Natural hair VEnt-Sorry

Okay so my hair is natural now i've been since last april wearing weaves, wigs and recently braids to grow my hair out. No one at my job has seen my real hair until today, i decided to wear it in a bun. So yes my hair is thick, alittle on the puffy side, but anyways, this girl ask me at my job is like, " that's alot of hair to be putting under a wig", i'm like well i've been growing it out. "well you know i do hair, i'm available after work" I like :? and politely accepted her information. I trip over how many people feel like they are trying to help me by saying Girl you need a relaxer, Yeah Whatever (no offense to those who do but i'm just saying when you know your taking care of your hair don't you hate when someone tries to to tell you what you should do when all they know is pcj and Blue Magic ( Grease)?
Trust that they will stop giving you advice and start asking for it. I use to have folks look at me sideways because I didn't quite have a handle on my natural hair. I completely understand and take care of my natural hair now. I get lots of questions and positive feedback. When I would wear my hair in a bun, it would have to be wet with scurl wave pomade or IC fantasia gel on it to get it to slick back. I don't do it often because it is too much work. Don't let her perm your hair. Perm is not the answer to hair woes. If you need suggestions on styles for work, PM me.

I currently sport twistouts frequently. I twist my hair with Barry Fletcher twist like this and twist my hair. The next day I unravel the twists.
I hate when people offer to do my hair :mad: bc so often it seems like a backhanded compliment. They are really trying to say my hair looks raggedy and that they know something I don't know. Like I'm in dire need of their great assistance.

WHY is it always the ones with ten pounds of goop in thier chewed up shredded wheat looking heads that want to school me on how to take care of my hair?

Grrr... this is a pet peeve of mine.
How was her hair looking? She already saw that you had alot of hair and was probably hating on that, and will probably "Accidently" make you loose some of your hair in the process of her doing your hair. Everbody done seen my head Bald to what I have now and NOW I am going to buy me a wig for the summer and let my hair grow and rest.
Her hair looked recently colored not thick but not thin either, i just got to stop letting the people get to me because I know i'm looking right and some folks just can't handle to see that. Anyway MsJadu if you see this thread drop in because i know you go through this all time!
When I was transitioning I had people recommending stylist all the time. I didn't BC (short hair on my large head isn't cute) so it took a while and looking back at pictures it was ummmm awkward looking. I just gave them the side eye and kept it moving. Just wait until you have a head full of thick luxurious hair and they start asking you for advice!
Country gal said:
Trust that they will stop giving you advice and start asking for it. I use to have folks look at me sideways because I didn't quite have a handle on my natural hair. I completely understand and take care of my natural hair now. I get lots of questions and positive feedback. When I would wear my hair in a bun, it would have to be wet with scurl wave pomade or IC fantasia gel on it to get it to slick back. I don't do it often because it is too much work. Don't let her perm your hair. Perm is not the answer to hair woes. If you need suggestions on styles for work, PM me.

I currently sport twistouts frequently. I twist my hair with Barry Fletcher twist like this and twist my hair. The next day I unravel the twists.

Can you please post your suggestions!
Once your co-worker sees your natural, healthy hair swinging down your back, she will be begging you for hair adivce. You just keep doing what you're doing and your hair will speak for itself. The same women that made catty remarks while I was growing my hair out, are the same ones grilling me on hair advice now that my hair is past my brastrap. Success is the best revenge;)
pinkskates said:
Once your co-worker sees your natural, healthy hair swinging down your back, she will be begging you for hair adivce. You just keep doing what you're doing and your hair will speak for itself. The same women that made catty remarks while I was growing my hair out, are the same ones grilling me on hair advice now that my hair is past my brastrap. Success is the best revenge;)
I agree success is the best revenge. People used to be like that with my hair too. they'd say well, what are you doign with it? or it looks frizzy yada yada. Even my friends and family members, but now that I've gotten my act together I get nothing but compliments on how full, cute, and pretty my hair is, and plenty of wuestions about products i use and what suggestions I have for them. Brush that off, and don't use the number if you don't want to.
Country gal said:
Trust that they will stop giving you advice and start asking for it. I use to have folks look at me sideways because I didn't quite have a handle on my natural hair. I completely understand and take care of my natural hair now. I get lots of questions and positive feedback. When I would wear my hair in a bun, it would have to be wet with scurl wave pomade or IC fantasia gel on it to get it to slick back. I don't do it often because it is too much work. Don't let her perm your hair. Perm is not the answer to hair woes. If you need suggestions on styles for work, PM me.

I currently sport twistouts frequently. I twist my hair with Barry Fletcher twist like this and twist my hair. The next day I unravel the twists.

Umm... do I sense a ...spinoff?? (hint, hint)
pinkskates said:
Once your co-worker sees your natural, healthy hair swinging down your back, she will be begging you for hair adivce. You just keep doing what you're doing and your hair will speak for itself. The same women that made catty remarks while I was growing my hair out, are the same ones grilling me on hair advice now that my hair is past my brastrap. Success is the best revenge;)

I totallu AGREE!

You do not have to explain your hair or your choice to wear it natural to anyone.

I get the same thing!!!! Because no one at my new job (started last September) has seen my REAL hair. The few black women here are curious or try make catty comments- but I just shake it off. ;)
Just be VERY patient! When I first went natural, my entire family thought I had gone mad!!! People kept asking me what are you going to do with your hair? My reply, would always be "the same thing you are going to do with your hair". I just thought it was a stupid question. But, now my hair is the envy of the entire family. They just couldn't see my vision. So, in due time, people will be asking you how to take care of their hair. Now, my best friend is going natural.....
100384 said:
Okay so my hair is natural now i've been since last april wearing weaves, wigs and recently braids to grow my hair out. No one at my job has seen my real hair until today, i decided to wear it in a bun. So yes my hair is thick, alittle on the puffy side, but anyways, this girl ask me at my job is like, " that's alot of hair to be putting under a wig", i'm like well i've been growing it out. "well you know i do hair, i'm available after work" I like :? and politely accepted her information. I trip over how many people feel like they are trying to help me by saying Girl you need a relaxer, Yeah Whatever (no offense to those who do but i'm just saying when you know your taking care of your hair don't you hate when someone tries to to tell you what you should do when all they know is pcj and Blue Magic ( Grease)?[/quote]

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
thickness said:
Just be VERY patient! When I first went natural, my entire family thought I had gone mad!!! People kept asking me what are you going to do with your hair? My reply, would always be "the same thing you are going to do with your hair". I just thought it was a stupid question. But, now my hair is the envy of the entire family. They just couldn't see my vision. So, in due time, people will be asking you how to take care of their hair. Now, my best friend is going natural.....

I went through the same thing when I first started. I got all kinds of comments and complements. But it was the comments that were starting to discourage me. I just thank god for the loving ex I had at that time who never said a bad thing about my hair. Even now, I look back at some of the pictures and laugh, but it's a learning experience. It's your experience, ignore what everyone else has to say about your hair. You know what journey you're on, no one else needs an explaination of that.
Thanks everyone for this thread today. I really needed a boost.hhg:) BTW Curly Rae how did you do your twistout in your siggy? Wet,dry, blowdried? Do you have a album?
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