Natural since 2002...My Sides Need Help!


New Member
Hi Ladies, (newbie)

I have not had a relaxer in my hair since 2002 and haven't dyed my hair since February 09. My hair is naturally/wavy curly (which I wear in a bun most often) but I have it blown out straight twice a month. Anyway, I have noticed a lot of thinning on my sides and I am totally worried!! I mean I think that is why my hair is thinning, from the worrying :perplexed (not solely about my hair).

Anyway, I'm taking Biotin and Horsetail supplements as well as my required iron pills. My hair is much stronger and less shedding but now my sides are acting silly. Any suggestions on what else I could be missing in order for my sides to fill in? Or what I should use?

Any help from you ladies would be totally appreciated!! :newbie:

1. Tying your head wrap/ scarf right on your hairline. I realised that messes with the hair on my temples. I now slide the scarf forward towards my forehead and away from the hairline. Made a lot of difference.:yep:
2. Wrapping your hair, especially in the same direction all the time. That was messing my hairline too, so I stopped. -You wear your hair curly so this may not be the issue.
3. Having your buns too tight could also mess up your hairline.
Hope this helps.
OMG! Rabs I do all of the things you suggested I NOT do. Especially the scarf, my hair is curly/wavy but I do tie a scarf on the front so it doesn't get frizzy when I work out and/or sleep.

Thanks for the tips!!
try pin curling as opposed to wrapping and at night before putting on your scarf lightly put oil, creme, lotion or butter around those eadges it helps create a buffer from all the friction. I love the afroveda shea alma butter for this and my ends.