Natural Laxer


New Member

I have been lurking around the forum for over a year and I finally decided to pay the $5...otherwise, it is very difficult to search.

I am natural (4a) and my hair splits a lot. I am pretty sure that this is because of the courseness of my hair. I straighten my hair about once a month and I believe that if my hair were a softer texture it would not be as easily prone to break during the blowdrying process.

To stop the breakage I would like to try rollersetting and then flat ironing, however, that would be VERY time consuming on my 4a natural hair.

I am currently looking for a natural hair softener that will make a noticeable change in my hair texture. I found a product called naturalaxer on and I think that is the answer to my hair issues. Has anyone tried this product?

Also, does anyone have any suggestions on what products I can use to make my hair more manageable. I have tried henna and I like the conditioning benefits, but I noticed NO change in my hair texture.

Thanks in Advance!!
I'm 100 percent natural and I use all Aveda products on my hair. The products keep my hair soft and manageable and make it so easy to straighten my hair. I use heat once a month so I use the damage remedy line to combat the heat usage. Please think twice before you put chemicals in your hair; its no turning back. I have not a had a relaxer in years; but I do know that a relaxer, is a relaxer, is a relaxer. It is physiologically impossible for a natural ingredient to straighten typical AA hair without using a caustic chemical to relax our tight coils. Good luck with your research on the natural laxer.;)
I agree with pink skates. There is no product that will alter your texture without a chemical. It sounds to me like your hair needs a combination of moisture (for elasticity) and protein (for strength). I have natural 4b hair that is extremely coarse, prone to dryness and breakage if I'm not careful. I use Elucence Moisture Balance shampoo and conditioner. Plus I deep condition with a combination of Aphogee Reconstructor + shea butter + olive oil. Castor oil mixed with coconut oil seals in the moisture from the wash & deep condition leaving my hair feeling soft, fluffy, and squishy like a pillow. Styling is easier as well.
I would also recommend not blowdrying your hair for straightening. Try banding or large twists to stretch your hair out while damp. When it dries gently use a wide tooth comb to comb it out and flat iron from there. It'll be less heat and stress on your hair. HTH.
I recently got a mild texturizer after being natural for 5 yrs!! I just did it last night so I am still trying to see the effects. I used biotanicals texturizer and left it on for about 15mins (start to finish). I really notice a difference after washing, the comb glided through my hair i am 4a. After washing I used Miss Jessie Buttercream, made 10 braids and let it airdry. I can recommend a great conditioner, it is 10 en one (dominican) this is the best conditioner I have ever used.
Every now and then someone posts about this product. And if I see it I try to post my experience with it.

To make a very long story very short.....

I used it 5 years ago. I still have a semi bald spot the size of the palm of your hand an inch behind my front hair line.

Extreme dry hair, knots the size of 50 cent pieces and extreme breakage.

And when I contacted them all they did was send me more of the product to use.

Please procede with caution.
cheetarah1980 said:
I agree with pink skates. There is no product that will alter your texture without a chemical. It sounds to me like your hair needs a combination of moisture (for elasticity) and protein (for strength). I have natural 4b hair that is extremely coarse, prone to dryness and breakage if I'm not careful. I use Elucence Moisture Balance shampoo and conditioner. Plus I deep condition with a combination of Aphogee Reconstructor + shea butter + olive oil. Castor oil mixed with coconut oil seals in the moisture from the wash & deep condition leaving my hair feeling soft, fluffy, and squishy like a pillow. Styling is easier as well.
I would also recommend not blowdrying your hair for straightening. Try banding or large twists to stretch your hair out while damp. When it dries gently use a wide tooth comb to comb it out and flat iron from there. It'll be less heat and stress on your hair. HTH.

um...what is banding???:sekret:
but i use all aveda also and i totally see a difference in managability. also, maybe you could add some coconut milk to your conditioner with olive and coconut oil. that helps to "relax" the natural curl a little bit and makes it soft:) . please note also, some people do not like the results but alot do and i'm one of them. what works for some does not work for all.
A relaxer is a relaxer. I would try to soften the texture by asking some of the 4a's how they are handling their texture if you want to remain natural. If you are willing to put chemicals in your hair then that is definitely another route to go.

Banding is when you put your hair in ponytails and bands all along that ponytail to stretch it out. There are quite a few naturals that have their banding process in their fotkis.....
Blackoutzangel05 said:
A relaxer is a relaxer. I would try to soften the texture by asking some of the 4a's how they are handling their texture if you want to remain natural. If you are willing to put chemicals in your hair then that is definitely another route to go.

Banding is when you put your hair in ponytails and bands all along that ponytail to stretch it out. There are quite a few naturals that have their banding process in their fotkis.....

ooh but wait....what do you mean by "bands all along ponytail"?? band with what? i'm sorry but i'm getting that part:( :)
honeybadgirl said:
ooh but wait....what do you mean by "bands all along ponytail"?? band with what? i'm sorry but i'm getting that part:( :)

You section your hair off and secure the ponytail with a ponytail holder. Then you use more ponytail holders along that ponytail.....So one ponytail could have several ponytail holders attached to it to "lengthen" the hair....
Thanks so much everyone, I definitely do not want to put a chemical relaxer in my hair. I have just been frustrated and all your advice was very helpful. I will try the twisting and banding method and see how that works.

fletgee, I can't believe that natural laxer broke off your hair!!!! DId your order yours from treasured locks as well? Thanks so much for sharing your experience.
Blackoutzangel05 said:

There is the link in Pokahontas' fotki and it shows how she bands. If that link doesn't work just go to her journal and under natural hair it shows her technique

thanks soooooooooooooooo much!!! i'll check it out. i would like to elminate blow drying if i can still get good smooth results.
the method looks interesting to say the least. i wonder how it will work out...period and then how it would work out if you sat under the dryer. my hair is so curly, i'm just doing alot of wondering. i'll try it and see how it works out for me. :) thanks again!!
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fletgee, I can't believe that natural laxer broke off your hair!!!! DId your order yours from treasured locks as well? Thanks so much for sharing your experience.[/quote]

Like the other ladies's a relaxer. And it just did not work with my hair. And to this day that area at the front of my hair has never grown back. So on the rare times I wear my hair out, I gotta do "a flip flop over the top".

And no, I did not order it from Treasured Locks.