NaturalRox is back!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! Just wanted to drop a note and let you know that I'm back! I've been out of the loop since I moved but I'm finally finding time to get involved with my hair forums again. :)

I hope everyone is well and I look forward to chatting with you about hair again!

I've also updated my album with a few pictures to bring you up to speed on my hair progress. Please feel free to stop by!


ETA: Happy Easter everyone!
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I loved your album. Your hair is so pretty. :love: And it's grown a lot since May. Thanks so much for sharing and welcome back!
hey rox!!!! i missed ya! i keep going to your album but updates! good to know youre doing well :D
Thanks for the comments ladies! I've missed everybody too - and apologies for not updating my album like I used to - shame on me! LOL

But I'm back now and I promise to keep it up to date. :)