Natural ladies, have you tried Anthony Dickey's Hair Rules Kinky Curling Cream?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious about this product (and the other products in the line) and if it actually works. It's at I guess this line is new so I'm not sure if anyone here has had a chance to try it yet.

The line includes clarifying shampoo, a no-suds shampoo, a deep conditioner, a leave-in conditioner, and other products.

I'm especially curious about the Kinky Curling Cream. This is the description:
styling for kinky hair
this amazing, ultra-moisturizing curling cream transforms spongy 'fro and kinks into bouncy, luscious spirals, simply and effortlessly. stretches and defines tightly wound tresses without chemical or thermal manipulation. eliminates shrinkage and banishes frizz in a single step for wash-and-go results.



I haven't tried his products, but I did read his book a few months ago and he does seem to know what he's talking about for the most part. The ingredients that he uses in some of his products wouldn't be my first choice, but for someone who isn't as picky as I am it might be worth a shot. Please be aware that the kinky curling cream does contain mineral oil though.:ohwell:
Ohh, sounds wonderful.:drunk: The results almost look like a silkener.:yep: Too rich for my blood, though. IC gel costs less than 4 dollars.
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I haven't tried his products, but I did read his book a few months ago and he does seem to know what he's talking about for the most part. The ingredients that he uses in some of his products wouldn't be my first choice, but for someone who isn't as picky as I am it might be worth a shot. Please be aware that the kinky curling cream does contain mineral oil though.:ohwell:
Really? :ohwell: Too bad he had to put that in there. I like the results though!

Ohh, sounds wonderful.:drunk: The results almost look like a silkener.:yep: Too rich for my blood, though. IC gel costs less than 4 dollars.
I didn't notice the price - I just checked and saw that it's $18.50 for 8oz. Yeah, that's kinda high. Definitely higher than IC gel, or the Long Aid gel that's on my list of things to try!
There have been 2 threads so far I've seen about this product line. I believe one of our members has him as her stylist, and I do remember she raved about the results after a visit not to long ago. I would really like to try the kinky curling cream as well because of those results in the pic, but I have not bought them because I was unable to find the ingreidents and the price is high IMO. Mineral oil or not, if I could have similar results, I may have to try it!:grin:

Here is one link to others threads:
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I bought it,used it once, and didnt like it much, it made my hair feel greasy and dried it's just collecting dust....

Ima try and experiment with it though...