Natural ladies: how do you keep you look if you're working out daily?


Well-Known Member
Hi LHCF ladies,
I'm trying to figure out how to keep a straight or semi-straight style if b/c I'm working out daily. So far it's easier to just keep it natural, weaved up etc... but I need tips for when it is straight/flat ironed, b/c I'm going to start wearing and injoying my real hair more and weaving minimally or not at all. TIA
I can honestly keep my hair flat ironed for 8 weeks without reversion if I really wanted to (dont ask me how i know that :look:) I find that coating my hair with some type of oil or even bergamont grease (I know a lot of people arent a fan of grease but it works for me) 1x per week and then putting it in a pony tail with the ends tucked under helps. then i'll put a silk type of bandana on and tie it firmly to keep the roots flat. But it looks cute and stylish while im dancing.

My hair doesnt get weighed down from the grease becasue again i dont put that much in there. I have a 4oz container of grease that I still have from last year and i still have about 90% of it left. Same with the oil.

In my siggy pic that is week 3 (plaid shirt). if it gets too straight or flat i use my conair hot rollers to give it some more fluff.
My hair type is in the 4's. So my hair will revert *snaps fingers* like that.

I tie it down really good with a scarf. In a wrap. then I put my satin bonnet over it. I workout in my home, so I don't worry about who sees.

It doesn't revert if I don't sweat much about my face or head, but if it does, I will just go over the roots with the flat iron.
I'd like to know too for when my hair isn't in braids. I don't know if I'd follow the advice though since I also NEED to wash my hair after I workout. I workout hard every day (as in clothes drenched in sweat and dripping...gross I know), so letting my hair funk up like that will not do.

How do you all keep your hair clean if you're working out everyday?
I'm not natural, but I want to know too because some of us relaxed ladies have this problem too.

I can't.

When I workout, my head sweats first. Not my HEAD!! so weird....and annoying.:cry:
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I can honestly keep my hair flat ironed for 8 weeks without reversion if I really wanted to (dont ask me how i know that :look:) I find that coating my hair with some type of oil or even bergamont grease (I know a lot of people arent a fan of grease but it works for me) 1x per week and then putting it in a pony tail with the ends tucked under helps. then i'll put a silk type of bandana on and tie it firmly to keep the roots flat. But it looks cute and stylish while im dancing.

My hair doesnt get weighed down from the grease becasue again i dont put that much in there. I have a 4oz container of grease that I still have from last year and i still have about 90% of it left. Same with the oil.

In my siggy pic that is week 3 (plaid shirt). if it gets too straight or flat i use my conair hot rollers to give it some more fluff.

For 8 weeks? Wow i'm stunned, how do you keep it moisterized or does the grease/oil provide that for you? I oiled my hair with coconut, olive, and melted shea but it still felt pretty dry.:nono:
For 8 weeks? Wow i'm stunned, how do you keep it moisterized or does the grease/oil provide that for you? I oiled my hair with coconut, olive, and melted shea but it still felt pretty dry.:nono:
Yes 8 weeks. I got really sick and then i got really busy and before you know it it was 2 months. gross i know :nono: Normally I get my hair done every 3 weeks and it stays pretty fresh in between. Im just gonna chalk it up to my hair type and maybe because I dont sweat that much from my head it doesnt revert.

Maybe the coconut olive oil and melted shea was too much to use all at once for your hair? When i first started pressing my hair again i used to moisturize every single day 2x a hair kept getting dryer and dryer due to buildup. When I switched it up and only moisturized 1x a week my hair retained a lot more moisture. My hair stays moisturized so much better in its straightened state than when its curly.
It is completely IMMPOSSIBLE to wear my hair straight when I work out, relaxed OR natural. I do hardore spinning like five times per week and I am totally drenched in sweat, the kind where you're over heated and you wipe your sweat and it just continues to pour down my face. Shoot my clothes are soaking wet too, lol. So for ME the only thing that works is wearing weaves or wearing twists (when my hair was natural), that's why I'm transitioning yet again. ALOT of black women will not workout for the consequences of "sweating their hair out". I know you guys have heard someone say this before, lol. Working out for me is such a big part of my life that I would go bald before I didn't go to the gym to not mess up my hair.
(I'm not natural though) But I am learning the importance of focusing on my muscles to lose weight...usually when you lift weights you don't sweat as much as doing cardio. So I focus on weights (not much sweating) then do the cardio but not too intensely unless it is the end of the week and then I do my hair on the weekends...I've lost weight and still not have to clean my hair everyday this way.