NATURALS: A new way to apply henna???


New Member
Hey curly cuties :)

During my hour detangling session after rinsing out the henna a bright idea hit me:

Is it possible for me to apply henna to the hair in big twists similiar to the way I twist my hair into big sections as I apply my DC?

My theory is that my hair is so difficult to detangle after hair because I smoosh my hair altogether is one big lump with clay for 2 hours - predisposing it to dread and knot up with itself:perplexed
Then I thought, maybe my bright idea isn't as novel as i think:ohwell:
has anyone tried this before????

With my last henna treatment ( in fact with all of my treatments) I applied Henna in BRAIDS ( I have 15 or 16 braids)

I dipped and rinsed... and I always use a tint bottle to rinse any of my treatments completley.

I detangle only AFTER my DC.... with fingers... un braiding - twisting - and then jumping in the shower for the final rinse. I use small rollers in the shower to prevent untwisting.

Few hairs lost, less water used... and great results.

I have not washed or conditioned loose hair since 2001.