Natural ladies I am soooo tired of you......


New Member
and all these beautiful heads of hair!!! :lachen: I originally came to this board in hopes of growing my relaxed hair healthy and long, then......I stumble across soooo many heads of GORGEOUS thick, curly locs and now.......only 4 weeks post relaxer..........I think I wanna transition. :wallbash: So I sit....all relaxed up....wanting to take the plunge to soft, healthy, curly, natural locs. :ohwell: I'm gonna give myself a few weeks to decide, but I am hoping that someone can give me a few transitioning tips :yep: just incase I am inspired enough to take the plunge!

Thanks for everything!

I'm not really far into transitioning, but I would have to say there are a few things you should be ready for on this transition that I have already experienced. Learn how to get an almost perfect balance of moisture and protein. My NG LOVES Moisture, but my relaxed ends love protein... Be patient with your hair because detangling sessions can be angering/depressing/frustrating. Also trying to get your hair styled the want can be infuriating! And also be ready for the backlash around you when people keep telling you that you NEED a relaxer or when they tell you to go do something with your hair.

This is all from my experiences and just from the past 3.5 months...
LOL, funny! I feel you sound like me when I joined the board last summer. I came for the same reason, to grow my relaxed hair, healthy and long. But then after seeing all the beautiful natural heads, and learning that natural hair can still get super straight, just like a relaxer, and being that I didn't even remember my natural texture because I've been relaxed since age 3...I thought, why not go natural! So here i am 1 year post relaxer into a long term transition and lovin it!

If you decide to transition here's a few tips that have helped me so far:

-Keep your hair moisturized, especially the line of demarcation.
-DC regularly with oils, will make detangling so much easier.
-Detangle with a wide tooth comb.
-Moisturize and seal.
-Try to work with your hair not against it.
- Protective styles can be your best friend during the transition.

Best wishes in whatever you decide! :)
I'm not really far into transitioning, but I would have to say there are a few things you should be ready for on this transition that I have already experienced. Learn how to get an almost perfect balance of moisture and protein. My NG LOVES Moisture, but my relaxed ends love protein... Be patient with your hair because detangling sessions can be angering/depressing/frustrating. Also trying to get your hair styled the want can be infuriating! And also be ready for the backlash around you when people keep telling you that you NEED a relaxer or when they tell you to go do something with your hair.

This is all from my experiences and just from the past 3.5 months...

Thanks! I am still learning about protein/mositure balance so hopefully I will gain enough knowledge from the board to start moving toward my transition. :grin:
that has gotten me as well
My mom (by force) and I sit and look through all of the various forums, and especially youtube ....and wonder where and the heck did all these ladies come from???? The most beautiful heads we've ever seen!!! She's convinced this one & that one....alllll have "mixed hair!!!" LOL
NO MAW' (ROFLMAO).... they were just stuck under relaxers your whole life!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen: But I love relaxed and natural hair
and exspecially texlaxed:yep::yep:
She keeps saying what am I gonna do with my hair (newly natural):lachen:
COMB IT!!! :wallbash::wallbash: I informed her that i'm turning my side obsession into a natural hair care salon....She again: "it's not much they can do to their hair!" ....ok mom!:rolleyes: OK!!! (serious sideeye)
From the title, I was gonna come in here and say, "YO MAMA.." but then I read your post. :) Thanks.
:user: Thank you Soon2bsl! I am taking notes. :grin: I've been relaxed since I was 11 and I have "accidently" transistioned :lachen: a few times. Mainly lack of funds for a trip to the salon for a perm. And I was able to turn that in to some really pretty curls, but never thought about KEEPING them. But now....I think I want them back.

LOL, funny! I feel you sound like me when I joined the board last summer. I came for the same reason, to grow my relaxed hair, healthy and long. But then after seeing all the beautiful natural heads, and learning that natural hair can still get super straight, just like a relaxer, and being that I didn't even remember my natural texture because I've been relaxed since age 3...I thought, why not go natural! So here i am 1 year post relaxer into a long term transition and lovin it!

If you decide to transition here's a few tips that have helped me so far:

-Keep your hair moisturized, especially the line of demarcation.
-DC regularly with oils, will make detangling so much easier.
-Detangle with a wide tooth comb.
-Moisturize and seal.
-Try to work with your hair not against it.
- Protective styles can be your best friend during the transition.

Best wishes in whatever you decide! :)
that has gotten me as well
My mom (by force) and I sit and look through all of the various forums, and especially youtube ....and wonder where and the heck did all these ladies come from???? The most beautiful heads we've ever seen!!! She's convinced this one & that one....alllll have "mixed hair!!!" LOL
NO MAW' (ROFLMAO).... they were just stuck under relaxers your whole life!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen: But I love relaxed and natural hair
and exspecially texlaxed:yep::yep:
She keeps saying what am I gonna do with my hair (newly natural):lachen:
COMB IT!!! :wallbash::wallbash: I informed her that i'm turning my side obsession into a natural hair care salon....She again: "it's not much they can do to their hair!" ....ok mom!:rolleyes: OK!!! (serious sideeye)
GIRL YOU TOO!?!? I WANT A NATURAL HAIR SALON SOOOOOOOO FREAKIN BAD! But i have to finish with my computer science degree 1st......

