Natural ladies, I need help for the 'halo'.


Well-Known Member
Ladies, what are you using to get rid of the halo?

No amount of gel will keep my frizzy halo down. I've tried oils, butters, gels, serums, pomades and hair creams - they just don't cut it. My halo goes away when I henna, but I don't feel like doing that every few weeks to calm my frizzy edges. And the scarf method doesn't work well for me either.

I've been using amla oil to help smooth things out, but I'm sick of that smell and I'd like to have company over without them wondering about strange odors :ohwell:.

I have to say that red palm butter is great, but I'm sick of the orange streaks it leaves on my pillow and my cap at work. I'm pretty much looking for something that doesn't have a major draw-back.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I haven't been able to get rid of my halo 100%, but the only gel that tames most of it is Fantasia IC gel with Sparklelites (I use the clear one). It can make your hair pretty hard so I make sure to use water, jojoba oil and sometimes a shea butter mix before I apply the gel. Hope that was helpful :)
halo? Halo? anyone? :lachen:

don't yall talk all around me like i don't exist. i have a ? dang it!! :lachen::grin:
My definition of a halo (somebody correct me if I'm wrong :)) is the frizzies that appear all over the crown of your hair, reminiscent of a halo. Is that correct? :spinning:
stargazer, i kindof thought that was it too then i got the idea that maybe it's just the hair around the i'm honestly wondering what it is :grin:
The only thing that got rid of my 'halo' or fuzziness/frizziness is Fantasia IC Thick N Shine Gel. It's a big jar of brown gel that dries soft.

But I don't use gel anymore. I just embrace frizziness now.
stargazer, i kindof thought that was it too then i got the idea that maybe it's just the hair around the i'm honestly wondering what it is :grin:

This is what I think of when someone says Halo. it's the front perimeter of the hair.
French term.
Babel Fish traduction (french to english): halation.

aight smarty pants :grin: so it'd be the frizzy short hairs that pop up?

now if that's what it is, i've got it too - always did but it's much more noticeable when i wear my hair in natural styles, it never actually stood up and got noticed when i was relaxed or even if i rollerset or flatiron :perplexed. i used to think it was breakage but i know for sure it isn't.
Hi Ladies,

What about the front edges above the forehead that won't lay down, what is that called ? How do you get them to lay down without the gel?
Mostly nothing, I like my fuzzy hairline.

But I guess what works if I want a sleek look is a fresh wash or conditioner wash , Fantasia IC Gel with Sparkle lites while my hair is dripping wet and immediately pulling my hair back. Putting a cloth headband on top of that helps too.
Interesting. I never do anyting to try and lay my edges down..or to get a sleek look.

I like when my hair looks nappy...and not sleek.

It's just not the look I'm going for. Sleek edges and a nappy puff or nappy twist, bun, pinned up napps.

Yea..I just keep it all nappy.

But, I would figure a butter might work for ya.
The only thing that got rid of my 'halo' or fuzziness/frizziness is Fantasia IC Thick N Shine Gel. It's a big jar of brown gel that dries soft.

But I don't use gel anymore. I just embrace frizziness now.
When I was natural brown gel was the only thing that worked! What I did was put globs of it on dry hair brush real real good then pull it into a ponytail (puffytail) tie a scarf over it (doesn't need to be tight) keep the scarf on until the gel air dries. When I took the scarf off I made sure to take it of going in the same direction my hair was laying.
But when I was natural my hair was super duper thick and non of those cute clear, pink and blue gels worked for me. None of that pretty milkshake, pudding, ice-cream with a cherry on the top did anything for my hair! I had to buy the big no frills (or thrills) vat-o-brown gel to tame my hair. So maybe the stuff you're using is the trick.
I am the queen :king:of this. I slick my hair back with a little gel (maybe diluted) and oil mixed in my hand. I brush with a soft boar brush or baby brush, then tie down tight with a silk scarf for as long as possible (I usually keep the scarf on all the way to work in the car). When I take the scarf off, my hair line is "set" for the day.
Hi Ladies,

What about the front edges above the forehead that won't lay down, what is that called ? How do you get them to lay down without the gel?

that's called baby hair :grin: I used to use gel or grease and make little waves w/ it. but lately I just embrace all my fuzzies. The only time they dissappear is when I wash my hair squeaky clean so that its more fluffy. I think it's b/c I have different textures/curl patterns of hair on my head so some strands stick out more than others resulting in my halo.
I am the queen :king:of this. I slick my hair back with a little gel (maybe diluted) and oil mixed in my hand. I brush with a soft boar brush or baby brush, then tie down tight with a silk scarf for as long as possible (I usually keep the scarf on all the way to work in the car). When I take the scarf off, my hair line is "set" for the day.

