Naturalchica's Too Groovy Salon experience...

No i have went to the salon before and had this one guy can't remember his name but it was when I first arrived in ATL and had went natural and went there to get rid of the relaxed pieces that was remaining. But just imagine paying $100+ and walkin out the salon on a nice somewhat wet/rainy day and my hair lookin like I never stepped foot in a salon and instead of him letting me knw that that would happen. Nope another turn off was that coming from where I can get appointment if i wanted the next day or the next week to a salon where the stylist were booked up for months was also something new to I never went back. Never got a chance to go to Robin. But everyone that I have seen that goes to her there hair is beautiful!! :)

Oh ok I love going to the World Natural Hair Show, I didn't go this year but plan on it next year.

Oh wow...i'm sorry your first experience there was not great! That would have turned me off as well. However, I surprised they did at least offer you a plastic baggie to put on to protect your doo from the rain. :/ I actually always keep a rain cap or scarf in my bag year round just for weather fluctuations. I learned this back in my relaxed/texlaxed days. Truth be told I will even cover my natural styles if it's raining. I want my hair style to stay in tact

I'm excited about going to the World Natural show. I hope it's as good as it looks on all the youtube vids etc.
Oh yes the World Natural Show is really nice. The only thing I don't like is the crowds and how crowded it can be at times. But they have some really nice products.

I probably wouldn't have went back to him anyway because I need someone thats going to tell me whats going on with my hair and not just do my hair and thats it and make $100 off me. LOL