Natural Laxer from Treasured locks anyone?

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has anyone used this product? or has a thread been started already regarding this product? My search function is not working properly so the page just goes blank when i type in the key words. I found this on Macherieamour's site

Daily Discussion: Naturalaxers?

Has anyone tried Naturalaxers? If so, how did you like it??
Original Site
Everyone has been asking "Does a natural, chemical-free relaxer really exist?" After almost a year of research, we can finally say "Yes, it does". It's called Natural-Laxer MIX TM.
Baka Beauty Products International has brought an all natural herbal relaxer and hair treatment to the Western World. Before you order, please read what this "relaxer" is and what it is not. We believe natural relaxers have gotten a bad rap for two reasons. There have been, and there are "natural relaxers" on the market that are not 100% natural. And, there have been unrealistic expectations about what a natural relaxer could do.
Baka Beauty Products' Natural-Laxer MIX is 100% natural powder made entirely of sun dried exotic herbs and Sahara Clay hair leaving it silky smooth. The herbs used in the natural relaxer are completely natural and completely safe. When mixed with Sahara Clay and hot water and applied to the hair and skin, it produces miraculous results. This ancient herbal secret has been used dating back to the pharaohs. Available now from Treasured Locks, Natural-Laxer MIX is an advanced spa treatment for your hair and skin that you apply yourself in the comfort of your own home. Each Natural-Laxer MIX is enough for approximately application for a "typical" head of hair, depending on the volume and length of your hair.

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in the Q&A section of the site...its says that its not supposed to be anything like Copa or any of those other "natural relaxers"
There was a thread about this before. If I remember correctly, the consensus was that it didn't really do anything more than a deep conditioner. And that it had a clay like consistency and was hard to get out.
I would check out the Coconut Milk & Lime Relaxer thread. YOu might get the desired results - If all you are looking for is a softening over time...

It is alot CHEAPER!

And it works for some. It worked for me.
I would check out the Coconut Milk & Lime Relaxer thread. YOu might get the desired results - If all you are looking for is a softening over time...

It is alot CHEAPER!

And it works for some. It worked for me.
actually thats what got me to searching......i tried it and didnt get any softening results...honestly the only thing that changes my hair pattern is dye....but i'm trying not to go that route
I used it last October...didn't do anything to my hair :nono: in the way of "straightening", but my scalp was squeaky clean and my hair was soft. They recommend you do several treatments before you notice a difference; however, I got better results using Blended Beauty's Volcanic Clean Mask which isn't even geared towards relaxing hair. :blush:
I used it last October...didn't do anything to my hair :nono: in the way of "straightening", but my scalp was squeaky clean and my hair was soft. They recommend you do several treatments before you notice a difference; however, I got better results using Blended Beauty's Volcanic Clean Mask which isn't even geared towards relaxing hair. :blush:

hmmm....i going to have to look into that one if this one doesnt work....i'm not really trying to straighten more so than i am trying to soften and make more manageable b/c the only other and final option is chop chop chop