Natural Relaxers anyone?


New Member
Has anyone heard of or used anything like this. From the website:

Everyone has been asking "Does a natural, chemical-free relaxer really exist?" After almost a year of research, we can finally say "Yes, it does". It's called Natural-Laxer PlusTM.

Baka Beauty Products International has brought an all natural herbal relaxer and hair treatment to the Western World. Before you order, please read what this "relaxer" is and what it is not. We believe natural relaxers have gotten a bad rap for two reasons. There have been, and there are "natural relaxers" on the market that are not 100%natural. And, there have been unrealistic expectations about what a natural relaxer could do. Baka Beauty Products' Natural-Laxer Plus is 100% natural powder made entirely of herbs. It works in conjunction with Sahara Clay. The Sahara Clay further relaxes the hair and provides a deep cleansing to the hair leaving it silky smooth. The herbs used in the natural relaxer are completely natural and completely safe. Natural-Laxer Plus is a all natural blend of sun dried exotic herbs. When mixed with Sahara Clay and hot water and applied to the hair and skin, it produces miraculous results. This ancient herbal secret has been used dating back to the pharaohs. Available now from Treasured Locks, Natural-Laxer plus is an advanced spa treatment for your hair and skin that you apply yourself in the comfort of your own home. Each Natural-Laxer Plus is enough for approximately two applications for a "typical" head of hair, depending on the volume and length of your hair.

Natural-Laxer plus and Sahara Clay are mixed in warm water and applied to hair. For best results, sit under a heat conditioning cap or a hooded dryer (with a plastic shower cap on your hair). Detailed instructions are included with the product.

The base kit includes:
  • (1) Natural-Laxer Plus
  • (1) Sahara Clay

This looks like a good idea to me but I'm really wary because of the super dense very tight coily texture of my natural hair. I'm texlaxed now and would like to do something without so many chemicals and in my research (mostly tonight) I came across this.



Sorry for the dorky Ferris Beuller reference, I watched the movie yesterday.
RosesBlack said:
Has anyone heard of or used anything like this. From the website:

This looks like a good idea to me but I'm really wary because of the super dense very tight coily texture of my natural hair. I'm texlaxed now and would like to do something without so many chemicals and in my research (mostly tonight) I came across this.



Sorry for the dorky Ferris Beuller reference, I watched the movie yesterday.
I actually purchased this and it didn't do squat for my hair. It just softens the texture which you can do with any good conditioner and oils. I was attempting to use that to ease my going natural. My hair is fine and net even very tightly curled, more of a puffy mess when not relaxed and the Natural Laxer did squat. In addition the stuff is a pain to rinse out.
I did some more research and that is crap. I'm looking into using that coconut milk/lime juice thing between regular relaxers.