I do almost the same time, but I don't use gel. I mist my hair with my mister, and tie on a doo-rag, and once it's tied, I take the tail, and pull it DOWN tight, so that it's snug all over my head. By the time I get to work, the frizzies have dried 'flat' to my head and *scoops up mirror to do a hair check* it's 2:30 and they are just now starting to rise back up.

But generally - mrrrr, I don't stress em.
I feel your pain girl! I use castor oil. I've found that when I use my shea butter mix(I made it myself-raw shea, EVOO, coconut oil and vitaminE) pull the hair up in my bun and slick with castor oil it lays flat. It really does wonders and I'm a 4 textured person. Before I discovered this solution, I looked like I had a TWA from a distance!LOL!
halo? Halo? anyone? :lachen:

don't yall talk all around me like i don't exist. i have a ? dang it!! :lachen::grin:

Sorry I disappeared, I had to get some work done. The halo is formed when those pesky, shorter hairs stand up and the end result is a 'halo' of frizz around your head.

I feel like I can't win because it's hard enough for me to get my hair to lay down and stay down, but I work in a lab where we have to wear these rough bouffant caps (think about the head covers the lunch ladies wear and you'll get the picture). We have to put them on and take them off all day because we leave the lab for various things and the friction makes my situation worse :nono:. By midday, my halo is very noticeable and I catch people looking at my frizzies instead of me. It's emabarrassing.
I feel your pain girl! I use castor oil. I've found that when I use my shea butter mix(I made it myself-raw shea, EVOO, coconut oil and vitaminE) pull the hair up in my bun and slick with castor oil it lays flat. It really does wonders and I'm a 4 textured person. Before I discovered this solution, I looked like I had a TWA from a distance!LOL!

I do notice that castor oil makes my hair look very smooth and shiny. I may have to revisit that. I think I haven't been using mine because I was heavy handed when using it in the past. I usually put a butter or an oil on my hair and follow up with gel along the edges.

But - I was in a salon on my lunch break (when I was supposed to be going to Chipotle only :rolleyes:) and the guy who worked there asked me what I was looking for. I explained my dilemma and he told me that I wasn't supposed to be using gels at all - they would only dry my hair out and make my frizzies worse. This news sucks for me because I have a vast array of gels at home, just like any true pj would. He suggested that I stick to creams or use a very small amount of pomade on wet hair.

Well, I said all that to say your recipe may be just what I need.

Thanks for the replies ladies!!
Ladies, what are you using to get rid of the halo?

No amount of gel will keep my frizzy halo down. I've tried oils, butters, gels, serums, pomades and hair creams - they just don't cut it. My halo goes away when I henna, but I don't feel like doing that every few weeks to calm my frizzy edges. And the scarf method doesn't work well for me either.

I've been using amla oil to help smooth things out, but I'm sick of that smell and I'd like to have company over without them wondering about strange odors :ohwell:.

I have to say that red palm butter is great, but I'm sick of the orange streaks it leaves on my pillow and my cap at work. I'm pretty much looking for something that doesn't have a major draw-back.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Try a little honey in your conditioner when you co-wash....or try doing a honey rinse(1tbsp honey and couple cups of water) as a final rinse in the shower
I wore my hair in a ponytail today and it laid flat with a few squirts of S-curl and FOTE Aloe Vera Gel. I did that 7:30 this morning and as of this post my hair is still submissively laying down. :lol:
I use Shealoe.

That seems to help. I also Tie my hair down for the longest before releasing the hounds ( the hair ):lachen: