
Well-Known Member
Ok, I've been lurking around here for two months now and just paid my $5 bucks to ask this question. I've purchased BT and I love it, it's the TRUTH. I just got braids put in and the chic braided my hair much smaller and tighter than I'm use to. As soon as i got home I put BT on my edges and 3 days later I'm no longer walking around lookin like this :evil:. So that got me thinking about BT as a braid spray. Now I know how your instructions say to apply it while in braids, but I have zillions and don't nothing feel better than some nice, cold, soothing spray on my scalp :spinning:. So, I'm not sure if this has already been ask, But can a sista get some BT braidspray or maybe a recipe using Bt in some braid spray. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
:welcome: you may want to PM her just in case she misses this- wave bye to your life and welcome into LHCF world :)
Welcome, We love the newbies. I love your smile its perfect for exactly how you feel when you just get new braids and they are to tight.
Ok, I've been lurking around here for two months now and just paid my $5 bucks to ask this question. I've purchased BT and I love it, it's the TRUTH. I just got braids put in and the chic braided my hair much smaller and tighter than I'm use to. As soon as i got home I put BT on my edges and 3 days later I'm no longer walking around lookin like this :evil:. So that got me thinking about BT as a braid spray. Now I know how your instructions say to apply it while in braids, but I have zillions and don't nothing feel better than some nice, cold, soothing spray on my scalp :spinning:. So, I'm not sure if this has already been ask, But can a sista get some BT braidspray or maybe a recipe using Bt in some braid spray. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Hi there and welcome!

Thank God I came to the hair forum today! :lachen:

Hmm....this question has never been asked before but you can put your BT in a spray bottle and spray it on your scalp. I may just have to come up with a braid spray recipe. Thanks for the idea! HTH! Let me know if you have any other questions!
You are very welcome and thank you for the response. Also, thank you ladies for the warm welcomes. I really don't feel like a newbie since I've been lurking around here for a minute, stalkin fotkis, and buying out the bss. I've learned so freakin much.

P.S. This site is soooooooo addictive! :lick:
You are very welcome and thank you for the response. Also, thank you ladies for the warm welcomes. I really don't feel like a newbie since I've been lurking around here for a minute, stalkin fotkis, and buying out the bss. I've learned so freakin much.

P.S. This site is soooooooo addictive! :lick:
Just be prepared to sit in front of your computer for hours and hours! :lachen:
Welcome to the Board! It's great to have you here! Isn't BT awesome? BTW Thats a great idea you had! Good Luck! :yep:
Welcome!!!! PM her. Theads have a way of moving to page 2-3-4..........quickly 'round here!!


Nevermind BT (which I LOVE btw), I'm loving that photo of Dark Chocol8 in your siggy!!


Good idea,but it maybe too thick to come out of the spray bottle. i wonder if diluting it with DI water or rose water would work?