Natural Twist Care- What's your routine?


New Member
How do you ladies maintain your twists?

How long do they normally last for you?

What products do you use to keep them shiny and moist?

How often do you moisturize them?

What did you use to put them in? Beeswax, grease, gel?

Do you stay in twists for most of the year or alternate between different protective styles?

And if you don't mind, what is your hair type?

I currently keep my hair in twists 90% of the time. I used to moisturize them too often which lead to tons of build up and my hair feeling hard and matted when I took it down. Now I moisturize about once a week using a liquid leave in and Vatika Oil as a seal, instead of a heavy butter or creme like I would before. (Like an idiot.)

I use a grease to twist my hair now, though I'd like something that could offer me a little more hold, without beeswax or being water based.
I usually washed my hair with conditioner,then slick it back to air dry with carol's daughter HHB. Then twist my hair with coconut oil. I never get build up:) I rub the oil in my hair every day, and use a silk scarf at night.

Hope that helps!
I use my natural grease or shea Aloe to keep my twist supple and soft.
But then I'm biased, lol!:grin:

I moisturize about once per day just gliding product over them. Sometimes Ill use coconut oil and water to moisturize. I sleep in a silk scarf whrn I have twists and sometimes I baggy over them.

I've worn twists consistantly for 1 year and have seen great results.
I think my hair type is a 3c4a
I think:lachen:
How do you ladies maintain your twists?
I don't wash my twists, not even conditioner wash anymore. They become too tangled and matted. I use ORS dry shampoo until I feel I need to shampoo, when I do, I take down my twists and retwist after washing and deep conditioning.

How long do they normally last for you? I retwist them once a week so they last until I take them down.

What products do you use to keep them shiny and moist? I twist with shea butter or any moisturizer that I have. I apply a small amount of oil daily to ends and spray with Cantu oil sheen every other day. I use a braid spray when I feel the need.

How often do you moisturize them? daily

What did you use to put them in? Beeswax, grease, gel? Any moisturizer. Sometimes I use Jam shine gel.

Do you stay in twists for most of the year or alternate between different protective styles? Alternate because I get bored real easy. I'm shooting to stay in twists all summer.

And if you don't mind, what is your hair type? 4a, Mostly 4b
How do you ladies maintain your twists?
Soft rollers, banding during washing, satin scarf when sleeping.
How long do they normally last for you?
Natural hair- 3 weeks , Afro hair additions- 6-7 weeks
What products do you use to keep them shiny and moist?
Shea butter products, oil spritz, GENTLE condition washes.
How often do you moisturize them?
Try to at least 3 times a week
What did you use to put them in? Beeswax, grease, gel?
Twisting my natural hair, I used ORS Lock/Twist Gel. To maintain, Shea butter products i.e. The Roots Shea Moisturizer
Do you stay in twists for most of the year or alternate between different protective styles?
Alternate, I get bored
And if you don't mind, what is your hair type?
I've only worn twists once, and that was for 1 week. I don't know that what I did would qualify as helpful.

How do you ladies maintain your twists?
At night I put them in a ponytail holder and put a baggy/cap
on my entire head, and tied a scarf over the cap.

How long do they normally last for you?
I kept them in one week.

What products do you use to keep them shiny and moist?
MNT conditioner and Jojoba oil.

How often do you moisturize them?
Twice a day am/pm.

What did you use to put them in? Beeswax, grease, gel?
QB Heavy Cream

Do you stay in twists for most of the year or alternate between different protective styles?
No, I've only tried twists once. My usual styles are either a single
braid, or braded bun.

And if you don't mind, what is your hair type?
It's a 3c/4a/4b combo
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KissKiss said:
Can I add a question? What do you do with you hair after taking out the twists?

I've been wearing twists for 2 years and have seen quite a change in length and overall health of my hair, but back to you question. I wear twisted for about 2 weeks sometimes 1 week then do a twistout, trying to find a product to make it look like Joans on Girlfriends.
I'll wear a twist out afterwards or pull the twistout up in a bun or banana clip.

To wash it out I saturate with conditioners and detangle with a wide tooth comb.