Natural Whats ur real Length?


New Member
Am natural and my hair in the back comes to about or pass shoulder length in the back. Front is pass my chin. Well I saw alot of albums and ladies were strechting out thier hair. I strechted mine out, but I dont belive that if pressed it out it would be the same lenght.
Has anyone strength thier hair and not really have it at that lenght. I mean can u trust strecthing ur natural hair and know that is really at that lenght
I think stretching out the hair (to measure it) gives a good indication of how long the hair is. However, in the past when I would get my hair pressed at a salon, it was always much longer than I had imagined.
Thank for the reply msportugal
and Ipanema. I dont want to be disappointed. to think my hair is one lenght but really turns out to alot shorter or still at shoulder lenght.
I would say that if you pressed your hair, it would be at least the same length (if not longer than) the way it appeared stretched. Instead of being disappointed, you will probably be pleasantly surprised at your length!
I really hope soo, because it means that my hair is growing and keeping the lenght. I would be very happy. When I stretched it was between shoulder blades
so after my no heat challenge I hope it will be longer and then I will get it pressed. hopefully I will be pleasantly surpised. this is the longest my hair in the back has even been. Thanks for all the replies
I'm not natural anymore, but if anything your hair will probably be longer pressed than stretched.
Shoot my hair shrinks up to about 1.5 inches. So I will definitely be suprised te next time i staighten it
My hair shrinks so much that I don't know, but I did press my hair for a friend's wedding earlier this year. I HAD TO CUT OFF 2 inches!!!! I couldn't believe how bad my ends were. Anyway, it was STILL long, a little past my shoulders, very full and nice. I have pics but my scanner is not working right now.

It's been about 5 months since then. Hopefully my hair has grown more; people have been telling me that it's growing...
Salaam Alaikum Sister Happy,

I'm gonna assume you're a sister because of your quote.

I don't bother with straightening my hair anymore, but a few years back I did every few months. Generally I found that my hair was LONGER than it seemed after I pressed it. So if you press your hair, Insha'Allah you will have the same experience I did.

Nice board, by the way.
Salam Kif halak?
yes I am. Welcome Aisha81
. Thanks everyone for the reply. I have never been to a salon to get my hair pressed, but my sister offered to pay several months ago. But I told her am doing No heat for a year. So I think it would be about the same. She had her new growth pressed out and the lady made her hair silky and bouncy soo I really hope she is still at the salon
when my no heat challenge is over. Pookie87 how long does the press last? ty