We do what we have to do first so we can do what we want to do....

N i want to go to cosmo school soo freakin bad
LOL, funny! I feel you sound like me when I joined the board last summer. I came for the same reason, to grow my relaxed hair, healthy and long. But then after seeing all the beautiful natural heads, and learning that natural hair can still get super straight, just like a relaxer, and being that I didn't even remember my natural texture because I've been relaxed since age 3...I thought, why not go natural! So here i am 1 year post relaxer into a long term transition and lovin it!

If you decide to transition here's a few tips that have helped me so far:

-Keep your hair moisturized, especially the line of demarcation.
-DC regularly with oils, will make detangling so much easier.
-Detangle with a wide tooth comb.
-Moisturize and seal.
-Try to work with your hair not against it.
- Protective styles can be your best friend during the transition.

Best wishes in whatever you decide! :)

I agree with everything, especially the beginning.

I also joined LHCF to get my relaxed hair healthy and back to his longer state; but, after months of seeing beautiful natural heads and realizing that I can still have longer hair without the unnecessary chemicals, I finally bit the bullet and decided to transition.
Well I'm 6 months in and so far Here's what I've learned.

1. When I first started it was all good until I hit the 3 month mark. Then the small knots started to form. Tt wasn't a big problem, and I probably could have bunned all my way to 6 months, but I got scared and immedialty went to cornrows. I'm glad I did, not much breakage, and my hair gets to rest and grow undisturbed. When it starts getting tougher, don't hesitate to get braids or twist. Protective styles, are you friends :yep:

2. Ceramides, have really helped me, I have hardly any moisture issues and barely any breakage. It's been great so far.

3. A light protein really helps the demarcation line. I've always heard people say that their hair was always breaking at the demarcation line. I never understood why. In my 2 1/2 month, I found out that the conditioner I was using has silk protein, a light protein. I sure that why my hair wasn't breaking so much. Silk protein is light enough for my relaxed and natural hair, and really helped it not to break.

4. Porosity control is also really helpful. I help my hair retain moisture and takes care of my relaxed ends, and they really need it. It also makes detangling a breeze, along with conditioner.

I really hoped that helped!
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Authormom, I'm with you! When I joined LHCF last year, it was becuaes I wanted to grow my relaxed hair longer. Now, I think that I will continue to grow to my goal of MBL and then transition without BC. That way, I won't go through the shock of losing length for a TWA :rolleyes:
:yay:Lot's of great info! Thanks! :grin:

Well I'm 6 months in and so far Here's what I've learned.

1. When I first started it was all good until I hit the 3 month mark. Then the small knots started to form. Tt wasn't a big problem, and I probably could have bunned all my way to 6 months, but I got scared and immedialty went to cornrows. I'm glad I did, not much breakage, and my hair gets to rest and grow undisturbed. When it starts getting tougher, don't hesitate to get braids or twist. Protective styles, are you friends :yep:

2. Ceramides, have really helped me, I have hardly any moisture issues and barely any breakage. It's been great so far.

3. A light protein really helps the demarcation line. I've always heard people say that their hair was always breaking at the demarcation line. I never understood why. In my 2 1/2 month, I found out that the conditioner I was using has silk protein, a light protein. I sure that why my hair wasn't breaking so much. Silk protein is light enough for my relaxed and natural hair, and really helped it not to break.

4. Porosity control is also really helpful. I help my hair retain moisture and takes care of my relaxed ends, and they really need it. It also makes detangling a breeze, along with conditioner.

I really hoped that helped!
Join us!:assimilat

I feel you. I felt the same way when I joined back in 2008. After 15 months, I decided to transition and eventually went on to become 100% natural. I think it was the best decision I have ever made.:yep: My hair is thicker, stronger, and healthier than ever. I would suggest that you check out the transitioning threads. They contain lots of information, as well as youtube videos and fotkis.

Good luck!
I am seven months post and will be a long-term transitioner. But a few things that helped me were :no heat, co-washing, detangling in shower with conditioner. I never detangle on dry hair. I have been retaining and it really hasn't been a problem yet, I am just gonna continue on. And you are right, there are so many beautiful natural ladies here. What an inspiration.
Something I think you need to keep in mind is YOUR bar may not look Like the hair of others you have seen. If you really want to go natural you need to keep that in mind.
Head bands were my best friends 3 years ago. It kept my new growth somewhat slicked back. I tried washing and bunning, but after the 6th month my car was too wild. So I rollerset my hair every week and it hid the two textures. My hair looked so thick and beautiful.

What worked for me was to keep my relaxed hair regimen until I did the BC (keeping in mind that I hardly used heat). My hair was very healthy by the time I cut it.
I am thinking about going natural. So I am not going to relax my hair this year and see how my hair is looking by december to make the decision.
Haha, I feel exactly the same OP. Natural hair just looks so much cooler than relaxed hair, more versatile, and just easier. I've been transitioning for 10 months now and I'm nearly ready to BC, but I've still got a long way till I get that big afro that I'm dreaming of :afro: