Naturals 4a/4b, how do you achieve bouncy, moving, free curls?


New Member
I just thought about cutting the straight, dead ends off and I was wondering how you ladies get those bouncy, moving curls that aren't just stiff and clumped together. When I do finally cut the ends off, at least 3 inches I want my hair to move and be free, any suggestions?
Hmm, there's no bounce in my hair unless it's in twists or a twist out.

My curls just don't move after they are dry and that's fine. Maybe when they're longer they might. A rollerset might help with movement.
with short hair my hair only moves when its not fully dry and has to be at least 6 inches long. i just shingle or rake in gel and infusium 23. it can be annoying though especialy on a windy day.i would like to to over when dry but i will have to wait until my hair gets longer.
So it seems like theres no way to get movement? Hrm, okay something i'd have to live with haha. Just was curious.. I'm not used to the stiffness..
You might want to try Miss Jessie's line of products. I haven't personally but a friend of mine swears by it...especially the the Curly Pudding and Baby Buttercream. Their website has before and after pictures that also list the products that their clientele use
hilarious...i was just about to say that my curls never moved till i bought the baby buttercreme and curly pudding. i cowash, run a glob of BB thru my hair, then run a glob of CP through it. when it dries it's pretty darn silky.
I managed to get my 4b/a a bit bouncy by rollersetting it on Friday. I was suprised. It's never moved like that. I used Aveda IRT then some lacio lacio as a leave in then I rollerset. I was impressed.
If i use conditioner as a leave in and do a braid out, i get a lot of movement... My hair is an od wolly hybrid that has a lot definiton to the curl, but it is tight as ever unless it is braided..
My curls are more springy than bouncy. And I find that as my hair grows the more spring and movement it has. I've also noted that daily re-wetting of my hair (not necessarily washing or co-washing, just re-wetting) and applying a good moisturizer really helps with movement. I find that my curls move the most on the first day or two after washing.

As far as the curls being separated, the Denman brush I use (brushing my curls with lots of conditioner in my hair) helps achieve that.