cowashed. I shampooed once a week. If I shampoo I have to DC and I don't want to DC everyday. Too much trouble.