Natural lades: any of you use or familiar with


Well-Known Member
the CG or curly girl method, I saw it on ?I guess it's just basically a no poo method. I don't if I could go without poo or cones. But has anyone tried it and gotten really great results?
I don't know if people are really doing the CG method (whatever it is) but there are indeed about 98978520808 people on the forum who do not use shampoos at all and who do not use cones.
No poo is basically not using any shampoos to wash your hair. Instead you would use a conditioner. I've been doing this since September and my hair is fine. I will usually use shampoo at least once a month. I do notice that if I try to shampoo more than that my hair gets VERY dry.

Here's a better description with pictures: primer.html
I suppose I'm doing curly girl - my hair is much happier than it was when I was using shampoo, but I almost never wear my hair curly, so whether it helps with that, I can't tell you.
I tried it and my hair didn't like it too well. I have dandruff issues when I don't use some poo. I elminated poos w/sulfates and now I just use diluted poo on my scalp mostly and hair.
I'm CG.

It works well for me.

I had trouble at first, but then realized that a couple of my products had a cone I didn't know about. Got rid of them and my hair seems to be doing fine!

I co-wash daily. I only use shampoo (usually burt's bees) about every 3 weeks or so, so am technically not 100% "no poo."
Thanks, ladies. I wonder if I'm just making myself think I can't do without poo or cones. well I will continue using what I have for now.
Thanks, ladies. I wonder if I'm just making myself think I can't do without poo or cones. well I will continue using what I have for now.

I have been doing this for the past 3 years. It has made a huge difference in my hair.

You can try the next two times you wash your hair and see how it works. If it doesn, then you can always go back.

It was a mental change for me, I just had a hard time realizing that no shampoo was a good thing. I had a potluck at my home one day with about 14 natural hair ladies and someone mention this and for 45 minutes I was schooled on why this was a great idea.

I tried it once and have never gone back with the exception of clayrifying which is every other month or so.
I have been doing this for the past 3 years. It has made a huge difference in my hair.

You can try the next two times you wash your hair and see how it works. If it doesn, then you can always go back.

It was a mental change for me, I just had a hard time realizing that no shampoo was a good thing. I had a potluck at my home one day with about 14 natural hair ladies and someone mention this and for 45 minutes I was schooled on why this was a great idea.

I tried it once and have never gone back with the exception of clayrifying which is every other month or so.

wow... that sounds pretty inspiring. I don't have many natural ladies to chat with IRL.. and those that are are not AA so they don't necessarily have the same issues with their hair as I do. Well some, like the not washing frequently thing but that is about it. I guess I will have to use up what I have for now (too broke to give away and buy new stuff) and file it away for future reference. I don't seenm to notice any problems right now so far so good. :perplexed