Natural Relaxer - 4z hair with NO Curl Definition


Well-Known Member
Now I don’t really even want to relax or straighten my hair, I just want need something to help with the detangling. I have 4z hair, with no curl definition.

Detangling after washes in a night mere. Some of you ladies were talking about ‘natural relaxers’ and such but you would need to apply heat, or use a flat iron for it to work, which makes no sense because it would be the flat iron that straightens your hair and not the product….??

I’m looking for something that will help with the detangling process. Just during washes not long term. I just want to loosen it up a bit.

Any suggestions???
Detangling and loosening up are two separate issues. For detangling wash and conditioner your hair in big braids. For loosening, there is nothing natural for that unless you go towards the chemical route. Once you get your moisture balance on track detangling may not be so difficult.

Almond Eyes
Well it seems like from reviews Cowboy Magic is like the magical detangler for the worst tangles/knots/matted up hair. If you sprayed your hair with it and detangled before you washed, and then washed in braids to keep your hair detangled that might help. People also seem to like the Mane and Tail detangler as well.
maybe it's your products and techniques that neede revamping. Trying a great detanglinger or a really moisturizing dc/conditioner that also dentangles will be a good route to try. That and doing it in sections while being gentle. I'm not 4z but I'm sure a couple will pop up and point you in the right direction. As for natural relaxer it's only that way due to your hair being really moisturized.. I hear coconut cream/lime to do that. It's proteing so watch out. Never tried it though so can't speak for it personally.
Bentonite clay made my hair much easier to detangle. I wouldn't go as far as likening it to a relaxer because it doesn't change my curl pattern that much and it wears off for me in about 3-4 weeks. I'm not "4z" but I have very dense hair that's between APL and BSL, as my hair gets longer so do the dentagling sessions. The clay has helped cut some of that time down.

On top of this, I use my Denman much more (I realised recently it's far superior than just using a comb) and have upped the amount I DC.
Bentonite clay is pretty nice and helps make my hair a bit more manageable. I agree with Tocktick - wash hair in plaits and detangle each section.
I feel your pain.
I usually braid my hair before washes and such, which does help out some. I also use the denman brush.

Understand that I will have more tangles than usual because my hair was just in braid extensions ( my hair is in cornrows 98% of the time) - so I will have more matting/tangles. It's just after washing, henna and DC that give me the most problems.

I'll check-out the Cowboy Magic though
Also try to spritz your hair everyday. Once I started doing this, my hair stopped having breakage and it was very moisturised the entire day. Braid extensions can be tough on the hair if you have fine strands.

Almond Eyes