Natural/Herbal Hair Remedies


Well-Known Member
I got to thinking early this week about what product do well for my hair and when I looked back all my best prodcuts are either natural or herbal.

With that I wanted to list the best of the best natural/herbal remedies and hoped you ladies would join me.

For Thicker Hair
  • Castor Oil applied after homemade moisturizer
For Strength
  • Horsetail tea mixed with Nettle, Sage, Rosemary, Tree Tea and Aloe Vera Gel all in a spray bottle and applied as my mositurizer
  • ACV Rinse (1 - 2 tbsp in 16 oz of water) applied after last rinse
For Growth
  • Low/ No manipulation
For Now I Lay Me Down Hair
  • Aloe Vera Gel and a good ole scarf --> thanks Mahalialee4

What's you remedy?

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Oiling the scalp and massage with Jojoba Oil with lavender and rosemary essential oil in a Sally's color application bottle.

Drinking more filtered water.

Examine your combs, brushes, and styling tools for fractures. If your comb has a piece of plastic that sticks out where it was attached to the mold, smooth it with a nail file. Do not put up with it. It will tear your hair, making it thin. Also, when a prong on the blow-dryer comb attachment breaks, just throw it away. It will tear out your hair. Don't be cheap. Buy another one.

Mona - I don't have any suggestions...yet! I'm still working on my perfect regimen. I will say HENNA for strength and thickness!
I got one

Sweet almond oil mixed with rosemary, clary sage, and peppermint essentials oils applied to you hairline and nape using a soft toothbrush about 10 mins before washing. Helps stimulate growth in these areas.
There you go! You ladies are making me proud! :)

I must add this note: Right after I put my homemade moisturizer in my hair my scalp starts going wild. I itch all day long. I try my best not to dig but WOWO!!!!! It works!

Also, I switch back to once a week washings! It worked when I was in college many moons ago so my guess is it will work now! :ohwell:

weekly deep conditioner:

1 egg, 2tbsp honey, 3tbsp evoo (I also use this as a face mask)


fav cheap conditioner

works like a charm
I image this leave you with extra soft managable hair omnipadme!

I'll have to try this one!