natural to relaxed ...any regrets/comments?


Well-Known Member
I have been natural for about 5 years. I was thinking of relaxing my hair because of all the knots. Does anyone have any regrets or comments on going relaxed after being natural for so long?
Every now and then I wonder if natural hair really has more options than relaxed. Then I look at my hair, my coils and kinks and decide to keep them. If i want relaxed looking hair, I have hair pieces to get that effect and it's temporary.
Hi andre2000,

I was natural for 2 years and because I had a big event to attend, I relaxed. At first I was in love with my new growth and soft, shiny, bouncy hair but after about a month I regretted it.

Back then I didn't know that I could have just gotten it straightened instead and achieved the same result. Now that I know that there are so many more styling options for our natural hair, I am transitioning.

The first time I BC'd, and even though I thought that the TWA looked okay on me, my hair was very tightly coiled (very loosely coiled in the back, looked like I was wearing a shag :lachen:). It took a long time to see any real length. Besides, it's too cold to cut all my hair off now :grin:
The first time I was natural for almost 2 years then I relaxed just to spite my ex who had always begged to see my hair straight (stupid I know but I was really hurt) after about a week I hated it and within 4 months I was back natural and vowing never to go relaxed again
I relaxed my hair just over a week ago.

Being natural taught me how to look after my now relaxed hair. I blamed relaxers for alot of my hair problems. They weren't to blame at all, it was because i had no clue what my hair type was and how to look after it.

1. I now know that i have naturally very tangly hair and i have to baby it at all times...less combing and more dusting/trimming needed.

2. I now know what type of products my hair will liquids when dry.

3. My natural hair is very thin - i thought the relaxers were thinning my hair but it wasn't the case. I now know that a little product and often is what i need.

My Natural hair split easily - much more than when i was previously relaxed. The way my curls intertwined with each other literally left me in tears sometimes, as i just couldn't comb it without seeing a comb full of no, i have no regrets.
I am in the same frame of mind as you Andre2000. I actually went out today to buy a box of relaxer, ORS brand. I am having a hard time caring for my natural and it's been almost 2 years for me. My hair is so extra kinky and there is so much shrinkage no matter what I do to it. If I keep pressing it, it will revert again. I remember when I had a relaxer a few years back, my hair, especially my bang was so long. Til this day, I don't know what I was doing to have it grow so long. Eventually, due to my lack of hair care knowledge, the hair broke off.

If I had known then what I know now about hair care since I've joined these fabulous hair boards, I believe my hair would be past my shoulders. I want to put the relaxer in and maintain a healthy head of relaxed hair. Mind you, I have nothing against natural hair, but it's me and my tedioius fight of maintaining it.
Sometimes I miss my puff, but overall I'm happy with my decision to relax again. It's been 1-1/2 years and my hair is growing and healthy.
Nope, I have no regrets at all, My hair became more of a chore to me, and I was so tired if it drying out and I had to keep spritzing with water to keep it moist, I had a Twa for almost a Year and I was just tired of it, I needed something different, so instead of bone straight, I Texlaxed, so I still have my curls and it still looks natural but it is soft and I don't have to spend alot of time on it and worry about it looking dry. I texlax about every 3 months and things are fine my hair is doing wonderful and I can see growth. All of our hair ia different and we go through different things, some never have any issues and some of us do, That is why we have Change! if you don't like it,change it and be happy and keep it moving LOL!!!!