Natural or non damaging hair color


New Member
Has anyone every tried a non damaging hair color? Is there such a thing, or is henna the only natural solution for white and grey hair coverage?
I have always wondered about plant based coloring, and I am wondering if there is a product on the market that can be incorporated into a weekly deep conditioning, or a way to color hair (dark or black) on a long term basis without causing damage, no matter the amount of work involved.

I keep hearing that henna+indigo doesn't cover well the roots when you have a lot of white and grey hair.
My hair is 90% grey and I have been using blasol hair colour powder for nearly 2 years every 3 to 4 weeks. Even right after a relaxer touch-up. I don't think it is natural, but is absolutely non damaging by my own experience. My hairdresser was so imprest at the Phyo Institute in Paris, that she had it analyzed by their lab, she wanted to know the exact formula. I dont' have the results though, because I am curretnly based in Congo and have not seen her since July. Will drop by sometimes early April to know the result of their analysis. I really like this dye. From my experience it is not drying at all ( compared to Bigen) and the coulour ( I use black brown) really looks natural. HTH
My hair is 90% grey and I have been using blasol hair colour powder for nearly 2 years every 3 to 4 weeks. Even right after a relaxer touch-up. I don't think it is natural, but is absolutely non damaging by my own experience. My hairdresser was so imprest at the Phyo Institute in Paris, that she had it analyzed by their lab, she wanted to know the exact formula. I dont' have the results though, because I am curretnly based in Congo and have not seen her since July. Will drop by sometimes early April to know the result of their analysis. I really like this dye. From my experience it is not drying at all ( compared to Bigen) and the coulour ( I use black brown) really looks natural. HTH

thank you, this is very interesting! I googled it and a website reports the following ingredients for Blasol (I will write in red the ingredients that are in Bigen, the drying one, as well):
Sodium Perborate, p-Phenylenediamine Sulfate, Cellulose Gum, Sodium Dodecylbenezene Sulfonate, Sodium Silicate, Sodium Ethyl-2-Sulfo-laurate, m-Aminophenol Sulfate, 2.6-Diaminopyridine Sulfate, Sodium Sulfate, Sodium Erythorbate.

Bigen (info from a blog):

Sodium Perborate; an oxidizing (bleaching) detergent
Cellulose Gum; A food-grade thickener

Sodium Sulfate; Sulfuric acid salt (used to make detergent)

Sodium Carbonate; Carbonic acid salt (dye fixative, also used to melt flesh off bones for taxidermy)

Paraphenylenediamine Sulfate; (PPD)

P-Aminophenol; Rodinol (B&W photo developer)

Disodium Lauryl Sufosuccinate; A salt that is not known to be toxic

Magnesium stearate; Soap scum (filler that increases volume of powder)


Phenylenediamine Sulfate, (PPD)
4-Nitro-O-Phenylenediamine Sulfate. (PPD)
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this is a really good question, ciccina, but the only ones i've heard of so far are the henna/indigo colors.

i just tried one 2 days go and like it!

hopefully some ladies who know about alternatives to the ones listed can chime in!

I would like to know too! I recently tried henna/indigo and was not super impressed---compared to the time it took and the mess I made....and i am having a hard time finding black cellophane--which is supposedly actually good for your hair. If any1 can recommend any good black cellophane please post for the OP and I.
bump bump...i would like to know as well. Did anyone here have any success in finding products. I like henna and indigo, but it takes tooooooo looooong!